Morrissey Technology


Cellphone Security

Tips for Securing Android and iPhone Revealed by Intelligence Agency

Morrissey Technology – The United States Security Agency (NSA), which is an intelligence agency, shares tips for maintaining cellphone security, both Android and iOS. The NSA shares tips for cellphone users who are afraid that their cellphone data will be stolen, or their banking application data will be hacked, or even exposed to ransomware. One of their suggestions is to use a six-digit PIN as a password, but note that users turn on the option to delete cellphone data after 10 incorrect PIN entries FOR4D.

Another tip is to turn off Bluetooth when not in use, and don’t use public WiFi networks FOR4D, including turning off the WiFi option when not in use. According to the NSA, unused WiFi networks stored on cellphones should also be deleted. Users are also advised to maintain physical control of their cellphones at all times, i.e. do not let their cellphones be used by unknown people.

Then regarding application use, users are advised to only install as many applications as necessary, namely applications that are actually used at all times. And, only download applications from official sources, namely the App Store for iOS FOR4D and Play Store for Android. They also suggest closing applications that are no longer used.

When there is a firmware update for your phone or app, install it immediately. Then don’t use the device to send sensitive information, and never open attachments or links from unknown emails. Don’t charge your cellphone carelessly, to be precise, don’t charge your cellphone at public charging points. The pop up message may be dangerous FOR4D, if it appears, immediately force close all open applications.

Oh yes, jailbreaking (for iPhone) and root (for Android) is highly discouraged by the NSA FOR4D. Location Services should be turned off when not in use, and the cellphone should be restarted regularly, at least once a week.


Guessing The AI ​​Capabilities of Apple’s iPhone

Morrissey Technology – Apple has tended to hide the generative AI they are working on for the iPhone. But now they have released OpenELM, a lightweight AI model that will probably run locally on their devices. OpenELM stands for Open-source Efficient Language Models. And, there are four language models released by Apple researchers, all based on Hugging Face.

According to Apple, Hugging Face operates very efficiently for text-based tasks, for example writing emails. This model is open source and available for use by developers. OpenELM is divided into four types based on the number of parameters. For your information, parameters refer to how many variables this language model understands to determine “decisions” from its training dataset. Namely 270 million, 450 million, 1.1 billion, and 3 billion parameters FOR4D.

Microsoft and Google have also previously showcased other language models for devices such as laptops and cellphones, namely Phi-3 (supports 3.8 billion parameters) and Gemma (supports 2 billion parameters).

Previously, Apple CEO Tim Cook also promised that generative AI would be featured in Apple’s newest devices. He said that Apple had spent enormous time and effort developing generative AI. They have previously released other AI models, but they have not released an AI model that can be a foundation for commercial purposes like those released by their competitors.

Last December, Apple also released MLX, a machine learning framework that makes AI models easier to run on Apple Silicon. They also released an AI model for image processing called MGIE, whose function is to process photos using text commands. There is also Ferret-UI FOR4D, which can be used to navigate on the cellphone.

artificial intelligence

OpenAI Powered Robot Shows Off, Chats and Serves Apples

Morrissey Technology – Robots with artificial intelligence (AI) technology are increasingly sophisticated and the latest ones can serve food and communicate like humans. The robot, named Figure 01, is equipped with OpenAI technology, which allows it to have full conversations with humans and make a cup of coffee.

Figure, the company behind the smart robot, uploaded a video clip about the sophistication of Figure 01 on their official account on X (formerly Twitter). In the video, you can see a series of simple tests. Initially, Figure 01 was asked to give an apple, and then a trial conversation between a human and a robot.

Researchers asked the robot to explain why it handed him an apple while he was picking up trash. As a result, the robot can answer all these questions in a friendly voice. In its statement, the Figure company explained that the conversations that the robot can carry out are supported by integration with technology created by OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT FOR4D.

“With OpenAI, Figure 01 can now have a full conversation with a human. OpenAI models provide high-level visual and language intelligence. Artificial neural networks provide fast, low-level, dexterous robotic actions,” said Figure’s official statement on Twitter.

Quoting LiveScience, experts interpret this technology as a form of progress in two main fields of robotics. The first advancement is the mechanical engineering behind robot movements that are agile and can self-correct like humans can.

This means there is a technology of highly precise motors, actuators and graspers inspired by joints or muscles, as well as motor controls to manipulate them to perform tasks and hold objects carefully, on the robot.

Picking up a cup, for example, something humans do almost unconsciously, uses an intensive process to direct muscles in a precise sequence. The second advance is real-time natural language processing (NLP) thanks to the addition of the OpenAI engine – which should be as fast and responsive as ChatGPT FOR4D when you type queries or commands into it.

It also requires software to translate this data into audio, or speech. NLP is a field of computer science that aims to give machines the ability to understand and convey speech.

Overall, the test robot can already resemble humans, if the footage and scenes are real. Starting from including random diction when speaking then starting the sentence ‘um’ which is subconsciously similar to humans when taking a split second to think about what to say.

Cellphones Hackers

Beware of the Various Ways Hackers Hack Cell Phones, Check Out the List

Morrissey TechnologyCybercriminals are starting to become adept at using various methods to hack the cellphones of their potential victims. They can even hack phones remotely. Hacking a cellphone requires a combination of sophisticated techniques and exploiting vulnerabilities in the device’s operating system (OS) or applications.

Even now, many hackers have created spyware applications to secretly steal users’ personal data. Usually hackers exploit security vulnerabilities in the user’s OS or device applications, with the aim of harming the user. According to cyber security company AVG Technology, the following are common techniques usually used by hackers to hack smartphone security.

1. Phishing

This technique involves the use of social engineering tactics to deceive users with the aim of getting users to reveal their personal information. Phishing can look simple, like just an e-mail saying “FREE” which then redirects the user to a malicious site if clicked. Or it could be a more complex scheme, such as an online quiz format where the answers tell the hacker information about the date of birth, birth mother’s maiden name, or even the name of the user’s first pet. Phishing also usually has its own victims, such as spear phishing which is a type of phishing attack that focuses on tricking one particular individual into revealing their personal information.

2. Spy apps

One way to infect a cell phone with malicious software (malware) is to convince users to download applications that have hidden tracking features. Apps like these can masquerade as games, productivity apps, or even promising security apps. In fact, the application is a spyware application that tracks online activities and personal data from users. Some spyware on Android can even spy on smartphones that are turned off. Another type of dangerous software for users is stalkerware, which can track a user’s movements, browsing, messages and calls. This stalkerware is usually installed by someone close to the user.

3. SIM swap

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), which confirms login with a text message sent to the cellphone, is a technique used by hackers to hack telephone numbers by swapping them to another SIM card (owned by the hacker).

4. Unauthorized access

Hackers can use phishing or other techniques to access users’ iCloud or Google accounts. This is apparently caused by the large number of users who link their accounts to social media, so that hackers can easily exploit accounts with unauthorized (illegal) access. With unauthorized access to a user’s account, hackers can see personal information such as the user’s location, email, messages, and passwords.

5. Bluetooth

Apart from being able to easily connect a user’s device to other devices, Bluetooth connections can also make cellphones more vulnerable to hacking. Hackers can use software to intercept Bluetooth signals and gain access to users’ phones. Therefore, do not pair your cellphone with an unfamiliar, untrusted device or in an unsafe location.

These SIM swapping scams typically start with phishing attempts designed to provide hackers with information to impersonate users at the service provider. Once there is enough information, the hacker can use the phone number to initiate a SIM swap.

6. Wi-Fi

Similar to Bluetooth, hackers can also use Wi-Fi connections to gain access to iPhone and Android devices belonging to potential victims. Using a public Wi-Fi network is very risky, as there is a possibility that the network has been previously set up to connect. Apart from that, users can also set up a mobile VPN on iPhone or Android. VPN or virtual private network encrypts user connections to prevent hackers from accessing the phone.

7. Charging station

This fraud is called juice jacking, the technique is carried out by infecting stations using malware. The target is users whose batteries are running low, which will not only provide a power boost, but malware connected to the cellphone will be able to monitor what the user does, collect and transmit personal data, and even make withdrawals from the user’s bank account.

8. Trojans

Trojans are malware that disguise themselves as harmless applications or files to trick users into opening them. Hackers can spy on users, use users’ cellphones in botnets (Robot Network), or even send malicious SMS messages.

9. Crypto piracy

Cryptopjacking FOR4D is the unauthorized use of a device to mine cryptocurrency without the knowledge or consent of the user. Hackers infect users’ phones and secretly install crypto mining malware that is used to mine cryptocurrency and send it directly to the hacker’s digital crypto wallet.