Morrissey Technology


artificial intelligence

OpenAI Powered Robot Shows Off, Chats and Serves Apples

Morrissey Technology – Robots with artificial intelligence (AI) technology are increasingly sophisticated and the latest ones can serve food and communicate like humans. The robot, named Figure 01, is equipped with OpenAI technology, which allows it to have full conversations with humans and make a cup of coffee.

Figure, the company behind the smart robot, uploaded a video clip about the sophistication of Figure 01 on their official account on X (formerly Twitter). In the video, you can see a series of simple tests. Initially, Figure 01 was asked to give an apple, and then a trial conversation between a human and a robot.

Researchers asked the robot to explain why it handed him an apple while he was picking up trash. As a result, the robot can answer all these questions in a friendly voice. In its statement, the Figure company explained that the conversations that the robot can carry out are supported by integration with technology created by OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT FOR4D.

“With OpenAI, Figure 01 can now have a full conversation with a human. OpenAI models provide high-level visual and language intelligence. Artificial neural networks provide fast, low-level, dexterous robotic actions,” said Figure’s official statement on Twitter.

Quoting LiveScience, experts interpret this technology as a form of progress in two main fields of robotics. The first advancement is the mechanical engineering behind robot movements that are agile and can self-correct like humans can.

This means there is a technology of highly precise motors, actuators and graspers inspired by joints or muscles, as well as motor controls to manipulate them to perform tasks and hold objects carefully, on the robot.

Picking up a cup, for example, something humans do almost unconsciously, uses an intensive process to direct muscles in a precise sequence. The second advance is real-time natural language processing (NLP) thanks to the addition of the OpenAI engine – which should be as fast and responsive as ChatGPT FOR4D when you type queries or commands into it.

It also requires software to translate this data into audio, or speech. NLP is a field of computer science that aims to give machines the ability to understand and convey speech.

Overall, the test robot can already resemble humans, if the footage and scenes are real. Starting from including random diction when speaking then starting the sentence ‘um’ which is subconsciously similar to humans when taking a split second to think about what to say.