Morrissey Technology


SpaceX Rocket

SpaceX Secretly Makes Satellites for Spying, Check Their Purpose

Morrissey Technology – Billionaire Elon Musk’s space company, SpaceX, is reportedly building a network of hundreds of spy satellites for United States intelligence agencies. Five sources familiar with this program said SpaceX had a secret contract with US intelligence agencies.

This network was built by SpaceX’s Starshield business unit under a contract worth US$1.8 billion (around Rp. 28 trillion). According to one source, this contract was signed in 2021 with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the intelligence agency that manages spy satellites.

The plan shows the extent of SpaceX’s involvement in US intelligence and military projects. In addition, this plan also reveals Pentagon investments aimed at supporting ground troops.

The five sources said that if this is successful, the program will significantly increase the ability of the US government and military to quickly find targets almost anywhere in the world. Sources say the satellites can track targets on the ground and share that data with US intelligence and military officials.

In principle, it would allow the US government to quickly capture continuous imagery of activities on the ground almost anywhere around the world, aiding intelligence and military operations.

SpaceX did not respond to multiple requests for comment about its contractual role in the program, as well as details about the satellite launch. Meanwhile, the Pentagon asked that this be confirmed to the NRO and SpaceX.

In a statement, the NRO acknowledged its mission to develop advanced satellite systems and its partnerships with government agencies, companies, research institutes and other countries. However, they declined to comment on a Reuters report on the extent of SpaceX’s involvement in the effort.

“NRO is developing the most capable, diverse and robust space-based intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems the world has ever seen,” a spokesperson said.

Three sources stated that at least a dozen prototypes have been launched since 2020, including satellites launched with SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket.

A US government database of objects in orbit shows several SpaceX missions have launched satellites that have never been acknowledged by the company or the government. Two sources confirmed that the satellites are prototypes for the Starshield network.

This series of classified spy satellites is one of the US government’s most sought after capabilities in space because it is designed to offer the broadest, most comprehensive and rapid coverage of activities on Earth.

“There’s no hiding,” one source said of the system’s potential capabilities, when describing the network’s reach.

Attempts at space domination

The Starshield network is part of an increasingly fierce competition between the US and its rivals to seize a position of dominance as a military power in space, done in part by expanding the system of spy satellites that no longer use large and expensive spacecraft. In contrast, a vast, low-orbiting network could provide faster, near-constant imaging of the Earth.

China on the other hand is also planning to start building its own satellite constellation, and the Pentagon has warned of the threat of space weapons from Russia, which could cripple the entire satellite network.

Starshield aims to be more resilient against attacks from advanced space forces. Two sources revealed that this network is also intended to expand the US government’s remote sensing capabilities.

In addition, the network FOR4D will consist of large satellites with imaging sensors, as well as a large number of relay satellites that relay imaging data and other communications across the network using inter-satellite lasers.