Morrissey Technology


Instagram rilis rival CapCut bernama Edits

Jakarta – Kepala Instagram Adam Mosseri melalui akun threads-nya @mosseri mengumumkan layanan terbaru dari Instagram bernama Edits yang sepertinya bakal menjadi rival dari CapCut sebagai aplikasi pengeditan video.

“Hari ini kami mengumumkan Edits. Sebuah aplikasi baru untuk membuat video di ponsel pintar kalian,” kata Mosseri dalam video yang dibagikan di akun Threads miliknya, Minggu (19/1) waktu setempat.

Menurutnya, Edits tidak hanya berguna untuk memotong, menyambungkan, dan menghasilkan video seperti aplikasi pengeditan lainnya tapi juga akan dilengkapi alat kreatif.

Edits diklaim akan menghadirkan tab khusus untuk inspirasi, tab lain untuk melacak ide-ide awal, serta akses ke kamera dengan video berkualitas lebih tinggi. Mosseri memastikan semua alat penyuntingan yang dicari-cari oleh kreator konten akan berada semuanya di dalam Edits.

Dalam hal pengeditan, Edits dijanjikan juga bisa mengelola video green screen dan juga video yang dapat ditumpuk (video overlays). Dua fitur itu juga tersedia pada aplikasi pengeditan TikTok yang menjadi saingan Instagram.

Apabila video yang dihasilkan di Edits dibagikan di Instagram, Mosseri menjanjikan akan ada rangkuman data yang berguna untuk kreator melihat keterkaitan penonton dengan video tersebut.

Sebuah fitur khusus bernama “Live Insights dashboard” nantinya akan tersedia untuk dapat memetakan ketertarikan pengguna dan non-pengguna terhadap konten tersebut. Akan ada juga metrik untuk melihat seberapa sering pengguna melewati jenis konten tertentu.

Saat ini Edits belum tersedia secara luas dan baru tersedia dalam sistem pre-order yang turut dibagikan Mosseri di Threads tak lama setelah mengumumkan kehadiran Edits.

Instagram isyaratkan bawa AI Meta bagi kreator buat video kreatif

Jakarta – Kepala Instagram Adam Mosseri membawa kabar menarik bagi para kreator konten di Instagram dengan menjanjikan fitur kecerdasan artifisial (AI) generatif yang dapat membantu kreator membuat video mereka lebih kreatif.

Fitur AI Meta tersebut adalah model AI Movie Gen Meta yang akan hadir sebagai fitur penyuntingan dan direncanakan rilis pada 2025.

“Kami ingin memberi pengguna lebih banyak alat untuk membantu mewujudkan ide-idenya. Dan pengguna harus dapat melakukan apa pun yang diinginkan dengan videonya. Pengguna dapat mengubah pakaian, mengubah latar tempat duduk, atau menambahkan rantai, apa pun yang dapat pengguna pikirkan,” katanya seperti dikutip dari unggahan video akun @mosseri di Instagram, Jumat.

Adam menyebutkan saat ini model AI itu tengah diujicobakan di Instagram dan ia tidak sabar untuk membagikannya ke lebih banyak pengguna layanannya.

Dalam video yang dibagikannya, fitur tersebut diisyaratkan dapat mengubah tampilan latar belakang dari sebuah video.

Beberapa yang dicoba Adam Mosseri dengan beberapa latar lokasi seperti gedung Eifel, atau berada di air bersama kudanil, hingga berada di dekat kerumunan di pantai.

Tidak hanya itu, AI tersebut juga bisa mengubah pakaian yang digunakan oleh kreator seperti menambahkan beberapa aksesoris seperti kalung rantai.

Ada juga kemampuan mengubah video yang realis menjadi video animasi yang membuat perbedaan signifikan pada hasil video.

Dari hasil video yang dibagikan oleh Adam, terlihat hasil uji coba AI di Instagram itu nampak bersih dan mulus, namun belum diketahui apakah alat penyuntingan yang nantinya dirilis pada pengguna lebih besar akan memberikan hasil yang sama setelah diluncurkan.

Sebelumnya, pada Oktober 2024, Meta telah merilis Movie Meta Gen sebuah model AI yang memungkinkan pengguna menggunakan input teks sederhana untuk membuat video dan suara serta mengedit video yang sudah ada.

Meta mengatakan saat itu bahwa generator video AI tersebut tidak akan tersedia untuk umum.

Namun pengumuman terbaru dari Adam Mosseri berbeda, menunjukkan Meta akan memanfaatkan model tersebut untuk memberi kreator di Instagram lebih banyak alat penyuntingan AI untuk video mereka.


Meta Admits There is a Bug That Makes the IG Stories Archive Disappear

Morrissey Technology – On Wednesday (1/8) a number of Instagram users around the world said they were shocked because they received notifications that their uploads in the Stories feature archive had been permanently deleted and could not be restored. What is it?

“Certain photos have been permanently deleted from the app’s Stories archives, unable to be recovered,” the notification said.

Meta the digital company that oversees Instagram–admitted that there was a bug or error code that caused a number of users’ story archives to disappear. In an official statement, a Meta spokesperson last Wednesday said the bug could be anticipated.  Apart from that, he said that not all Instagram users experience this problem. Those who were found to be affected by the bug, he said, were the ones who then received notifications.

“We discovered and fixed a bug that was causing some people’s Story highlights and archives to be deleted. Unfortunately, we were unable to restore these Stories and we are notifying people in the app if they were impacted,” the Meta spokesperson said without explaining how many Instagram users who are affected.

Instagram Stories is a more relaxed and less binding form of posting on a user’s account. Users can upload photos, videos, or text posts that will disappear within 24 hours.

Additionally, more exclusive content can be included in a curated Close Friends list or can be permanently placed on your profile as a story highlight. Stories are different from regular posts, as they are often personalized with music, gifs, text, filters, and interactive features like polls or quizzes. Even though it can disappear within 24 hours, Instagram provides an archive feature that allows users to save one of their stories.

10 Most Visited Sites in the World

10 Most Visited Sites in the World, Google to WA

Morrissey Technology – The number of sites around the world, to date, has reached 1 billion. The following are the sites most visited by internet users. The Netcraft Web Server Survey, in May 2024, revealed 1,097,398,145 sites in the world. However, only 18 percent of these sites are active, and the other 82 percent are inactive. However, what sites are most frequently visited out of the billions of sites circulating in cyberspace?

A number of popular websites such as Google and Wikipedia are the most visited sites in the world. Apart from that, there are also several social media names such as Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). The list of the 10 most popular websites in the world for the July 1, 2024 edition has not changed much. The names on the list are still dominated by popular names, including those well-known in the region such as Baidu and Yandex. Quoted from Similarweb, here are the 10 most visited sites in the world, July 1 2024 edition :

1. is the most popular search engine in the world, so it is not surprising that it is in first place. Moreover, Google’s dominance is not only in search engines, but also in its penetration through the operating system on Android phones.

On Android phones, users’ internet searches are quite easy with the Google Search widget. This way, users don’t need to bother opening a browser to search. This site was visited by a total of 82m1 military with an average visit of 10 minutes 30 seconds. Compared to the previous month, the number of visits to this site decreased by around 4.8 percent.


Google’s video streaming platform is in second place in the most popular sites. As a site, this streaming platform still dominates amidst the onslaught of video-based social media such as Instagram and TikTok. YouTube was visited a total of 31.5 billion times with an average visit duration of 20 minutes 5 seconds. YouTube’s position in second place has not changed over the last 3 months. Currently, YouTube not only provides long videos in landscape format, but also short videos in portrait format. This new format is here to answer the short video trend that is currently growing.


Social media from technology giant Meta is in third place with a total of 15.3 billion visits. The average duration of a visit to this site is 10 minutes 29 seconds. Facebook’s dominance doesn’t seem as big as before, but this platform still has its own market. In the midst of the video platform trend, Facebook can still maintain its users and position in the top three most visited sites.


The fourth position is still occupied by Meta’s subsidiary, namely Instagram. Social media which initially featured this photo was visited 7 billion times with an average duration of 8 visits of 8 minutes 18 seconds. Instagram has now encouraged users to focus more on video content, and they have even updated their algorithm so that creators with a small following can reach a large audience.


This social media, previously known as Twitter, is in the fifth most visited site. X received a total of 5.7 billion visits with an average duration of 7 minutes 36 seconds. This social media owned by tycoon Elon Musk slumped in April and fell to 681st place, but managed to rise to 7th place in May. In June, this platform experienced a jump in visits of 113.7 percent, bringing it to fifth place. In May, X launched a feature that sparked controversy, namely allowing users to upload pornographic content.


Baidu may not be well known globally, but this search engine platform is the answer to the search needs of Chinese citizens. As a result, Baidu was ranked sixth with a total of 4.4 billion visits with an average duration of 4 minutes 33 seconds. In terms of features, Baidu has more or less the same features and services as Google.


Wikipedia, which is ranked seventh, is a space for exploring knowledge. This site provides various kinds of information, from history to biographies of various figures. Visitors to this site on average visit it for 3 minutes 52 seconds and view 3.19 pages.


Yahoo has various services, from search engines, news aggregator platforms to email, which makes it still in the top 10 positions. The average user visited the site for 8 minutes 24 seconds and viewed an average of 5.45 pages.


Like Baidu, Yandex may not be well known globally. However, this site established its dominance in their homeland, Russia. The Russian search engine site is in ninth position with an average visit of 8 minutes 41 seconds, with the average customer visiting 8.82 pages per visit.


WhatsApp (WAw) is the only instant messaging platform that is in the top 10 most popular sites. Meta’s platform has more than 2.7 billion users worldwide. WhatsApp itself is currently used for various activities, ranging from personal to work or professional needs. Visitors to this site average a visit of 19 minutes and 26 seconds.