Morrissey Technology


WhatsApp meriahkan libur akhir tahun dengan beragam fitur seru

Jakarta- Aplikasi perpesanan instan dari Meta, WhatsApp, memeriahkan momen libur akhir tahun dengan beragam fitur seru yang telah disiapkan baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan panggilan langsung pengguna hingga bercakap dalam obrolan hangat.

Dalam keterangan resmi WhatsApp yang diterima di Jakarta, Sabtu, beberapa fitur tersebut sudah dirilis mulai 20 Desember 2024 hingga 3 Januari 2025 disiapkan untuk menyemarakkan percakapan dalam berbagai jenis saat liburan berlangsung.

Berikut adalah beberapa fitur yang akan hadir dalam beberapa pekan ke depan dari WhatsApp:

Efek Panggilan Malam Tahun Baru
Jadikan video call atau panggilan video saat liburan jadi lebih spesial dengan background, filter, atau efek menarik perayaan tahun baru.


Reaksi Ber-Animasi
Saat memberikan reaksi terhadap pesan menggunakan salah satu dari emoji ???????????? ???? ????, animasi confetti akan muncul untuk pengirim dan penerima. Ini hal sempurna untuk menyampaikan keinginan liburan Anda dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan interaktif.

Stiker Baru
Ekspresikan diri dengan paket stiker Malam Tahun Baru dan stiker avatar yang dirancang untuk Tahun Baru! Pengguna bisa mengirimkan salam ceria atau pesan yang menyentuh hati dengan paket stiker ini.

Paket stiker ini diharapkan dapat membantu pengguna menyampaikan perasaan jadi lebih menyenangkan dan mudah dengan cara yang kreatif.

Sebelum tiga fitur baru ini, WhatsApp juga sudah memperkenalkan Meta AI sebagai asisten kecerdasan artifisial (AI) generatif yang tersedia di dalam layanannya mempermudah pengguna berinteraksi mencari informasi di dalam obrolan pribadi maupun di dalam grup.

Kumpulan fitur terbaru WhatsApp, kini ada obrolan AI Meta

Jakarta – WhatsApp terus berinovasi sebagai salah satu aplikasi perpesanan paling populer di dunia. Platform ini tidak pernah berhenti menghadirkan fitur baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan komunikasi yang semakin kompleks.

WhatsApp telah merilis sejumlah fitur baru yang menarik untuk dicoba. Pembaruan ini mencakup penggunaan teknologi kecerdasan buatan, memperkenalkan filter dan background saat melakukan panggilan, serta fitur berbagi ulang cerita yang mirip dengan Instagram.

Beragam fitur terbaru WhatsApp ini tidak hanya meningkatkan kenyamanan pengguna, tetapi juga membawa pengalaman yang lebih berkesan secara personal, efisien, dan aman.

Agar tidak ketinggalan, pastikan Anda selalu memperbarui aplikasi WhatsApp ke versi terbaru. Nikmati pengalaman komunikasi yang semakin canggih dan penuh fitur yang bermanfaat untuk pengalaman yang berbeda.


Berikut adalah beberapa fitur dan perubahan terbaru WhatsApp yang mungkin belum Anda ketahui:

Fitur – fitur terbaru WhatsApp

1. Obrolan dengan Meta AI (kecerdasan buatan)

Pengguna WhatsApp di Indonesia kini dapat menikmati fitur terbaru Meta AI, asisten virtual berbasis kecerdasan buatan yang sudah mendukung Bahasa Indonesia. Meta AI, yang sebelumnya hanya tersedia di beberapa negara, kini hadir di Indonesia melalui pembaruan aplikasi terbaru. Fitur ini dapat diakses dengan menekan ikon Meta AI yang muncul di atas tombol “Percakapan Baru”.

2. Memakai filter dan pengganti background video call

WhatsApp kini menghadirkan filter untuk panggilan video, membuat pengalaman mengobrol jadi lebih seru dan ekspresif. Pengguna dapat memilih dari 10 filter yang tersedia untuk menciptakan suasana yang lebih menyenangkan. Selain itu, ada juga fitur pengganti background atau latar belakang yang dapat dipilih sesuai keinginan, menambah kesan menarik saat video call.

3. Ikon mengetik berubah jadi “typing bubble

Pada pembaruan terbarunya, kini ketika seseorang sedang mengetik pesan, kolom obrolan akan menampilkan gelembung animasi berupa tiga titik. Gelembung ini akan bergerak hingga pesan tersebut terkirim. WhatsApp memastikan bahwa fitur ini tersedia untuk pengguna Android dan iOS. Sebagai bagian dari pembaruan bertahap, pengguna perlu memperbarui aplikasi mereka ke versi terbaru untuk mengakses fitur ini.

4. Fitur transkrip pesan suara

Fitur ini memungkinkan pengguna melihat pesan suara dalam bentuk teks, sehingga sangat membantu ketika mereka tidak bisa mendengarkan pesan tersebut.

Proses transkripsi dilakukan langsung di perangkat pengguna, memastikan privasi tetap terjaga karena tidak ada pihak lain, termasuk WhatsApp, yang dapat mengakses atau membaca pesan tersebut.

Untuk mengaktifkan fitur ini, pengguna dapat membuka menu Pengaturan, lalu masuk ke Chat, dan memilih opsi Transkrip Pesan Suara. Jangan lupa untuk menentukan bahasa yang diinginkan untuk proses transkripsi.

5. Draf pesan untuk ingatkan balas chat

WhatsApp memperkenalkan fitur baru berupa draf pesan, yang dirancang untuk membantu pengguna mengingat pesan yang belum selesai dikirim. Jika ada pesan yang sudah diketik tetapi belum terkirim, aplikasi akan menandai nya sehingga pengguna dapat kembali membalasnya nanti.

Untuk mempermudah pengguna mengenali draf tersebut, pesan yang belum terkirim akan diberi label “Draf” berwarna hijau dan dicetak tebal, diikuti dengan isi pesan yang telah diketik. Fitur ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyelesaikan balasan saat mereka kembali membuka aplikasi WhatsApp.

6. Fitur list atau daftar

WhatsApp memperkenalkan fitur baru bernama “List” atau “Daftar,” yang dirancang untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam mencari dan mengelompokkan obrolan.

Fitur ini merupakan pengembangan dari “Filter Chat,” memungkinkan pencarian obrolan menjadi lebih spesifik dan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pengguna, sehingga mempermudah navigasi dalam aplikasi.

Fitur “List” ini terletak di samping “Filter Chat,” yang mencakup kategori seperti “All,” “Unread,” “Favorites,” dan “Groups.” Pengguna dapat membuat atau mengedit daftar baru dengan menekan ikon “+”.

7. Memberikan reaksi tombol love pada status

WhatsApp kini menghadirkan fitur tombol Love atau suka yang terletak di sudut kanan bawah. Pengguna dapat menggunakan tombol ini untuk memberikan respons pada status yang mereka sukai.

Fitur ini bersifat privat, sehingga jumlah suka tidak akan ditampilkan. Hanya pembuat status yang dapat melihat siapa saja yang memberikan respons suka pada status mereka.

8. Fitur mention pada status

Fitur ini memungkinkan pengguna menyebut hingga 5 orang dalam satu status sekaligus. Ketika seseorang disebut dalam status, mereka tetap dapat melihatnya, bahkan jika termasuk dalam kontak yang dikecualikan.

Pemberitahuan mengenai penyebutan tersebut akan dikirim melalui kolom chat, sehingga penerima dapat mengetahui siapa yang menyebutkan nama mereka. Selain itu, mereka juga memiliki opsi untuk mengedit atau membagikan ulang status tersebut.

9. Repost story

Kontak yang disebutkan dalam status dapat membagikan ulang status tersebut melalui tombol repost. Untuk melakukannya, cukup klik pesan penyebutan yang muncul di kolom obrolan, lalu pilih ikon repost di sudut kanan bawah.

Saat membagikan ulang, konten status akan tetap terlihat, namun informasi seperti nama, profil, atau nomor telepon tidak akan ditampilkan.

10. Tambah kontak dari WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp kini memungkinkan pengguna menambahkan kontak tanpa batas melalui perangkat apa pun yang terhubung, tanpa harus terbatas pada satu gawai. Selain itu, WhatsApp memperkenalkan fitur penyimpanan kontak secara eksklusif di dalam aplikasi, sehingga pengguna tidak perlu mencatatnya di buku telepon perangkat.

Fitur ini sangat bermanfaat bagi pengguna yang ingin memisahkan kontak pribadi dan bisnis, terutama bagi mereka yang mengelola lebih dari satu akun WhatsApp dalam satu perangkat. Kontak yang disimpan secara khusus di WhatsApp juga dapat dipulihkan jika pengguna kehilangan ponsel atau beralih ke perangkat baru.

10 Most Visited Sites in the World

10 Most Visited Sites in the World, Google to WA

Morrissey Technology – The number of sites around the world, to date, has reached 1 billion. The following are the sites most visited by internet users. The Netcraft Web Server Survey, in May 2024, revealed 1,097,398,145 sites in the world. However, only 18 percent of these sites are active, and the other 82 percent are inactive. However, what sites are most frequently visited out of the billions of sites circulating in cyberspace?

A number of popular websites such as Google and Wikipedia are the most visited sites in the world. Apart from that, there are also several social media names such as Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). The list of the 10 most popular websites in the world for the July 1, 2024 edition has not changed much. The names on the list are still dominated by popular names, including those well-known in the region such as Baidu and Yandex. Quoted from Similarweb, here are the 10 most visited sites in the world, July 1 2024 edition :

1. is the most popular search engine in the world, so it is not surprising that it is in first place. Moreover, Google’s dominance is not only in search engines, but also in its penetration through the operating system on Android phones.

On Android phones, users’ internet searches are quite easy with the Google Search widget. This way, users don’t need to bother opening a browser to search. This site was visited by a total of 82m1 military with an average visit of 10 minutes 30 seconds. Compared to the previous month, the number of visits to this site decreased by around 4.8 percent.


Google’s video streaming platform is in second place in the most popular sites. As a site, this streaming platform still dominates amidst the onslaught of video-based social media such as Instagram and TikTok. YouTube was visited a total of 31.5 billion times with an average visit duration of 20 minutes 5 seconds. YouTube’s position in second place has not changed over the last 3 months. Currently, YouTube not only provides long videos in landscape format, but also short videos in portrait format. This new format is here to answer the short video trend that is currently growing.


Social media from technology giant Meta is in third place with a total of 15.3 billion visits. The average duration of a visit to this site is 10 minutes 29 seconds. Facebook’s dominance doesn’t seem as big as before, but this platform still has its own market. In the midst of the video platform trend, Facebook can still maintain its users and position in the top three most visited sites.


The fourth position is still occupied by Meta’s subsidiary, namely Instagram. Social media which initially featured this photo was visited 7 billion times with an average duration of 8 visits of 8 minutes 18 seconds. Instagram has now encouraged users to focus more on video content, and they have even updated their algorithm so that creators with a small following can reach a large audience.


This social media, previously known as Twitter, is in the fifth most visited site. X received a total of 5.7 billion visits with an average duration of 7 minutes 36 seconds. This social media owned by tycoon Elon Musk slumped in April and fell to 681st place, but managed to rise to 7th place in May. In June, this platform experienced a jump in visits of 113.7 percent, bringing it to fifth place. In May, X launched a feature that sparked controversy, namely allowing users to upload pornographic content.


Baidu may not be well known globally, but this search engine platform is the answer to the search needs of Chinese citizens. As a result, Baidu was ranked sixth with a total of 4.4 billion visits with an average duration of 4 minutes 33 seconds. In terms of features, Baidu has more or less the same features and services as Google.


Wikipedia, which is ranked seventh, is a space for exploring knowledge. This site provides various kinds of information, from history to biographies of various figures. Visitors to this site on average visit it for 3 minutes 52 seconds and view 3.19 pages.


Yahoo has various services, from search engines, news aggregator platforms to email, which makes it still in the top 10 positions. The average user visited the site for 8 minutes 24 seconds and viewed an average of 5.45 pages.


Like Baidu, Yandex may not be well known globally. However, this site established its dominance in their homeland, Russia. The Russian search engine site is in ninth position with an average visit of 8 minutes 41 seconds, with the average customer visiting 8.82 pages per visit.


WhatsApp (WAw) is the only instant messaging platform that is in the top 10 most popular sites. Meta’s platform has more than 2.7 billion users worldwide. WhatsApp itself is currently used for various activities, ranging from personal to work or professional needs. Visitors to this site average a visit of 19 minutes and 26 seconds.

WhatsApp Meta AI

WhatsApp users will be able to edit photos using Meta AI

Morrissey Technology – WhatsApp is reportedly working on an update to its Meta AI chatbot service. With this update, it is possible to allow WhatsApp Meta AI to interact with photos shared by users, reply to photos, and even edit them as desired using the chatbot. Meta AI, which is part of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, now offers impressive text capabilities such as replying to questions, suggesting texts, and having conversations with users.

Based on findings from WABetaInfo, the photo editing feature from Meta AI is available on WhatsApp beta for Android version and will most likely be launched on the official version soon. WhatsApp is considering adding a camera button in the Meta AI chatbot, similar to the camera button in regular chats, which would allow users to share their photos with the AI ​​chatbot. This new feature will allow users to ask AI to identify objects or locations or provide context for photo content. Additionally, this functionality will also offer the option to edit photos via text commands.

However, it is still unclear what level of image editing Meta AI can perform on WhatsApp. Compared to existing AI-powered image editing tools, Meta AI may be able to remove selected objects, remove and replace backgrounds, and adjust image appearance. As per the screenshot shown, the uploaded images will be analyzed by AI and also users can delete their images at any time. Previous reports suggested that WhatsApp is also working on a new ‘Imagine Me’ feature that will allow Meta AI to create AI avatars. This feature is seen being tested on Android beta version

As per the report, WhatsApp will initially ask users to take a selfie, which will be read and analyzed by Meta AI before creating an AI avatar with the appropriate level of accuracy and realism. Additionally, users will have full control over this feature, as they can delete prepared photos at any time via the Meta AI settings.




Privacy Extension

How to Use Privacy Extension for Whatsapp Web to Blur Chat

Morrissey Technology – Privacy is something that cellphone users really need to think about, such as in messaging applications such as WhatsApp. One way to provide more privacy is to use the Privacy Extension for Whatsapp Web to blur Chat.

Quoted from the Whatsapp page, Tuesday (28/5/24) Whatsapp Web is a computer-based extension of the WhatsApp account on your phone. The message will be synchronized between the two devices, namely the computer and cellphone, so you can see it on both devices.

Now with Whatsapp Web, you don’t have to open your cellphone to check chat on Whatsapp. However, there is one drawback that could potentially compromise user privacy. When you open Whatsapp Web on a laptop or computer, other people can easily spy on your chats. For example, when working and sitting next to other people.

The reason is because the screen is quite wide because you use a laptop and computer to open WhatsApp Web. This is certainly a shortcoming that must be anticipated. Therefore, we will share ways to ensure that WhatsApp Web displays and chats can maintain their privacy by making them blurry or less clear to read. This is so that it is not easily snooped on by other people. So, how do you make WhatsApp Web blurry?

The following is a way to blur WhatsApp Web, namely by using extensions or additional programs available in the browser. One of the extensions used is Privacy Extension for Whatsapp Web.

What is Privacy Extension for WhatsApp Web?

Privacy Extension for Whatsapp Web is an extension or additional program that is useful for blurring chats when opening Whatsapp. This extension is not an official extension from Whatsapp, but was developed by a third party, namely by Lukas Lenhardt. You can also adjust the blur according to your needs. The features include blur all chats, blur last chat preview, blur media preview, blur profile photos, and many more.

There is also a shortcut that you can use to activate and deactivate this extension quickly and easily, namely press ALT + X simultaneously. The blurred chat on Whatsapp Web will disappear when the cursor is hovered over the chat balloon FOR4D.

How to Blur Chat Using Privacy Extension for Whatsapp Web in Chrome

The following are the steps you must take to use and make chats on WhatsApp Web blurry :

  • Download Privacy Extension for WhatsApp Web by visiting this page
  • After that, search for the extension via the search field with the name Privacy Extension for Whatsapp Web.
  • Select the extension with the developer name
  • If so, then click the ‘Add to Chrome’ and ‘Add Extension’ options
  • Please wait a moment until the extension finishes installing.
  • After that, open and log in to WhatsApp Web in Chrome.
  • Click the Puzzle icon to the right of the URL column to open the Privacy Extension for WhatsApp Web extension.
  • You can adjust which WhatsApp Web content you want to blur.
  • After making these settings, WhatsApp Web chat will be blurred according to the preferences you have set.

So, that’s how to blur WhatsApp Web chat by using the Privacy Extension for WhatsApp Web in Chrome FOR4D. After you install the extension, now you no longer need to worry about someone spying on you while sitting next to other people. By using this extension, you can maintain WhatsApp chat privacy. Hopefully the information provided is useful, good luck.

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