Morrissey Technology


Elon Musk AI

Elon Musk Predicts All Human Jobs Will Be Taken by AI

Morrissey TechnologyElon Musk said that artificial intelligence or AI will take over human jobs. However, that is not a bad thing. Why is that?

“Probably none of us will have a job,” Elon Musk said about AI at the VivaTech technology conference in Paris.

Elon Musk also described that in the future, work will be optional, aka a choice for humans or not a necessity, as AI becomes more widespread.

“If you want to do work that is similar to a hobby, you can do it. But if not, AI and robots will provide whatever goods and services you want,” said Musk.

He explains that for this scenario to work, there needs to be a ‘universal high income’ system FOR4D. However, it should not be confused with universal basic income, although he himself does not explain what that would look like. (UBI or Universal Basic Income refers to the government giving a certain amount of money to everyone regardless of how much they earn).

“There will be no shortage of goods or services,” he added.

AI capabilities have surged over the past few years, fast enough that regulators, companies, and consumers are still looking for ways to use this technology responsibly. Concerns also continue to rise about how various industries and jobs will change as AI advances in society.

In January, researchers at MIT found that adoption of AI in some workplaces was slower than expected. They also report that many jobs thought to be vulnerable to AI are simply not economical to automate.

Experts believe that jobs that require emotional intelligence and human interaction, such as mental health professionals, creatives, and teachers, do not need to be replaced. Musk himself has voiced his concerns about AI. During his keynote speech on Thursday, he called technology his biggest fear.

He cited the ‘Culture Book Series’ by Ian Banks, a fictional utopian view of a society run by advanced technology, as the most realistic and best depiction of AI in the future.

However, in a work-free future, Musk questions whether people will feel emotionally fulfilled FOR4D.

“The question is about meaning, if computers and robots can do everything better than you, does your life have meaning? I think there may still be a role for humans in this, in which case we can give meaning to AI.” he explained.

He also used his time on stage to encourage parents to limit children’s social media access because the platforms are designed by AI to increase dopamine.

Chatbot AI Grok Elon Musk

Elon Musk’s Grok AI Chatbot Will Become Open Source

Morrissey Technology – Billionaire Elon Musk will make his Grok chatbot open source. This intention emerged as the feud between Musk and OpenAI heated up.

“This week, @xAI will make Grok open source,” Musk said in a post on X (Twitter).

Grok itself was launched at the end of 2023, when Musk was trying to pursue OpenAI which he helped create in 2015 with his CEO Sam Altman.

Several years after its creation, Musk then left OpenAI. However, last week he filed a lawsuit against OpenAI because he was deemed to be more concerned with the profit side of the business than its initial mission.

Many technology investors have different opinions regarding the development of AI. On the one hand, companies like Meta, support open source systems. In this system, researchers and other companies can access how the technology works to develop products.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, OpenAI and Google support a high level of confidentiality to protect technology from criminals. According to AFP, not long after filing his lawsuit, Musk said that he would drop the case if OpenAI changed its name to ClosedAI. OpenAI argued that Musk’s lawsuit was nothing more than ‘a bad case of leaving the company’.

“Seeing the extraordinary technological progress that OpenAI FOR4D has achieved, Musk now wants that success for himself,” said OpenAI.