Morrissey Technology


Russian Hacker

Effects of Ukraine War, Russian Hacker Attacks on Asia Decrease

Morrissey Technology – International conflicts such as the Russian-Ukrainian War have had a major impact on the cybersecurity landscape. As a result of this conflict, cyber attacks from Russia against a number of Asia Pacific countries decreased. This was revealed from the Ensign InfoSecurity report on the cyber threat landscape in 2024. This report covers six countries in the Asia Pacific, namely Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, China and Australia.

“We saw last year from the previous Ensign report, so when Russia started the war we saw that Russian hackers in our region dropped drastically because they focused on the country at war. Criminal actors, hackers focused on attacking Ukraine,” said the Head of Consulting Ensign InfoSecurity Indonesia Adithya Nugraputra in a media briefing in Jakarta, last Wednesday (15/5/2024).

According to Adithya, this happens because cyber warfare has become an inseparable part of physical warfare. He gave an example of how Russian hackers had paralyzed electricity and energy infrastructure in Ukraine several times.

Cyber ​​wars FOR4D between two opposing countries are also predicted to occur more frequently. The reason is that this cyber attack is not only carried out by the state but also at the individual level.

“Because cyber cannot be controlled, because the people of country A may have a preference, we don’t like this country, so we can also find out from the internet, slowly coming in, now that’s called a hacktivist,” said Adithya.

“So, in fact, cyber is continuing because not only at the state level but also at the level of activist people who can do it,” he added.

However, recently the Russian hacker group has started to act again in the Asia Pacific. Ensign noted the movement of state-sponsored Russian hacker groups such as APT28, FIN7, and Turla starting to move in the countries where they operate.

Adithya explained that there were 21 threat groups targeting the six countries above. 16 of them are state-sponsored groups and the other five are organized crime groups.

Indonesia itself is the target of eight state-sponsored threat groups, namely APT33 (Iran), APT38 (North Korea), APT41 (China), Dark Pink (Vietnam), Earth Longzhi (China), GambleForce (China), Lazarus Group (North Korea ), and Turla FOR4D (Russia).

Black Hat Hacker Cybercrime

Study Reveals Money is Hackers’ Main Motivation

Morrissey Technology – Surveys reveal that cybercrime is increasingly targeting industries in Indonesia with the motive of obtaining ransom, aka ransomware. Cyber ​​security company Ensign Infosecurity, through its 2024 Cyber ​​Threat Landscape Report, revealed the three most common motives for hacking; ransom (42 percent), access sales (38 percent), and data sales (8 percent).

“The main goal is still ransom or asking for money. What we see is still consistent in 5 regions (Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Greater China Region and Australia) except in South Korea, which means hacking, ransomware, encryption, asking for ransom,” said Adithya Nugraputra, Head of Consulting, Ensign InfoSecurity Indonesia, in Jakarta, Wednesday (15/5).

The company also noted that 46 percent of all cyberattacks observed showed attackers’ interest in stealing credentials (account username and password pairs), initial access, and data.

“42 percent of all observed cyberattacks attempted to extort FOR4D organizational victims for money. This reflects the global increase in ransomware threats against enterprises,” continues the company’s official statement.

According to Appknox, hackers are basically divided into three types based on their motives. First, Black Hat Hackers. These ‘black hat hackers’ are essentially malicious hackers who infiltrate networks and systems by creating and spreading malware. They are generally motivated by material gain, although sometimes for fun. Second, White Hat Hackers. These ‘white hat hackers’ are also known as ‘ethical hackers’. They are often contracted by corporations and government agencies to check their systems for security vulnerabilities.

This type of hacker applies commonly known cybersecurity techniques such as penetration testing and thorough vulnerability assessments to ensure that the security system is strong. Third, Gray Hat Hackers. This type of hacker has the characteristics of a mixture of black and white hat hackers. However, they generally carry out hacking missions without asking permission from anyone. Most of them report discovered vulnerabilities to the relevant parties, but they also demand compensation in return. If they don’t get the credit they deserve, they could exploit that vulnerability for their own benefit.

Main target

Ensign Infosecurity also revealed the most 2023 cyberattacks targeted the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) industry at 14.1 percent. Apart from that, the financial services industry (24 percent), the public sector (12 percent), the energy industry (8.3 percent), and the manufacturing industry (8 percent). The company revealed three main reasons why cybercriminals attack the TMT industry FOR4D.

1. They are integrated into digital business activities with access and connectivity to sensitive data handling.

2. Technology-based startups drive IPO activity (initial public offering of shares) and economic activity.

3. Technology investment flows into Indonesia, attracting financial profits, as well as information theft and espionage.

Aurora Computer

This is the Fastest AI Super Computer in the World, Using 21 Thousand Intel Xeons

Morrissey Technology – Intel collaborated with HPE and Argonne National Laboratory belonging to the US Department of Energy to create a super computer called Aurora, whose speed has reached Exascale calculations. To date, only two computers have reached that level. The first is Frontier — which uses an AMD processor –, which is also the fastest super computer in the world, and now there is Aurora which has penetrated Exascale.

Aurora has actually been around since 2023, and in November 2023 it was named by the Top500 as the number 2 fastest computer in the world. However, at that time the system was not fully operational, and “only” had a computing capacity of 585 petaFLOPS. Currently, Aurora is not yet fully operational, even though the number of processors and GPU accelerators in operation is already very large. Aurora uses 21,248 Intel XEON CPU FOR4D Max processors and 63,744 Intel Data Center GPU Max accelerators. In the last test, performance reached 1,012 exaflops, even though the number of active nodes was only 9,234 from 10,624.

Aurora’s performance was higher when running the HPL-MxP mixed-precision benchmark, with a score of 10.6 exaflops for AI performance, even though only 89% of the system was active. This test is different from Linpack which uses FP64 Precision, HPL-MxP uses FP32 and FP16 FOR4D, which better reflects AI processing capabilities.

While FP64 is more widely used in traditional science computing, AI computing and many other applications use lower precision. This means that Linpack is actually not the only measure of the original capabilities of a supercomputer.

Aurora has not been able to fully operate due to a number of problems in its system, including cooling problems, operational problems and network instability. However, even if it is fully operational, it seems Aurora still won’t be able to overtake Frontier’s benchmark score FOR4D. For information, Frontier has a computing capacity of 1,206 exaflops, or around 19% higher than Aurora, from 87% of operating components.

ARM Chip

ARM Wants to Make AI Chips, Will it Disrupt Nvidia’s Dominance?

Morrisseyn TechnologyARM, a processor core designer, plans to enter a new segment that will develop artificial intelligence (AI) chips. The company owned by SoftBank Group wants to launch its first AI chip product in 2025. To realize this plan, the British company will create an AI chip division which is targeted to make its first AI chip prototype in the spring of 2025.

Then, to mass produce these AI chips, ARM will collaborate with other companies in the fall of 2025. Currently, SoftBank is negotiating with TSMC and a number of other chip manufacturing companies to secure production capacity for these AI chips FOR4D.

The cost of developing this AI chip is said to be hundreds of billions of yen, one of which comes from SoftBank. However, when these chips are mass produced, the AI ​​chip business will be separated from ARM and will be directly under SoftBank FOR4D.

For your information, ARM is the manufacturer and design of processor cores whose licenses are used in almost all cellphone chips in the world. From there they get royalty income, which is then used to expand the data center business, where many companies want to make their own chips to run AI models and reduce their dependence on Nvidia.

ARM’s entry into the AI FOR4D ​​space comes at the right time, because demand for AI chips is increasing and so far it has almost doubled the value of Arm’s shares since its initial public offering last September 2023. ARM’s capitalization with this increase has now reached more than USD 100 billion.

LockBit Ransoware Gang

LockBit Ransoware Gang Leader Hunted by America

Morrissey Technology – The United States Ministry of Justice revealed legal charges against the big boss of the LockBit ransomware gang. According to them, LockBit is led by Dmitry Yuryevich Khoroshev, a 31-year-old man from Russia. Khoroshev is credited with making LockBit the most prolific and destructive ransomware gang in the world.

Khoroshev is thought to have been involved in LockBit since the gang first appeared in September 2019. Over the years, LockBit claims to have attacked 2,500 victims in at least 120 countries. Khoroshev and his colleagues at LockBit allegedly reaped at least USD 500 million from their ransomware ransomware.

LockBit operates with a ransomware-as-a-service model, where the LockBit ransomware can be rented or purchased by other hackers to use to attack its victims. As a result, the spread of this ransomware attack was very wide, from a large hospital in England to a small town in Canada. In February, a joint law enforcement team from America and England confiscated the site and server used by LockBit. They also even got access to keys to open files of victims held hostage.

At that time they also arrested Artur Sungatov and Ivan Kondratyev, who were accused of attacking a number of victims in America using LockBit. From all this, information was found that Khoroshev allegedly received a “tax” of 20% from every ransom received from the victim. He is also the manager of LockBit’s data leak site. Khoroshev also apparently kept all the data held hostage from the victim, even though the victim had paid the ransom FOR4D. Even though they promised to delete the data after the victim made payment.

“Today’s indictment marks an important milestone in the investigation and prosecution of LockBit, which has now led to lawsuits against five individuals associated with LockBit, two of whom are awaiting trial — and a major disruption to the operations of the now-shutdown LockBit,” US said Attorney Philip R. Sellinger.

Khoroshev faces 26 charges, which carry a sentence of up to 185 years in prison. The US government is offering a reward of USD 10 million for information that can help law enforcement arrest Khoroshev.

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iPad Pro

Apple Boss Still Gets Trolled by Netizens Because of iPad Pro Advertisement

Morrissey Technology – Apple has apologized for its controversial iPad Pro ad. However, Apple CEO Tim Cook was still being targeted by netizens until this news was made. The controversial advertisement in question depicts a hydraulic tool destroying various creative tools such as various musical instruments, canvases, statues, books, and so on.

The destroyed devices are then depicted turning into an iPad Pro, which is getting thinner and faster. This advertisement, which was ‘tone deaf’, aka insensitive, immediately received protests from many parties. From actor Hugh Grant to Nothing CEO Carl Pei blaspheming Apple, the place is on Cook’s X account which actually posted the video. After several days, Apple finally apologized via VP of Marketing Communications Tor Myhren. According to him, this advertisement is inappropriate and will not be shown on TV FOR4D.

“Our goal has always been to celebrate the various ways users can express themselves and bring their ideas to life through the iPad. We missed the mark and apologize,” he said.

Even though he apologized, Cook did not remove the ad from his post on X, and he is still being targeted by netizens. Below are a number of netizens’ tweets responding to Cook’s post FOR4D.

“It’s painful to watch. What else is there to say”

“The worst concept in history. Congratulations”

“This should be a case study for marketing and communications students. Even if you have a marketing budget of USD 700 billion FOR4D, you can still make very fatal mistakes.”

“Apple’s arrogance is on full display.”

Before Apple apologized, most of the criticism of the ad came from Japanese netizens. The ad was deemed disrespectful to artists and the tools they use. Many Japanese netizens protested this advertisement because it was not in line with the concept of ‘tsukumogami’.

“Some are disturbed because of the belief in ‘Tsukumogami’ – the idea where a creative tool has a soul of its own (a beautiful idea), so destroying it is a truly evil act,” said Halide co-founder Sebastiaan de With.
















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Cyber ​​Attacks

SAFEnet : Cyber ​​Attacks to Double in Early 2024

Morrissey Technology – The SAFEnet report revealed that digital or cyber attacks in Indonesia experienced an increase in early 2024. The number of digital security incidents during the January-March 2024 period was 61, with details of 13 in January, 20 in February and 27 in March. This record is almost double the number of incidents last year in the same period. In fact, the difference in incident records reached 28 cases between the beginning of 2023 and the beginning of 2024.

“Based on monitoring during the January-March 2024 period, digital incidents and attacks remain widespread,” wrote SAFEnet FOR4D in its monitoring report on digital rights in Indonesia for the first quarter of 2024.

“During those three months, at least 61 digital security incidents occurred. These incidents occurred 13 times in January, 20 times in February, and 27 times in March,” the report continued.

With that note, it can be concluded that the average digital security incident during January-March 2024 was 16.25 incidents per month. This figure is greater than the average for the same period last year, namely 11 incidents per month.

SAFEnet revealed that political motives remain the main suspicion behind the rise in cyber attacks at the beginning of this year. The motive is related to the 2024 election and criticism of the government and the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election. The report then gave several examples of cases of cyber attacks that occurred, such as when the Twitter/X account @veenarooth was suspended. The account can no longer be accessed after uploading a statement deemed offensive to one of the candidate pairs on February 16.

A month earlier, former vice presidential candidate number 3 Mahfud MD’s Instagram account was also hacked. The account was hacked on January 16 2024 to display a 12-second video showing Israeli soldiers playing football. Another digital security incident was experienced by UGM Yogyakarta Psychology Professor Koentjoro Soeparno and his colleagues. They experienced digital terror repeatedly after being involved in the Bulaksumur Petition FOR4D and the Campus Sues action on March 16 2024.

“Another incident occurred when Prof. Koentjoro Soeparno, Professor of Psychology at UGM Yogyakarta and several of his colleagues, experienced repeated threats (terror) after being involved in the Bulaksumur Petition and the Campus Suing action on Saturday, March 16 2024,” said the SAFEnet report FOR4D.

“The terror came via WhatsApp (WA) messages and anonymous telephone calls,” he continued.

SAFEnet also discovered digital attacks related to the 2024 elections experienced by the KPU as the institution that organizes the elections. On voting day, the KPU website was inaccessible since morning.

The site was also difficult to access on February 15 2024. The KPU then stated that the agency’s website experienced a digital attack in the form of DDoS FOR4D.

“On the day of voting, the KPU website could not be accessed since morning, but then it could be accessed again,” wrote the SAFEnet report.

“The next day, on February 15 2024, the KPU website could not be accessed again until 16.27 WIB,” the report continued.


MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ Released, AI Processing Becomes Faster

Morrissey TechnologyMediaTek released its newest system on a chip (SoC) called Dimensity 9300+, the successor to the Dimensity 9300. Compared to its predecessor, the clock speed of the Dimensity 9300+ is higher, this is because the main core (Cortex-X4) is set at 3.4GHz, not 3.25GHz like its predecessor. Meanwhile, the other three Cortex-X4 cores still have a speed of 2.85GHz, and the four power-saving cores are Cortex-A720 2GHz.

So even though the chip is still produced using the same 4nm+ process from TSMC, the performance can be faster. The GPU is still the same, namely the Immortalis-G720 which is equipped with ray tracing. The Dimensity 9300+ integrates a 2nd generation hardware raytracing engine with an Arm Immortalis-G720 GPU, providing gamers with a fast raytracing experience at a smooth 60 FPS, complemented by console-standard global lighting effects. Improvements also occurred in the AI ​​Processing Unit (APU), specifically the APU 790 FOR4D which promises a performance increase of 10% for AI processing because it uses NeuroPilot Speculative Decode Acceleration technology.

The powerful APU 790 AI engine enables the Dimensity 9300+ to not only support large language models (LLM) with parameters 1B, 7B, and 13B, with scalability up to 33B, but also run LLM quickly and efficiently. With NeuroPilot Speculative Decode Acceleration technology, Dimensity 9300+ can run LLM FOR4D with seven billion parameters at 22 tokens per second, faster than its rivals. With MediaTek’s Imagiq 990 ISP offering 18-bit RAW processing, the Dimensity 9300+ is promised to produce high quality photos and videos, even in low-light environments.

The Dimensity 9300+ is ideal for a wide range of AI applications, offering :

Support for LoRA Fusion and NeuroPilot LoRA Fusion 2.0 on devices so developers can quickly market new generative AI applications with text, images, music, and more. Support for the latest LLMs includes 01.AIYi-Nano, Alibaba Cloud Qwen, Baichuan AI, ERNIE-3.5-SE FOR4D, Google Gemini Nano, and Meta Llama 2 and Llama 3. Delegate ExecuTorch solutions to ecosystems that apply inference on devices.

“Dimensity 9300+ will help us continue to build a rich ecosystem of generative AI applications thanks to extensive LLM support on the chip and LoRA Fusion on the device,” said JS Hsu, Corporate Senior Vice President of MediaTek.

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Samsung Exynos

Samsung Will Part Ways with AMD

Morrissey Technology – After several generations of Exynos chips using GPUs with AMD RDNA architecture, Samsung is said to be starting to use its own GPU in the Exynos 2600. According to a leak from Roland Quandt, the Exynos 2600 will use a Samsung GPU and not an RDNA GPU from AMD. However, the Exynos 2600 will only be released in 2026, and should only be used in the Galaxy S26 line.

Meanwhile, the Exynos 2500, which will be released in 2025, will still use a GPU from AMD. This chip will be used in the Galaxy S25 and S25+ range in several countries, except the United States and China. So Samsung has quite a lot of time to work on its own GPU, because the new Exynos 2600 will be released in 2026. Including optimizing its performance so that it can be equivalent to the Snapdragon chip from Qualcomm FOR4D which will be released in 2026.

Meanwhile, the Exynos 2500, which will be released in 2025, is said to be Samsung’s first application processor (AP) made by Samsung Foundry with a 3nm process. It is reported that this chip will be more efficient than the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 because the Qualcomm chip is made by TSMC using the N3E (3nm) process. Samsung’s chips will be superior because they have implemented Gate-All-Around (GAA) transistors with 3nm fabrication, while TSMC will only implement GAA FOR4D when producing 2nm chips in 2025.

The use of GAA makes chip power consumption more efficient. Namely because it uses horizontal nanosheets that are stacked vertically. That way there is a “gate” that touches between each layer and can reduce power leakage, superiorly increasing the electrical signal between transistors. So in general, the application of GAA FOR4D will increase overall chip performance.

Artifical Inteligence

Will AI Make People Lose Their Jobs?

Morrissey Technology – Amid rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI), many workers are anxious about the future of their careers. AI, which is increasingly sophisticated and capable of performing a variety of human tasks, has raised questions about the relevance of human skills in the future. Director of the Digital Economy and Economist at the Center of Economic and Law Studies (Celios) Nailul Huda revealed that there are many jobs that can be replaced by AI. Even so, human existence is still needed.

“We can’t close our eyes. AI will replace human jobs. But we still need it. AI’s development must also come from humans who ordered it to create artificial intelligence,” said Nailul in Jakarta.

He added that the presence of AI creates new jobs. It’s just that at the same time new challenges emerge. “Don’t let new job opportunities emerge but instead foreign workers will come in,” said Nailul. Therefore, he reminded us to improve our abilities. So that it is not eroded by AI and foreign workers. “We have to be prepared to become qualified human resources. When jobs are lost because of AI, new jobs appear but they are filled by foreign workers,” said Nailul.

Expert Prompt

In a world increasingly influenced by AI, the ability to communicate with machines is becoming increasingly important. Therefore, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information (Wamenkominfo) Nezar Patria needs expertise in creating prompts. Prompts really determine the effectiveness of generative AI. Well-designed prompts can lead AI to produce relevant, accurate and innovative responses.

“Generative AI will read the prompts created, adapting to the impulses given,” said Nezar FOR4D.

To make a good prompt, according to the Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, it’s not just anything. There is knowledge in everything and fortunately nowadays it is easy to learn through online courses. “Who is good at making prompts will be more advanced in utilizing AI,” concluded Nezar.