Morrissey Technology


Microsoft tarik model AI pembuat gambar terbaru imbas keluhan pengguna

Jakarta- Microsoft menarik model terbaru alat pembuat gambar berbasis artificial intelligence (AI) atau kecerdasan buatan besutannya Bing Image Creator setelah menerima banyak keluhan dari pengguna mengenai kualitas gambar yang dihasilkan.

Melansir Tech Crunch, Kamis, Microsoft menghadirkan model AI terbaru DALL-E 3 atau disebut PR16 yang menjanjikan kemampuan pembuatan gambar dua kali lebih cepat serta kualitas lebih tinggi dari versi sebelumnya.

Banyak pengguna mengeluhkan bahwa model PR16 membuat gambar yang kurang realistis. Selain itu, model tersebut juga disebut menghasilkan gambar yang kurang detail, tampak aneh menyerupai kartun, serta terasa “tidak bernyawa”.

Merespon keluhan tersebut Head of Search Microsoft Jordi Ribas mengatakan dalam unggahannya di X bahwa mereka dapat mengoreksi kekurangan-kekurangan yang telah dilaporkan dan kembali menggunakan model DALL-E 3 versi lama yakni PR13 untuk saat ini.

“Kami telah mereproduksi beberapa masalah yang dilaporkan, dan berencana untuk kembali ke PR13 sampai kami dapat memperbaikinya. Sayangnya, proses penerapannya sangat lambat. Ini dimulai lebih dari seminggu yang lalu dan akan memakan waktu 2-3 minggu lagi untuk mencapai 100 persen,” kata Ribas.

Keluhan pengguna mengenai kemampuan AI pembuat gambar bukan yang pertama kali dialami raksasa teknologi. Pada Februari 2024, Google terpaksa menarik kemampuan chatbot AI Gemini untuk membuat gambar manusia setelah pengguna mengeluhkan ketidakakuratan historis.

Kesalahan langkah tersebut menggambarkan tantangan yang dihadapi pengembang AI dalam meningkatkan modelnya untuk memenuhi ekspektasi pengguna.

Menurut Ribas, Microsoft menguji kualitas PR16 dan hasilnya model tersebut menghasilkan gambar dengan kualitas “sedikit lebih baik dari biasanya” dibandingkan dengan model Bing Image Creator sebelumnya.

Indibiz gaet Microsoft latih UKM kelola bisnis gunakan solusi digital

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Indibiz, ekosistem solusi digital dari perusahaan BUMN Telkom Indonesia, menggaet mitranya Microsoft untuk melatih para pelaku Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) yang merupakan pelanggannya untuk dapat mengelola bisnis dengan keamanan siber yang optimal menggunakan solusi digital yang tepat.

Indibiz bersama penyedia solusi manajemen TI Telkom yaitu Digiserve dan Microsoft menghadirkan pelatihan bertajuk “Microsoft 365 Solutions for SME” yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kapasitas pelaku UKM sebagai talenta digital sejalan dengan program digitalisasi UMKM di Indonesia.

“Harapannya, peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan ini semakin lebih mengenal ekosistem solusi digital Indibiz yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas bisnis UKM,” kata OVP Enterprise Regional Management Telkom Reni Yustiani, dalam keterangannya, Selasa.

Adapun program ini juga menjadi cara mengenalkan solusi Microsoft 365 yang kini hadir dalam layanan Indibiz bagi para pelanggannya yang merupakan pelaku UKM. Dengan demikian solusi ini bisa digunakan dengan lebih optimal oleh para pelanggan mengelola bisnis mereka.

Microsoft 365 hadir dengan fitur keamanan tingkat lanjut yang dirancang untuk membantu UKM memenuhi kebutuhan keamanan siber pada layanannya seperti Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Data Loss Prevention (DLP), dan Identity and Access Management.

Riset dari Forrester mengungkapkan bahwa implementasi Microsoft 365 mampu meningkatkan produktivitas hingga 15 persen melalui antarmuka yang intuitif bagi penggunanya.

Selain itu, riset tersebut menyebutkan bahwa efisiensi waktu penyelesaian masalah TI bisa dicapai hingga 75 persen lebih cepat berkat alat-alat terintegrasi, serta pengguna bisa melakukan penghematan hingga 35 persen per pengguna dengan mengkonsolidasikan berbagai solusi teknologi ke dalam satu platform yang efisien.

Pelaksana Tugas (Plt.) Presiden Direktur Digiserve Buddy Restiady mengatakan bahwa layanan Microsoft 365 di dalam Indibiz telah dirancang untuk membantu UKM memenuhi kebutuhan digital dengan standar global.

Pelaku usaha dapat mengelola data lebih mudah mulai dari penyimpanan, akses, hingga penghapusan dengan efisien. Menawarkan solusi yang hemat biaya tapi juga memberikan proteksi keamanan siber yang optimal bagi bisnis pelaku UKM apabila solusi itu dimanfaatkan sesuai prosedur.

“Dengan solusi digital ini, kami ingin memastikan bahwa pelanggan kami dapat menjalankan bisnis tanpa rasa khawatir, sehingga mereka dapat fokus pada hal-hal yang benar-benar penting, seperti pertumbuhan dan inovasi,” kata Buddy.

Salah satu pelaku UKM yang merasa terbantu dalam pelatihan ini Soleh dari Smailing Tour & Travel mengatakan bahwa ia menjadi mengenal lebih baik produk digital dalam pengelolaan keamanan siber pada layanannya dan mengenal juga mengenai UU Pelindungan Data Pribadi (PDP).

“Saya jadi lebih mengetahui manfaat dan benefit untuk usaha yang saya jalani agar lebih produktif dan efisien, dan juga tentang UU PDP,” kata Soleh yang merupakan Manager TI dari Smailing Tour & Travel.

Dengan solusi teknologi yang canggih, pelaku UKM diharapkan dapat memaksimalkan produktivitas, meningkatkan daya saing, serta menciptakan inovasi yang relevan dengan kebutuhan zaman.

Microsoft Outlook now has dynamic AI-powered themes

Microsoft is adding AI-powered themes to Outlook today. Dubbed “Themes by Copilot,” this AI-powered feature will require a Copilot Pro or business license to add a more personalized look to Microsoft’s email client.

The themes will appear across Outlook for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and on the web, and they’re designed to make “Outlook more beautiful and approachable,” according to Microsoft.

You’ll be able to create a theme based on the weather or locations, and they can dynamically update every few hours, each day, weekly, or monthly. “If you’ve enabled location permissions in Outlook, the My Location theme will bring you imagery uniquely inspired by your locale, dynamically updating for you as you head out the door on a trip or vacation,” says Microsoft.

Every AI-generated theme has a wallpaper for the background on the desktop version of Outlook or the top section of the iOS and Android apps. There’s also an accent color that themes the rest of the Outlook client.

Microsoft is also releasing a collection of non-AI-powered themes for everyone without a Copilot license. The collection includes green, red, and purple themes that are available across the web, PC, Mac, and mobile versions of Outlook.


















Microsoft Opens Up About the Real Cause of Azure and 365 Down

Morrissey Technology – Technology company Microsoft opened up about Microsoft 365 and Azure services being down for nine hours worldwide last Tuesday (30/7). It all turned out to be triggered by fake traffic or distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) cyber attacks.

The company based in Redmond, Washington DC, United States (US) said that it previously had a defense mechanism for DDoS attacks. However, from a temporary investigation into the DDoS defense that occurred this week, it actually strengthened the impact of the attack.

“Even though the initial trigger event was a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack, which activated our DDoS protection mechanisms,” said Microsoft’s official statement.

“Preliminary investigations indicate that errors in the implementation of our defenses amplified the impact of the attack rather than mitigating it.”

Microsoft’s security team is also working to understand DDoS, and mitigate its defenses.

“Once the nature of the usage spike was understood, we implemented network configuration changes to support our DDoS protection efforts, and failed over alternate network paths to provide relief,” the statement continued.

Previously the service outage due to the DDoS attack impacted Microsoft Entra, several Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Purview services (including Intune, Power BI, and Power Platform), as well as Azure App Services, Application Insights, Azure IoT Central, Azure Log Search Alerts, Azure Policy , and the Microsoft Azure Portal.

Microsoft said it plans to release a Initial Post-incident Review (PIR) within 72 hours and a Final Post-incident Review within the next two weeks, with additional details and learnings from this week’s outage. So far, Microsoft has stated that there have been no specific threats made by the perpetrators regarding this DDoS attack.

If we look back, in June 2023, Microsoft also confirmed that an actor known as Anonymous Sudan alias Storm-1359 carried out a DDoS attack which resulted in the outage of Azure, Outlook and the OneDrive web portal.

Additionally, early last July, tens of thousands of Microsoft 365 customers were impacted by another widespread outage. At that time, Microsoft said this was due to changes to the Azure configuration. Other major outages also affected Microsoft 365 services in July 2022 following an incorrect Enterprise Configuration Service (ECS) deployment and in January 2023 following a Wide Area Network IP change.

Microsoft Windows

World IT Disaster, This is a List of Systems that Collapsed as a result of Windows Down

Morrissey TechnologyMicrosoft Windows-based machines and devices around the world crashed simultaneously on Friday (19/7) due to a CrowdStrike update error. Because of its large scale, this incident deserves to be called a global IT disaster. It is recorded that many services have been affected by the biggest IT outages in recent years, ranging from airline travel, broadcasting, emergency calls, even hospital operations were disrupted by Windows crashing. The following is only part of the list of services affected by the collapse of Windows, as quoted from Mashable.


Perhaps one of the sectors most significantly impacted by this incident is the aviation industry. Major US airlines such as Delta and Allegiant suspended operations, as did airlines from countries such as France, Spain, Australia and India.

Emergency call

Many public and private sector services rely on Windows-based machines for infrastructure and basic tasks, and the problematic CrowdStrike update also impacted 911 emergency operator services. Emergency calling services are not working in some US states such as Alaska and Ohio, and local governments released a list of alternative telephone numbers that citizens can use. Surprisingly, in Alaska, 911 is still working in Anchorage, the state’s largest city, even when systems in the rest of the state are down.


Medical systems in various countries also bear the consequences of this event. Bloomberg reports that hospitals in the UK are having difficulty retrieving patient data, while Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York has had to delay the start of any surgical procedures that use anesthesia. One hospital in France had employees manually direct patients to appointments because the check-in process had failed. Interestingly, health care provider UPMC in Pittsburgh claims very few of their Windows devices have experienced problems and there have been relatively no glitches.

Stock market

While one might expect a massive IT outage related to Microsoft to have an impact on Microsoft’s stock price, the outage actually temporarily prevented stock trading in some places. For example, the London stock exchange, England had to postpone the start of trading on Friday (19/7) morning. Because the companies run different systems, many remain unaffected, including the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, which began operating the day Windows went down without any problems.

TV channel

Obviously, broadcast TV requires a lot of computing technology, and with the global popularity of Windows, outages resulting from CrowdStrike updates are bound to impact at least some networks. One of the most prominent was Sky News in the UK, which was off the air on Friday (19/7) due to a Windows outage. Several TV channels in France were also affected, one of which was unable to show weather information to viewers due to technical difficulties. In the US, NBC News and MSNBC experienced temporary problems, as did several small local networks across the US.

Times Square

New York’s iconic Times Square went completely dark on Friday (19/7) morning. Predictably, this busy center is synonymous with sparkling large screens displaying various advertisements or entertainment, and the screens that fill Times Square all use Windows.

CrowdStrike Microsoft

CrowdStrike Takes 5 Days to Fix System Cause of Microsoft Down

Morrissey Technology – Global internet disruptions due to the CrowdStrike software update process have an impact on a number of world lines such as systems in hospitals, airlines, and computers that serve the public interest. The impact was so widespread that a number of airlines had to temporarily stop flights. 911 operators were also unable to respond to emergencies, so a number of hospitals had to cancel their scheduled operations.

Chaos truly occurred across almost the entire world on Friday (19/7) when CrowdStrike, a company based in Austin, Texas created software that can be used by multinational companies, government agencies, and a number of organizations with the aim of protecting themselves from hacker attacks.

Unfortunately, this update actually crashed the computer when running Microsoft Windows software on a computer that had the new device from CrowdStrike installed. Former Chief Executive of the UK’s National Cyber ​​Security Center and Professor at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University, Ciaran Martin, said this incident shows that the world’s internet infrastructure is very fragile.

“This is a very, very unpleasant picture of the fragility of the world’s core internet infrastructure,” he said, according to the New York Times.

The scale of damage caused by this incident was extensive. This leads to questions about how the company carried out previous code testing. CrowdStrike CEO, George Kurtz, said his company was responsible for the error. They will also improve software that has been released. He also warned that it may take some time before the technology returns to normal.

“We are deeply sorry for the impact we have had on customers, tourists and anyone affected by this,” he said.

On the other hand, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, also blamed CrowdStrike and said that his company is currently continuing its efforts to help customers.

“Bringing the system back online,” he said. Meanwhile Apple and Linux are not affected by this device update.

CrowdStrike took at least five days to repair all of these damaged systems. They also promised to increase testing in the future. The problems started when CrowdStrike shipped a software update called Falcon Sensor. Not long after, when the user ran Microsoft, this caused the machine to shut down and boot repeatedly without stopping. Workers around the world are greeted with what is known as a ‘blue screen death’ on their computers. This is likely due to a lack of testing at CrowdStrike. Various problems arose immediately, at Sydney Airport passengers experienced delays and cancellations. This also happened in Hong Kong, India, Dubai, Berlin, and Amsterdam. In fact, five US airlines, Allegiant Air, American, Delta, Spirit and United had to temporarily stop all flights. United Parcel Service and FedEx were also impacted. TD Bank customers also reported problems accessing their online accounts. As a result of this incident, CrowdStrike’s share price fell 11 percent this weekend.


Microsoft Ready to Enter Mobile Gaming, Dare to Fight Apple and Google

Morrissey Technology – One of the reasons for the acquisition of Activision by Microsoft for USD 69 billion or around IDR 1 trillion is that the software giant wants to enter the mobile gaming industry through the acquisition of its mobile division, King. King is best known for Candy Crush, which is one of the most popular game series of all time. Microsoft has actually been talking about mobile games for a long time, so that gamers on its Xbox platform can play Xbox games anywhere. While the app hasn’t launched yet, it is certain to happen soon.

“This year we will debut our first mobile service. Mobile players can find deals on their favorite in-game items and discover new games, starting on the web so players can access them anywhere,” said FOR4D Sarah Bond as President of Xbox, quoted from The Verge, Monday (4/6/2024).

“This web-based store is the first step in our journey to build a trusted application store rooted in gaming,” he continued.

Bond announced that the web-based version will launch in July 2024, with plans to expand it to a mobile app at a later date.

“This year we will debut our first mobile service. Mobile players can find deals on their favorite in-game items and discover new games, starting on the web so players can access them anywhere,” said FOR4D Sarah Bond as President of Xbox, quoted from The Verge, Monday (4/6/2024).

“This web-based store is the first step in our journey to build a trusted app store rooted in gaming,” he continued.

Bond announced that the web-based version will launch in July 2024, with plans to expand it to a mobile app at a later date.

“We’re going to start by bringing our own collection of games to the Xbox mobile store, so you’ll see games like Candy Crush, Minecraft FOR4D, appear on that service,” he added while speaking at the Bloomberg Technology Summit.

“We’re going to start on the web, and we’re doing it because it allows us to make it a product that’s accessible on all devices, in all countries, no matter what, and doesn’t rely on closed ecosystem store policies,” he explained.

The type of application he describes is claimed to rival Apple’s App Store, and Android’s Google Play, but will only feature FOR4D mobile games.


Microsoft Threatened with Billions of Dollars in Fines Due to Bing AI

Morrissey Technology – Microsoft faces a fine of up to 1% of its annual revenue if it does not immediately respond to the European Union’s request by May 27 2024. The threat stems from requests made under the European Union’s Digital Services Act regarding the company’s Bing search engine and related generative artificial intelligence (AI) services.

In a post onMicrosoft faces a fine of up to 1% of its annual revenue if it does not immediately respond to the European Union’s request by May 27 2024. The threat stems from requests made under the European Union’s Digital Services Act regarding the company’s Bing search engine and related generative artificial intelligence (AI) services.

The European Union explained that the initial request sent on May 14 related to specific risks stemming from Bing’s generative AI features, particularly Copilot in Bing and image creation by Designer. Microsoft has until May 27, 2024 to provide the requested information to the European Union.

This warning was accompanied by a notice that the EU FOR4D may impose fines of up to 1% of the provider’s total annual revenue, as well as periodic fines of up to 5% of the provider’s average daily revenue if the EU’s requests are not met before the deadline. While a 1% revenue fine may not sound like a major blow, in Microsoft’s case, it could amount to more than USD 2 billion.

Self-reported revenue for 2023 is USD 211 billion, and if current market trends remain stable, it is conceivable that Microsoft could surpass that figure in 2024. With these figures, if fined, it would be around USD 2.1 billion.

However, Microsoft has not been found guilty of violating European Union law, at least not specifically in relation to this notification. Rather, this appears to be more of a polite notice to the public that Microsoft has effectively been asked to provide further details, which have consequences if ignored.


AI Disrupts Microsoft’s Climate Change Plans

Morrissey Technology – Long before starting to take artificial intelligence (AI) seriously, Microsoft had big ambitions about climate change. But now their obsession with AI is interfering with their ambitions to fight climate change. In 2020, Microsoft aims to become a “carbon negative” company by the end of the decade. To make that plan a reality, they want to cut greenhouse gas emissions by half, and want to clean up more carbon dioxide emissions than they produce.

Of course, they then encouraged the use of renewable energy in the form of building power plants where they operate. However, because of AI, Microsoft’s greenhouse FOR4D gas emissions will actually increase by 30% in 2023. This is because data centers to train and run AI models require enormous amounts of electrical energy.

Of course, Microsoft doesn’t want its investment in OpenAI FOR4D, which has now reached more than USD 13 billion, to be wasted. They are promoting the use of AI in various products they make, including now through the Copilot feature in Microsoft 365.

“In 2020, we unveiled what we call the carbon moonshot. That was before the explosion of artificial intelligence. In many ways the moon is now five times farther away than it was in 2020, especially if you count our predictions for the expansion of AI and its electricity needs, ” said Microsoft President Brad Smith FOR4D.

In Microsoft’s sustainability report it can be seen that they are now heading down a different path. They produced 15.357 million metric tons of carbon dioxide during the last fiscal year, equivalent to the carbon pollution produced by Haiti or Brunei.

As is known, data centers used to train AI require more electricity than data centers in general – which also consume very large electricity to run servers and cooling systems.

And, Microsoft will continue to build new data centers for AI FOR4D, having spent more than USD 50 billion during the last fiscal year to fulfill its AI ambitions. This figure is expected to increase in the current fiscal year.


US Cybersecurity Agency : Russian Hackers Used Microsoft Access to Steal Government Emails

Morrissey Technology – The United States Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency says Russian government-backed hackers have used their access to Microsoft email systems to steal correspondence between officials and the tech giant. This was conveyed by CISA in an emergency directive.

In a briefing dated April 2, the agency warned that hackers were exploiting authentication details shared via email to try to break into Microsoft customer systems FOR4D, including those of an unspecified number of government agencies.

The warning that government agencies were targeted using stolen Microsoft emails follows the company’s announcement in March that it was still grappling with the intruders, which it dubbed “Midnight Blizzard.”

The revelations, which served as a wake-up call for the cybersecurity industry, were followed last week by a report from the US Cybersecurity Review Board which stated that another hack – accused of being carried out by China – could have been prevented, leading to blame for the company’s cybersecurity weaknesses and lack of transparency. intentional.

CISA declined to name institutions that may have been affected. Microsoft said in an email that it is “working with our customers to help them investigate and mitigate. This includes working with CISA on emergency directives to provide guidance to government agencies.”

The Russian Embassy in Washington, which has denied being behind the hacking campaign in the past, did not immediately return a message seeking comment. CISA warned that the hackers might also attack non-governmental groups.

“Other organizations may also be impacted by Microsoft’s corporate email exfiltration,” CISA FOR4D said, encouraging customers to contact Microsoft for more details.