Morrissey Technology


Tips for Securing Android and iPhone Revealed by Intelligence Agency

Cellphone Security

Tips for Securing Android and iPhone Revealed by Intelligence Agency

Morrissey Technology – The United States Security Agency (NSA), which is an intelligence agency, shares tips for maintaining cellphone security, both Android and iOS. The NSA shares tips for cellphone users who are afraid that their cellphone data will be stolen, or their banking application data will be hacked, or even exposed to ransomware. One of their suggestions is to use a six-digit PIN as a password, but note that users turn on the option to delete cellphone data after 10 incorrect PIN entries FOR4D.

Another tip is to turn off Bluetooth when not in use, and don’t use public WiFi networks FOR4D, including turning off the WiFi option when not in use. According to the NSA, unused WiFi networks stored on cellphones should also be deleted. Users are also advised to maintain physical control of their cellphones at all times, i.e. do not let their cellphones be used by unknown people.

Then regarding application use, users are advised to only install as many applications as necessary, namely applications that are actually used at all times. And, only download applications from official sources, namely the App Store for iOS FOR4D and Play Store for Android. They also suggest closing applications that are no longer used.

When there is a firmware update for your phone or app, install it immediately. Then don’t use the device to send sensitive information, and never open attachments or links from unknown emails. Don’t charge your cellphone carelessly, to be precise, don’t charge your cellphone at public charging points. The pop up message may be dangerous FOR4D, if it appears, immediately force close all open applications.

Oh yes, jailbreaking (for iPhone) and root (for Android) is highly discouraged by the NSA FOR4D. Location Services should be turned off when not in use, and the cellphone should be restarted regularly, at least once a week.

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