Morrissey Technology


Ransomware Cyber ​​Attack

2 Russian Citizens Involved in Global Ransomware Cyber ​​Attack

Morrissey Technology – Two Russian citizens admitted to being involved in a number of LockBit ransomware attacks targeting victims in a number of countries. According to a Department of Justice press release, Russian citizen Ruslan Magomedovich Astamirov and Canadian/Russian citizen Mikhail Vasiliev are affiliates of LockBit’s ransomware-as-a-service operation. LockBit affiliates such as Vasiliev and Astamirov would identify and breach vulnerable systems on victims’ networks, steal sensitive stored data, and help deploy ransomware payloads to encrypt files.

Next, they will demand a ransom from the victims in exchange for deleting and not leaking the stolen data online and decrypting the victim’s data. If victims do not pay the ransom, LockBit will leave their data permanently encrypted and publish the stolen files, including highly sensitive information, on the gang’s dark web leak sites. According to court documents, Astamirov (aka BETTERPAY, offtitan, and Eastfarmer) used LockBit between 2020 and 2023 against at least a dozen victims, including businesses in Virginia, Japan, France, Scotland, and Kenya. He collected at least US$1.9 million (equivalent to Rp. 30.8 billion) in ransom money from the cyber attack.

Meanwhile, Vasiliev (aka Ghostrider, Free, Digitalocean90, Digitalocean99, Digitalwaters99, and Newwave110) also used LockBit ransomware in at least 12 attacks against victims around the world, including businesses in New Jersey, Michigan, England, and Switzerland between the years 2021 to 2023. The attack caused damage and losses of at least US$500,000. Astamirov was arrested in Arizona in June 2023 and charged with spreading LockBit ransomware. Vasiliev, who was extradited to the United States in June, has been sentenced to four years in prison by an Ontario court for his involvement in the LockBit ransomware operation. According to Bleeping Computer, Astamirov faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison, while Vasiliev faces a maximum sentence of 45 years in prison. Until now there is no information on the timetable for the verdict for the two Russian cybercriminals.

LockBit’s lunge

LockBit 3.0 is an organized crime ransomware that is motivated by financial gain. It is known that they used Multi-Extortion tactics, to manage and disclose data to the public as well as coordinating the sale of victim data. Palo Alto Networks, a cybersecurity company, also stated that the Lockbit 3.0 ransomware group was the most dominant globally and in Asia Pacific for this ransomware mode. They accounted for 928 leak site posts or 23 percent of all global attacks.

In February, this ransomware group was busted by law enforcement through ‘Operation Kronos’ involving 10 countries, including the US and UK. The result, for example, was that two Russian citizens were arrested in the US. Apart from that, control of the Lockbit website was taken over. LockBit emerged in September 2019 as ABCD and has since claimed and been linked to attacks on many well-known companies and organizations, including Boeing, automotive giant Continental, ank of America, Italy’s Internal Revenue Service, and Britain’s Royal Mail.

In February 2024, law enforcement conducted Operation Cronos, crippling LockBit’s infrastructure and seizing 34 servers. These servers contain over 2,500 decryption keys that are used to create the free LockBit 3.0 Black Ransomware decryptor. The US Department of Justice and the UK’s National Crime Agency estimate that the gang extorted between $500 million and $1 billion after carrying out at least 7,000 attacks between June 2022 and February 2024. The LockBit 3.0 group was also recently mentioned in the case of hacking the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2 in Surabaya using ransomware mode.

Cyber ​​Attack Protection with Simas Cyber ​​Enterprise Insurance

Cyber ​​Attack Protection with Simas Cyber ​​Enterprise Insurance

Morrissey Technology – In today’s digital era, data is the most valuable asset for companies. We have learned enough from cases of data breaches, ransomware and other cyber attacks that have occurred recently. Without safe and protected data, company operations can be significantly disrupted. This not only has the potential to reduce revenue, but also directly harm customers.

In addition, the company’s reputation that has been built with great difficulty can be tarnished due to cyber attacks. Therefore, it is very important for companies to have a strict cybersecurity system.

In addition, the existence of regulations in Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection which requires companies to ensure data security and protection as well as the threat of sanctions in the form of administrative fines of up to 2% of annual revenue, further emphasizes the importance of strengthening company cyber security.

Cyber-security is like a fence that protects a house from thieves. However, even if you have installed a high fence, there is no guarantee that thieves cannot enter. Hackers could find loopholes and break into the system. Therefore, additional safety nets are needed to anticipate undesirable events.

PT Asuransi Sinar Mas understands that cyber crime will pose a risk of harming various business institutions in Indonesia. To anticipate this, Sinar Mas Insurance has prepared a liability insurance product, namely Simas Cyber ​​Enterprise FOR4D.

“Currently we see that cyber security has become the biggest challenge in the digital era. Protection of customer data is crucial. For this reason, Asuransi Sinar Mas has prepared Simas Cyber ​​Enterprise as protection in facing this risk,” said Director and Corporate Secretary of PT Asuransi Sinar Mas Dumasi M M Samosir, in a written statement, Tuesday (2/7/2024)

“We hope that by using this product, business sectors in Indonesia will get protection against cyber attacks in doing business,” he continued.

Simas Cyber ​​Enterprise provides guarantees for the costs of restoring electronic data affected by cyber attacks, business interruption compensation, Forensic IT services for investigating cyber attacks, threats of extortion by hackers to pay a sum of money to end a cyber attack and other guarantees.

“One of the advantages of our Simas Cyber ​​Enterprise is the fast acceptance process and effective claim settlement process,” explained Dumasi.

Simas Cyber ​​Enterprise can be used for protection for companies that have concerns about the data security of companies that manage customer personal data or store valuable digital assets on a large scale, such as financial institutions, banks, marketplaces and hospitals. Apart from corporations, Sinar Mas Insurance is also developing Cyber ​​Insurance products to be marketed to the individual segment.

Sinar Mas Insurance also provides a Simas Cyber ​​Enterprise FOR4D product consultation service which can be accessed via the following link. Apart from that, Sinar Mas Insurance is also committed to providing education so that the public has an understanding of information technology system security, cyber attacks and what can be done to minimize risks. Education will be carried out through social media and the website