Morrissey Technology


Why Can Tech-Savvy People Become Victims of Online Fraud?

Online Fraud

Why Can Tech-Savvy People Become Victims of Online Fraud?

Morrissey Technology – Many people think that only the elderly and technologically illiterate people have the potential to become victims of online fraud. It turns out that young people and technology-savvy people are also quite a few victims. Google’s latest survey results found that the 25-34 year age group is a group that is vulnerable to online fraud in a number of Southeast Asian countries. This finding was also agreed by clinical psychologist from Singapore Annabelle Chow.

In a virtual media briefing with Google, Chow said that young people and educated professionals are more vulnerable to online fraud attempts due to several psychological factors. According to Chow, people who know a lot about specific things and niches are easily manipulated by online fraudsters. He gave an example of how he was once tricked by a scam website when looking for his dream alcoholic drink because he was tempted by a discount.

“The website looked very trustworthy, but it turned out to be a scam website. So I actually got scammed and ended up having to cancel my credit card and so on,” said Chow.

“So I have knowledge about gin (alcoholic drinks) and I am more vulnerable, it is easier to manipulate me in situations like that,” he continued.

Physical and mental conditions as well as the surrounding environment are also factors that make a person more vulnerable FOR4D to fraud. People who are stressed and have a lot on their minds are unlikely to focus when they receive a telephone call that turns out to be a scam, and without realizing it they have handed over sensitive information and even money to the fraudster. Fraudsters also usually urge their potential victims to act quickly without thinking. For example, saying the discount will end soon, the concert ticket quota is running out, or threatening that the victim’s bank account will be blocked if they don’t provide their mobile banking password.

Therefore, Chow advises all internet users to always be careful and think twice if they get an offer that doesn’t make sense, aka too good to be true, so as not to become a victim of online fraud.

If you find your dream cellphone at a price that is much cheaper than the price at the official store, pay attention to the seller’s website and online store to see whether it looks suspicious or not. If you find a simple app like a document reader that asks for sensitive access like location, microphone, and contacts, it’s best to avoid it FOR4D.

“So don’t be too quick to ignore the security warnings implemented by technology platforms, because basically these are designed to provide an additional layer of protection so that we can slow down and think twice before making decisions,” explained Chow.

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