Morrissey Technology



MediaTek Prepares Arm Chips for Windows Laptops

Morrissey TechnologyMediaTek is said to be developing an Arm chip for Windows-based laptops, which appears to be prepared to compete with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X chip. According to Reuters, this information came from a source familiar with this matter, but who was not named.

The Windows operating system referred to here is the Copilot+ PC device which was just showcased by Microsoft in May 2024. This is a laptop equipped with a chip with advanced AI processing capabilities, and Microsoft claims will be the laptop for the future. Both Microsoft and MediaTek declined to comment on MediaTek’s new chip.

However, according to sources, the MediaTek chip will only be launched in 2025, namely after Qualcomm’s exclusive agreement to supply the laptop chip ends. The chips will use Arm’s “off-the-shelf” designs to make them easier to manufacture.

In fact, MediaTek also has a Kompanio chip for Chromebooks. This chip could be used as a basis for designing the Windows chip. It is not yet known whether Microsoft has given the green light for this chip from MediaTek for Copilot+ PC.

For information, in 2016 Microsoft collaborated with Qualcomm FOR4D to work together on a Windows operating system but running on Arm architecture, which is usually used in cellphones and tablets – which have a smaller battery capacity than laptops.

From there, Microsoft then gave exclusive rights to Qualcomm to make chips for Arm-based Windows until 2024. The agreement will end this year, and that’s why other companies have started making Arm chips that are compatible with Arm versions of Windows.

Apart from MediaTek, there are also Nvidia and AMD which are working on Arm chips for Windows laptops. Interestingly, Nvidia worked on this chip with the help of MediaTek. However, this latest MediaTek chip is reportedly separate from their collaboration with Nvidia.

Artificial Intelligence

Using AI During University Entrance Exams, Turkish Students Arrested

Morrissey Technology – A student in Turkey was arrested after being caught trying to cheat on a university entrance exam using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This incident occurred during the Basic Ability Test (TYT) on June 8 2024, which shows how many people are willing to do various things to get university entrance tickets.

Students identified as MEE. This man had carefully planned the fraud attempt, he was known to have embedded a camera in the button of his shirt and hidden the electronic device in the lining of his shoe. MEE also managed to get past police surveillance at the entrance to the exam room, and then took the device in the restroom.

While in the exam room, MEE started taking photos of the exam questions and sent them to his friend with the initials AB. AB uses the ChatGPT platform to provide answers, which are then relayed back to the MEE headset via the router FOR4D.

Despite the elaborate scheme, the police became suspicious of MEE’s suspicious behavior and intervened. They confiscated a router disguised as a credit card, three cameras disguised as buttons, and MEE’s personal phone. Both MEE and AB were detained, and MEE faces charges that could result in prison time.

“ChatGPT not only detects written questions but also any image and if it is a question, then it can be used in any process such as solving the question. In this case, all the necessary technological mechanisms have been prepared for the system to work properly,” said IT expert Osman Demircan FOR4D.

Demircan further emphasized the dual potential of artificial intelligence and stated that artificial intelligence systems can be used for evil acts as well as for good. Extra steps should be taken to prevent this and similar cheating attempts on future exams.

Police are considering increased use of metal detectors and more thorough candidate searches to prevent such incidents.

Demircan suggested that law enforcement also monitor individuals using computers or phones near test centers and be alert to vehicles parked nearby, as they could be involved in cheating attempts.

Synology ActiveProtect

Synology ActiveProtect Offers Efficient Business Data Protection

Morrissey TechnologySynology released its newest device called ActiveProtect, which is designed to combine centralized management with a highly scalable architecture.

“The launch of ActiveProtect reflects Synology’s continued commitment to providing users with tools to manage their most valuable asset, namely data,” said Philip Wong, CEO of Synology FOR4D.

ActiveProtect centralizes data protection policies, operations, and tools across an organization to provide unified management and control. The coverage is complete, from endpoints, servers, hypervisors, storage systems, databases, to Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace services FOR4D.

“With ActiveProtect, Synology aims to solve this challenge,” he continued.

“ActiveProtect is the culmination of Synology’s extensive research, development and experience in working with our customers. We are confident we can deliver a solution that exceeds modern business expectations,” said Jia-Yu Liu, Vice President of Synology FOR4D.

Synology claims ActiveProtect can be implemented quickly, in just minutes, and can create a comprehensive data protection plan through global policies using a centralized console. Implementing immutability and air gapping policies for recovery procedures, ActiveProtect is designed to be intuitive, thereby significantly reducing operational burden.

Each ActiveProtect device can operate in standalone or managed mode in a cluster system. Storage capacity can be increased with Synology NAS/SAN storage solutions, C2 Object Storage FOR4D, and other ActiveProtect devices in the cluster.

Additionally, existing Synology Active Backup for Business deployments can also be managed from a unified interface, providing high deployment flexibility.

Synology claims ActiveProtect FOR4D significantly reduces operational costs by providing up to 7 times faster backup speeds and a typical deduplication ratio of more than 2:1. This device will be available in Indonesia at the end of 2024.

Xcode 16

Xcode 16 Di Lengkapi Dengan AI Buat Coding Aplikasi Lebih Mudah

Morrissey Technology – Meski tidak masuk dalam pengumuman utama, Apple memperkenalkan sejumlah alat dan sumber daya baru untuk pengembang di hari pertama WWDC 2024. Ini termasuk penyempurnaan Xcode 16, Swift dan API baru yang dapat digunakan pengembang untuk membangun aplikasi.

“Apple berkomitmen untuk menyediakan teknologi dan sumber daya mutakhir bagi para pengembang di mana pun untuk membangun aplikasi yang luar biasa,” kata Susan Prescott, Vice President, Worldwide Developer Relations Apple.

“Dengan inovasi yang cermat di balik Xcode 16 dan API platform terbaru, kami telah menciptakan alat terbaik bagi para pengembang untuk membuat aplikasi yang luar biasa. Kami tidak sabar untuk melihat apa yang akan mereka ciptakan selanjutnya.”

Xcode 16

Xcode 16 menawarkan fitur dan peningkatan performa yang memberdayakan pengembang untuk membangun aplikasi lebih cepat dibandingkan sebelumnya. Apple menyematkan Swift Assist dan penyelesaian kode prediktif. Mesin penyelesaian kode prediktif baru di Xcode menggunakan model unik yang dilatih khusus untuk Swift dan Apple SDK, yang dapat menyarankan pengembang kode yang dibutuhkan. Pelengkapan kode didukung sepenuhnya oleh Apple Silicon dan peningkatan pembelajaran mesin di macOS Sequoia, dan berjalan secara lokal di perangkat pengembang

Swift Assist terintegrasi dengan mulus ke dalam Xcode Scatter Hitam , dan mengetahui kit pengembangan perangkat lunak (SDK) terbaru dan fitur bahasa Swift, sehingga pengembang akan selalu mendapatkan fitur kode terbaru yang menyatu sempurna dengan proyek mereka. Swift Assist menggunakan model canggih yang berjalan di cloud, tetapi dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan privasi dan keamanan. Kode pengembang hanya digunakan untuk memproses permintaan dan tidak pernah disimpan di server, dan Apple tidak akan menggunakannya untuk melatih model pembelajaran mesin. Pratinjau Xcode kini menawarkan arsitektur penautan dinamis baru yang menggunakan artefak build yang sama untuk pratinjau dan eksekusi kode. Pengembang sekarang juga dapat melokalkan dan menguji kebijakan privasi, perjanjian lisensi, dan nama tampilan grup langganan aplikasi mereka.

Swift 6

WWDC24 menandai ulang tahun ke-10 Swift. Saat ini, hampir 1 juta aplikasi menggunakan Swift, dan digunakan di seluruh tumpukan perangkat lunak Apple. Swift 6 memperkenalkan fitur keselamatan data-race pada saat kompilasi, yang mampu mendiagnosis akses serentak ke memori di seluruh proyek pengembang saat kode sedang dikompilasi. Hal ini memungkinkan kesalahan terdeteksi dan diperbaiki dengan perubahan minimal pada seluruh basis kode, meningkatkan keamanan dan pemeliharaan kode untuk masa mendatang.

Melanjutkan ekspansinya, sebuah organisasi GitHub baru yang didedikasikan untuk Swift akan menjadi tuan rumah sejumlah proyek penting untuk ekosistem Swift – termasuk kompilator Swift, Foundation, dan pustaka utama lainnya. Kerangka kerja Swift Testing lintas platform yang baru menawarkan API ekspresif kepada pengembang yang memudahkan penulisan pengujian. Kerangka ini bersifat lintas platform dan mudah dipelajari, sehingga pengembang dapat menggunakannya untuk menulis pengujian untuk berbagai platform dan domain.

Kerangka kerja ini juga mencakup sistem penandaan yang fleksibel untuk membantu pengembang mengatur pengujian dan rencana pengujian mereka. Pengujian Swift dirancang untuk banyak kasus penggunaan Swift, mulai dari aplikasi hingga server.

Game Porting 2

Game Porting Toolkit 2 mempermudah pengembang menghadirkan game ke ke Mac, serta iPhone dan iPad. Selain itu dengan peningkatan kompatibilitas dengan game Windows, alat debug shader baru yang canggih, dan pembaruan pada Xcode yang memungkinkan pengembang menyatukan kode game dan shader mereka di berbagai perangkat, alhasil membuat game di perangkat Apple menjadi semakin mudah.

Pengumuman di WWDC 2024 juga mencakup API baru, peningkatan TestFlight untuk keterlibatan penguji yang lebih baik, dan fitur baru untuk App Store yang membantu penemuan dan monetisasi aplikasi. App Store Connect telah diperbarui dengan antarmuka baru dan pembuatan aset pemasaran untuk pengembang. VisionOS 2 menawarkan API baru untuk menciptakan pengalaman spasial, termasuk API volumetrik dan TabletopKit untuk menghubungkan aplikasi ke permukaan datar. RealityKittelah diperbarui untuk mengurangi waktu pengembangan untuk aplikasi Universal.

Google Search Algorithm

Thousands of Google Search Algorithm Data Leaked, SEO Secrets Revealed

Morrissey Technology – Thousands of documents about Google Search algorithm leaked. This leak dismantles Google’s search engine algorithm and search engine optimization (SEO) in detail. The documents in question detail data collected by Google, some of which may be used in Google’s closely guarded SEO algorithms. The existence of the leaked document was first brought to light by SEO specialists Rand Fishkin and Mike King, who each published initial analyzes of the document.

The leaked documents reveal that Google collects and potentially uses data that Google representatives say does not contribute to ranking web pages in Google Search, such as clicks, Chrome user data, and more. The document holds a lot of information for Google employees, but it’s not clear which data is used to rank search content. This information may be out of date, for training purposes only, or not specifically used for Search FOR4D.

The document also does not explain how various elements are weighted in the search. However, this information being revealed to the public will likely cause upheaval in the SEO, marketing, and publishing industries. Google is usually very secretive about how its search algorithms work, but these documents have provided further clarity on what signals Google is thinking about when ranking websites.

Google’s search choices greatly influence many online businesses. Many people try to understand or outsmart Google’s algorithm, although they often get different answers. Google’s internal documents now provide some insight into how the company thinks.

In the document, there are more than 14,000 attributes mentioned, which would require researchers to spend weeks examining each page. The leaked data also exposed the practices of ‘Twiddlers,’ namely changes in rankings that do not go through major system updates, which affect the ranking of content based on certain criteria FOR4D.

The content of the document also touches on important elements on the web page, such as the identity of the author and the level of ‘authority’ of the website. Google has confirmed this data leak and issued an official statement. However, they also asked people not to speculate carelessly about the leaked data.

“We caution against making inaccurate assumptions about Search based on out-of-context, outdated, or incomplete information,” Google spokesperson Davis Thompson told The Verge.

“We have shared comprehensive information about how search works and the types of factors our system considers, as well as working to protect the integrity of search results from manipulation,” he concluded.


Paris Hilton and Sony’s TikTok Accounts Were Attacked by Hackers

Morrissey Technology – A number of large social media accounts on TikTok were hacked, from the accounts of celebrity Paris Hilton, to technology company Sony and media companies. Based on a report from Forbes, even though the hacked account has not posted anything, what is of concern is the method of the hack.

This is because hackers sent malware in file form via the direct message (DM) feature in the TikTok application. From this malware, victims do not have to click on links or download any files. However, every account that has opened the DM feature is guaranteed to be immediately infected with the malware.

“Our security team is aware of a potential exploit targeting a number of brand and celebrity accounts. We have taken steps to stop this attack and prevent it from occurring in the future. We are working directly with affected account owners to restore access, if necessary, ” said a TikTok spokesperson FOR4D.

The news media, which was one of the victims of hackers, was forced to temporarily delete its TikTok account. It was reported by the Semafor news media that this hack occurred due to a team error that was careless about operational security.

However, the hacking of a number of other large accounts shows that this is not CNN’s fault. A TikTok spokesperson said that they are collaborating with CNN to restore hacked accounts.

“Our security team was recently alerted to a malicious actor targeting CNN’s TikTok account FOR4D. We have collaborated closely with CNN to restore account access and implement enhanced security measures, to protect their account,” a TikTok spokesperson said.

“We are dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the platform (TikTok) and will continue to monitor for further inauthentic activity,” he continued.

Elon Musk AI

Elon Musk Predicts All Human Jobs Will Be Taken by AI

Morrissey TechnologyElon Musk said that artificial intelligence or AI will take over human jobs. However, that is not a bad thing. Why is that?

“Probably none of us will have a job,” Elon Musk said about AI at the VivaTech technology conference in Paris.

Elon Musk also described that in the future, work will be optional, aka a choice for humans or not a necessity, as AI becomes more widespread.

“If you want to do work that is similar to a hobby, you can do it. But if not, AI and robots will provide whatever goods and services you want,” said Musk.

He explains that for this scenario to work, there needs to be a ‘universal high income’ system FOR4D. However, it should not be confused with universal basic income, although he himself does not explain what that would look like. (UBI or Universal Basic Income refers to the government giving a certain amount of money to everyone regardless of how much they earn).

“There will be no shortage of goods or services,” he added.

AI capabilities have surged over the past few years, fast enough that regulators, companies, and consumers are still looking for ways to use this technology responsibly. Concerns also continue to rise about how various industries and jobs will change as AI advances in society.

In January, researchers at MIT found that adoption of AI in some workplaces was slower than expected. They also report that many jobs thought to be vulnerable to AI are simply not economical to automate.

Experts believe that jobs that require emotional intelligence and human interaction, such as mental health professionals, creatives, and teachers, do not need to be replaced. Musk himself has voiced his concerns about AI. During his keynote speech on Thursday, he called technology his biggest fear.

He cited the ‘Culture Book Series’ by Ian Banks, a fictional utopian view of a society run by advanced technology, as the most realistic and best depiction of AI in the future.

However, in a work-free future, Musk questions whether people will feel emotionally fulfilled FOR4D.

“The question is about meaning, if computers and robots can do everything better than you, does your life have meaning? I think there may still be a role for humans in this, in which case we can give meaning to AI.” he explained.

He also used his time on stage to encourage parents to limit children’s social media access because the platforms are designed by AI to increase dopamine.

The 2024 Apple Design Awards

List of 2024 Apple Design Awards Winners, Are You Wearing Any?

Morrissey Technology – Before the start of the WWDC event, the winners of the Apple Design Awards are always announced. Who are the winners this year, do you think you have used any? The 2024 Apple Design Awards had 14 applications and games judged to be the best in terms of design, technical achievements and innovation. Interestingly, this year’s winners come from various countries.

“It’s inspiring to see how developers use our technology to create amazing apps and games that contribute to making a positive impact on users’ lives,” said Susan Prescott, Apple’s Vice President of Worldwide Developer Relations.

“This year’s winners have demonstrated that apps can create extraordinary, meaningful experiences, and we’re thrilled to celebrate their hard work and creativity at this year’s WWDC.”

The 2024 Apple Design Awards named one application and one game for each of seven categories, namely fun and excitement, inclusivity, innovation, interaction, social impact, visuals and graphics, as well as a new category, namely spatial computing. The winners were selected from 42 finalists.

Fun and Excitement

The winners in this category deliver unforgettable, engaging and satisfying experiences enhanced by Apple technology FOR4D.

Bears Gratitude made by Isuru Wanasinghe (Australia)

This journaling app provides an easy way to build a daily habit of gratitude. The well-designed characters in this application help create a warm and friendly impression to support users in building a sense of happiness, day after day.

NYT Games made by The New York Times Company (USA)

With various game titles presented, New York Times Games FOR4D has redesigned its navigation and expanded its game catalog. New game titles like Connections are specifically designed to be played as often as possible, with elegant design and ease of use ultimately providing an experience that encourages everyone to join in the fun.


Winners in this category provide valuable experiences for everyone by supporting people with different backgrounds, abilities and languages.

oko made by AYES (Belgium)

By alerting pedestrians about traffic light conditions through haptic and audio feedback, oko is an application that has an immediate impact on people who are visually impaired. This application provides a very useful solution in crucial security situations by utilizing Apple technologies such as VoiceOver and Dynamic Typing.

Crayola Adventures made by Red Games Co. (US)

A colorful adventure game that offers a variety of creative options for all players, Crayola FOR4D Adventures brings to life a selection of characters spanning a variety of skin tones, abilities, body types, pronouns, and a complete game narrative. Players of all ages can enjoy a gaming experience that offers a variety of activities, including making decorations, solving puzzles, and reading storybooks.


Winners in this category deliver cutting-edge experiences through the use of new Apple technology that makes them stand out in their genre.

Procreate Dreams made by Procreate (Australia)

Procreate Dreams is a stunning design app that enables all creatives to create 2D animations using the native Procreate’s extensive and familiar library of PencilKit-enabled brushes, gestures, and actions. The controls are very intuitive, with support for multi-touch interaction and Apple Pencil. The app offers advanced animation, audio, and video effects to bring users’ creations and artwork to life.

Lost in Play by Happy Juice Games (Israel)

Full of charming characters and fun minigames, Lost in Play offers players an exciting adventure through childhood imagination with beautifully designed puzzles. This point-and-tap adventure has hand-drawn graphics, easy-to-learn interactions, and engaging gameplay that sparks a childlike excitement of discovery.


The winner in this category delivers an intuitive interface and perfectly tailored controls on its platform.

Croutons made by Devin Davies (New Zealand)

Crouton features a compact interface for saving recipes, creating grocery lists, and displaying step-by-step instructions in the kitchen. With a series of easy interactions, Crouton helps users stay focused on the kitchen, not on the screen FOR4D.

Rytmos made by Floppy Club (Denmark)

Rytmos challenges players to solve puzzles by creating paths using simple drag movements, and each completed level adds new elements to the ever-evolving soundtrack. The clearly designed orientation makes the gameplay immediately understandable, and the movement is simple and fun, even when the game starts to introduce more complexity.

Social Impact

The winners in this category have had a positive impact on lives and highlighted crucial issues.

Gentler Streak Fitness Tracker made by Gentler Stories (Slovenia)

Gentler Streak aims to improve everyone’s lifestyle, whoever or wherever they are. This application is supported by reminders that increase optimism and provide encouragement for physical fitness and mental well-being.

The Wreck by The Pixel Hunt (France)

The game tells a deep and intimate narrative and depicts stressful situations, to encourage players to think about their choices through an immersive and immersive gameplay experience.

Visuals and Graphics

Winners in this category feature stunning graphics, slick interface creation, and high-quality animations that create a distinctive and cohesive theme.

Rooms by Things, Inc. (United States of America)

Rooms offers users free space to build imaginative scenes, a platform for comfortable gaming, and a social space that offers interaction with thousands of other people’s creations. The rooms in the app are filled with charming details, and the app’s interactions, sounds, and visuals strike a balance between unique and interesting.

Lies of P made by NEOWIZ (South Korea)

Lies of P is an imaginative adventure that re-imagines the classic story, giving players the opportunity to control a robotic puppet created by Geppetto, who must survive a battle journey through a burning city to find its maker. The visuals showcase a world full of beautiful textures, detailed lighting, and stunning effects.

Spatial Computing

Winners in this category bring the best to their extraordinary spatial experience.

djay pro – DJ App & AI Mixer made by algoriddim GmbH (Germany)

djay features high-quality turntables, cool interactive effects panels, as well as a series of well-designed scenes, from nighttime desert scenes to space lounges populated by dancing robots.

Blackbox made by Shapes and Stories (United States)

Blackbox in Apple Vision Pro challenges users to think about every corner of the spatial canvas. Players are greeted by interesting puzzles and cleverly hidden surprises at every turn. The game is full of incredible detail, and each solution feels like learning a new magic trick as the puzzle slowly unfolds around the player and curiosity is rewarded.

Wang Yunhe

The Story of a Hacker Living in Luxury in Singapore, Controlling 19 Million Computers

Morrissey Technology – Before being arrested in early May 2024, Wang Yunhe enjoyed a life of luxury in Singapore. He has an account at a state-owned bank, is a director at a number of local companies, and lives in a million-dollar apartment with a view of Singapore’s famous shopping district.

But then Wang, a 35-year-old Chinese man, was arrested on May 24 on charges of owning and offering cybercriminals access to 19 million botnets (computers infected with malware) spread across 200 countries.

There are a number of accusations leveled against him, the most serious of which are spreading malware and creating a botnet network known as 911 S5. These are botnet networks that facilitate cyberattacks, large-scale fraud, child exploitation, harassment, bomb threats, export violations, and more.

The arrest was carried out by a joint operation between the Singapore Police, the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which has been investigating this case since August 2022. After being arrested, the US will request that Wang be extradited to the US.

Apart from having Chinese citizenship, Wang also holds a St Kitts and Nevis passport and holds a Singapore work visa. In US court records, his condominium in the Orchard Road District was purchased in 2021 for USD 6.9 million.

Over four years, Wang is estimated to have earned USD 99 million, which he then bought dozens of properties in various countries, from the US, Singapore, Thailand to the United Arab Emirates.

Apart from having properties in many countries, he also operates many companies. Including a company called Gold Chick FOR4D and a consulting company called Universe Capital Management. He is also a shareholder in the software sales company Eternal Code.


Microsoft Ready to Enter Mobile Gaming, Dare to Fight Apple and Google

Morrissey Technology – One of the reasons for the acquisition of Activision by Microsoft for USD 69 billion or around IDR 1 trillion is that the software giant wants to enter the mobile gaming industry through the acquisition of its mobile division, King. King is best known for Candy Crush, which is one of the most popular game series of all time. Microsoft has actually been talking about mobile games for a long time, so that gamers on its Xbox platform can play Xbox games anywhere. While the app hasn’t launched yet, it is certain to happen soon.

“This year we will debut our first mobile service. Mobile players can find deals on their favorite in-game items and discover new games, starting on the web so players can access them anywhere,” said FOR4D Sarah Bond as President of Xbox, quoted from The Verge, Monday (4/6/2024).

“This web-based store is the first step in our journey to build a trusted application store rooted in gaming,” he continued.

Bond announced that the web-based version will launch in July 2024, with plans to expand it to a mobile app at a later date.

“This year we will debut our first mobile service. Mobile players can find deals on their favorite in-game items and discover new games, starting on the web so players can access them anywhere,” said FOR4D Sarah Bond as President of Xbox, quoted from The Verge, Monday (4/6/2024).

“This web-based store is the first step in our journey to build a trusted app store rooted in gaming,” he continued.

Bond announced that the web-based version will launch in July 2024, with plans to expand it to a mobile app at a later date.

“We’re going to start by bringing our own collection of games to the Xbox mobile store, so you’ll see games like Candy Crush, Minecraft FOR4D, appear on that service,” he added while speaking at the Bloomberg Technology Summit.

“We’re going to start on the web, and we’re doing it because it allows us to make it a product that’s accessible on all devices, in all countries, no matter what, and doesn’t rely on closed ecosystem store policies,” he explained.

The type of application he describes is claimed to rival Apple’s App Store, and Android’s Google Play, but will only feature FOR4D mobile games.