Morrissey Technology


Menilik robot penyadap karet buatan China yang masuk pasar Indonesia

Jakarta  – Sebagai bahan baku industri yang penting, karet alam memiliki berbagai macam penggunaan. Namun, akibat intensitas tenaga kerja yang tinggi dalam proses menyadap karet, jam kerja yang tidak menentu, dan prevalensi penyakit akibat pekerjaan, banyak negara penghasil karet alam, termasuk China, menghadapi masalah kekurangan tenaga kerja yang semakin meningkat.

“Pengembangan robot penyadap karet bertujuan untuk mengatasi tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh semakin sedikitnya petani karet,” kata Wakil Direktur Institut Penelitian Karet Alam di Akademi Ilmu Pertanian Tropis China, Cao Jianhua.

Robot penyadap karet mobile ini mewujudkan integrasi mendalam antara kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence/AI), teknologi robotika, dan teknik pengelolaan karet alam.

Robot tersebut dilengkapi dengan sebuah lengan robotik yang dapat bergerak secara fleksibel dan, dengan mengandalkan tracked mobile platform, robot itu dapat bergerak bebas di tengah-tengah perkebunan karet.

Robot ini menggabungkan teknologi seperti navigasi medan adaptif, pemosisian di hutan, dan perencanaan jalur otonomos. Semua itu memungkinkan pengendalian terpresisi terhadap kedalaman penorehan pada pohon, ketebalan kupasan, dan pengukuran batang pohon, serta kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap medan yang kompleks.

Saat ini, kapasitas menyadap karet robot itu dapat mencapai 80 persen dari proses menyadap karet secara manual, menunjukkan kinerja yang baik secara keseluruhan.

Pada 2015, Institut Penelitian Karet Alam di Akademi Ilmu Pertanian Tropis China membentuk sebuah tim yang meneliti proses penyadapan karet secara mekanis. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pisau elektrik portabel untuk menyadap karet yang dikembangkan institut tersebut telah didemonstrasikan di Indonesia, Thailand, dan 13 negara penghasil karet utama lainnya.

Mesin penyadap karet terpasang yang dikembangkan oleh institut itu juga telah mulai dipromosikan. Keberhasilan pengembangan robot penyadap karet mobile yang lebih canggih menunjukkan terobosan signifikan China dalam penelitian dan pengembangan peralatan untuk menyadap karet yang sepenuhnya otomatis dan pintar.

“Kami adalah yang pertama memulai penelitian tentang robot penyadap karet dan berada di posisi terdepan di bidang ini secara global,” ujar Cao.

Robot ini telah diuji coba di Provinsi Guangdong, Yunnan, dan Hainan. Kualitas getah karet yang dikumpulkan oleh robot ini juga tidak dapat dibedakan dari yang diperoleh melalui proses penyadapan karet secara manual.

Setiap robot mampu menangani pekerjaan menyadap karet di perkebunan karet seluas 50 mu (sekitar 3,33 hektare), sehingga memungkinkan pengembalian biaya pembelian robot dalam waktu satu tahun berdasarkan harga karet alam saat ini.

Tim peneliti tersebut juga sedang mengerjakan iterasi teknis guna lebih meningkatkan efisiensi dan kemampuan adaptasi robot dalam menghadapi berbagai medan.

Ke depannya, para pengguna akan dapat memeriksa status operasional robot dan memantau kondisi perkebunan karet melalui aplikasi ponsel pintar, memanfaatkan mahadata (big data) dan AI untuk pengelolaan otomatis perkebunan karet, sehingga membebaskan para pekerja dari pekerjaan berat.

Musim menyadap karet di Hainan akan dimulai pada April, dan robot ini akan digunakan di beberapa perkebunan di Danzhou untuk uji coba.

“Beberapa perusahaan ban multinasional, bersama dengan perusahaan perkebunan karet dari Indonesia dan Thailand, telah menyatakan ketertarikan mereka terhadap produk ini,” ungkap Cao.

Lebih lanjut, ia menambahkan bahwa setelah teknologi produk ini stabil dan siap edar, robot ini akan dipromosikan di negara-negara penghasil karet alam utama di Asia Tenggara dan sekitarnya.

Roket Smart Dragon-3 milik China luncurkan satelit dari laut

Haiyang – Roket Smart Dragon-3 (SD-3) pada Senin (13/1) lepas landas di Provinsi Shandong, China timur, mengirim kelompok satelit CentiSpace 01 ke orbit yang telah ditentukan.

Roket tersebut lepas landas pada pukul 11.00 Waktu Beijing (10.00 WIB) dari laut di dekat Kota Haiyang. Misi peluncuran di lepas pantai itu dilakukan oleh Pusat Peluncuran Satelit Taiyuan.

Dikembangkan oleh Akademi Teknologi Wahana Peluncur China, roket SD-3 memiliki panjang total 31 meter dan bobot 140 ton. Wakil kepala perancang roket SD-3 Liu Wei mengatakan peristiwa itu merupakan peluncuran orbit inklinasi rendah pertama dari perairan lepas pantai Haiyang.

“Memilih lokasi seperti ini untuk peluncuran tersebut tidak hanya memastikan keselamatan, tetapi, juga mengurangi biaya navigasi maritim, mempersingkat waktu persiapan teknis, dan meningkatkan efisiensi ekonomi untuk misi ini,” ungkap Liu.

Dia menambahkan bahwa peluncuran laut itu memverifikasi kemampuan roket untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan maritim yang keras dan angin kencang saat musim dingin.


Muatan di wahana itu meliputi kelompok 10 satelit CentiSpace 01, yang akan digunakan untuk akuisisi data lingkungan luar angkasa dan pengujian jaringan laser antarsatelit. Peluncuran tersebut juga memiliki muatan roket terberat hingga saat ini, dengan kapasitas angkut mencapai 1.600 kilogram.

Roket Smart Dragon-3, yang membawa 14 satelit, meluncur dari Laut Kuning, pada 9 Desember 2022. (ANTARA/Xinhua/Guo Houze)

SD-3 merupakan bagian dari keluarga roket Dragon China. Roket tersebut melakukan penerbangan perdananya pada 2022 dari sebuah kapal di Laut Kuning.

Berbeda dengan roket Long March, yang merupakan wahana peluncur andalan China, seri Dragon dikembangkan khusus guna memenuhi permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat untuk meluncurkan satelit komersial kecil orbit rendah dan jaringan satelit.

Misi pada Senin itu merupakan peluncuran roket berbasis laut pertama bagi China pada 2025. Sejak 2019, Haiyang telah melaksanakan 15 misi peluncuran dari laut, yang mengirim 89 satelit ke luar angkasa.

China rilis laporan pertama penelitian ilmiah di stasiun luar angkasa

Beijing – China merilis laporan pertama yang merinci kemajuan yang berhasil dicapai dalam penelitian ilmiah dan aplikasi yang terkait dengan stasiun luar angkasa negara itu selama dua tahun terakhir.

Badan Antariksa Berawak China (China Manned Space Agency/CMSA), yang menyusun laporan tersebut dalam rangka “menandai peringatan dua tahun berdirinya stasiun luar angkasa China,” mengatakan bahwa laporan ini akan dirilis setiap tahun berdasarkan kemajuan misi luar angkasa yang sedang berlangsung.

Laporan yang dirilis pada Senin (30/12) ini berfokus pada sejumlah bidang seperti penelitian manusia dan kehidupan luar angkasa, ilmu fisika mikrogravitasi, serta aplikasi dan teknologi luar angkasa yang baru.

Laporan ini menyoroti 34 hasil penelitian dan aplikasi ilmiah representatif yang dipilih dari berbagai sampel yang telah dibawa pulang sebelumnya, data penelitian, eksperimen di orbit (in-orbit), serta kemajuan penting dalam proyek-proyek ilmiah dan aplikasi. Laporan ini juga mencakup berbagai kegiatan promosi ilmu pengetahuan, yang menampilkan kemampuan dan semangat inovatif China di bidang teknologi luar angkasa, menurut CMSA.

Dari berbagai hasil representatif itu, 13 di antaranya terkait dengan penelitian kehidupan luar angkasa dan manusia, 12 terkait dengan penelitian ilmu fisika mikrogravitasi, serta sembilan terkait dengan penelitian aplikasi dan teknologi luar angkasa yang baru.

Batch awal eksperimen ilmu antariksa, proyek aplikasi, dan pengujian teknologi di stasiun luar angkasa telah berjalan dengan lancar, membuahkan berbagai hasil penting, kata CMSA

Hingga 1 Desember 2024, total 181 proyek ilmiah dan aplikasi telah dilakukan di orbit, dengan hampir 2 ton material ilmiah dikirim dan hampir 100 jenis sampel eksperimen dibawa pulang. Proyek-proyek ini menghasilkan lebih dari 300 terabita (TB) data ilmiah.

Sejumlah pencapaian penting termasuk sumber daya plasma nutfah padi dan padi ratun (ratoon rice) pertama di dunia yang dikembangkan di luar angkasa, dan sel punca embrionik manusia pertama yang didiferensiasi menjadi sel punca/prekursor hematopoietik di luar angkasa.

Stasiun luar angkasa China memasuki tahap penerapan dan pengembangan pada 31 Desember 2022. Saat ini, stasiun itu beroperasi dengan stabil dan menunjukkan efikasi yang signifikan, menurut CMSA.

Selama dua tahun terakhir, China telah menyelenggarakan empat penerbangan berawak, tiga misi pengisian ulang kargo, dan empat tugas membawa pulang wahana antariksa. Lima kru astronaut, dengan total 15 astronaut, telah menjalani masa tinggal yang lama di orbit, menyelesaikan 10 aktivitas di luar wahana antariksa (extravehicular activity/EVA) dan beberapa operasi muatan (payload) di luar kapsul.

Beberapa misi pemeliharaan di luar wahana antariksa juga telah dilakukan, termasuk satu misi yang mencetak rekor dunia untuk durasi EVA tunggal di luar angkasa.


China telah merampungkan seleksi kelompok keempat calon astronautnya, yang mencakup dua ahli muatan dari Hong Kong dan Makau, dan mulai mengembangkan sistem transportasi kargo berbiaya rendah.

Hasil-hasil ini merupakan kontribusi dari 63 tim penelitian ilmiah di seluruh negara itu. Secara kolektif, mereka telah menerbitkan lebih dari 500 makalah SCI tingkat tinggi dan memperoleh lebih dari 150 paten.

Laporan CMSA itu menyebut bahwa rencana untuk stasiun luar angkasa, yang dibayangkan sebagai laboratorium luar angkasa nasional, mencakup lebih dari 1.000 proyek penelitian yang akan dilakukan selama 10 hingga 15 tahun ke depan.

Proyek-proyek ini akan mendorong penjangkauan ilmiah dan kerja sama internasional, sambil mendorong kolaborasi di antara tim ilmiah tingkat tinggi baik di dalam negeri maupun di seluruh dunia.

Keyword Terkait:

Supply of Advanced Chips Stifled, China's AI Development Continues

Supply of Advanced Chips Stifled, China’s AI Development Continues

Morrissey Technology – A senior Huawei executive claims that China’s AI development will continue even if the supply of advanced chips runs low. These comments were made by Zhang Ping’an, CEO of Huawei Cloud, in response to the tightening regulations on the import of advanced AI chips by the United States, including banning the sale of advanced chips from US AI chip giant Nvidia.

“It must be admitted that we do experience limited computing power in China… However, we cannot just rely on AI chips with advanced manufacturing nodes as the main basis for AI infrastructure,” said Zhang at the World AI Conference forum in Shanghai, China.

“But we believe that not having the most advanced AI chip does not mean we cannot develop AI, we have to change our perspective like this,” he added.

Huawei, which is again on the American Entity List, cannot buy advanced chips from American companies, which is why they developed their own AI chip called Ascend which is now used by many Chinese companies to train their AI models.

It’s just that this Ascend chip, along with other AI chips made in China, is considered to have computing capabilities that cannot compete with AI chips made by Nvidia. But according to Zhang, this makes them innovate more in the cloud, which he says can Slot Online compensate for these shortcomings through innovation in computing architecture. Apart from that, their innovation, which combines cloud, edge computing and networking, can also save energy consumption and increase overall efficiency.


China Shows Off Household Assistant Robot, Can Cook and Iron Clothes

Morrissey Technology – Companies from China make technological breakthroughs. They showed off a household assistant robot (ART) that can cook and iron clothes. A company called Astribot has just shown its newest robot equipped with artificial intelligence. The robot resembles a human and is very good at imitating movements.

Based on information on the Astribot website, they have been working on this robot for one year. They hope that this robot can be marketed at the end of this year. The robot with the name S1 is faster and stronger than the average human. According to Astribot, the robot can move at a maximum speed of up to 10 meters per second and lift loads of up to 10 kg per hand.

By comparison, an adult human can reach speeds of around seven meters per second. This allows the robot to pull the cloth from under the glass without it falling. S1 is able to perform tasks with great precision, from flipping sandwiches in a frying pan to writing calligraphy. The video released by Astribot shows S1’s ability to carry out easy daily tasks, such as preparing drinks and preparing food.

This shows how these robots can become ART in the future. However, Astribot will not only make this robot a servant of the rich. This robot is also prepared to be able to take over jobs that are considered dangerous for humans. According to Astribot, their robots can learn, think and work like ordinary humans.

They may also use human tools and equipment. In this way, the S1 robot can help other people complete tedious, difficult, or dangerous jobs. The site also indicates that its parent company, Stardust Intelligence, was founded by Lai Jie FOR4D. It also collaborates with Tencent Robotics Laboratory, Baidu, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Tencent and Baidu are the two largest technology and AI companies in China. Together they help strengthen in the ongoing fierce technology war with the United States. Sources in Beijing say that the robot will soon be available in every home. S1 is a two-armed robot and looks quite ‘quiet’ compared to other humanoid robots we’ve seen. For example, earlier this month Boston Dynamics showed the world its newest Atlas robot capable of superhuman yoga movements.

China Battery Technology

China makes batteries that charge the human body

Morrissey TechnologyTechnological advances have brought significant changes to the world of health. Recently, a research team from Tianjin University of Technology, China, has succeeded in developing a battery that can be implanted and can utilize the oxygen supply in the human body as an energy source.

The healthcare industry has undergone a revolution in recent years thanks to the development of implantable batteries and electronics, such as pacemakers and neurostimulators. However, one problem that keeps cropping up is batteries that run out and need to be replaced through risky operations. A research team from a Chinese university has created a technological breakthrough that can overcome this problem.

Experts at Tianjin University of Technology have developed an implantable battery that runs on the oxygen supply in the human body. Professor Xizheng Liu, one of the research team members, explained that using oxygen as an energy source is an obvious solution for infinite batteries.

“Oxygen is our source of life. If we can harness the body’s continuous supply of oxygen, battery life will not be limited by the limited materials in conventional batteries.” he said.

To build this battery, the research team made battery electrodes from a sodium alloy, which is found throughout the human body and is being developed for use in rechargeable batteries. Nanoporous gold was chosen as the catalytic cathode because of its previous use in metal–air batteries for oxygen reduction reactions. Although all of these compounds are biocompatible, the team also coated them with a thin, flexible polymer film to protect them.

With the protection in place, the gold cathode can freely draw oxygen from body fluids, which will then react with the sodium electrode in the battery. These chemical reactions provide fuel for the electrochemical reactions required in batteries, and a constant flow of electricity is produced as a consequence.

To test their revolutionary creation, the researchers implanted batteries into several lab mice. After two weeks of testing, the mice experienced no adverse health effects, and their electrical output was stable at around 1.3 to 1.4 volts. Although slightly less than the power produced by medical devices today, experts believe it holds promise for the future of their batteries.

Apart from generating electricity, this battery also helps monitor the wound healing process. Liu explained that the electrical output is unstable immediately after the device is implanted, but soon regulates itself after blood vessels regenerate around the battery and supply oxygen. This means that the battery can help monitor wound healing.

The breakthrough follows breakthrough developments in brain chips, such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink FOR4D, which hopes to restore autonomy to those with medical needs. Elon Musk, recently posted a live broadcast from his company Neuralink on the social media platform

In the video, Noland Arbaugh, a 29-year-old man who has quadriplegia (paralysis of all four limbs), is shown sitting next to a Neuralink engineer. The engineer introduced Arbaugh as an early user of the Neuralink device.

Arbaugh explained that eight years ago, he had a freak diving accident that caused two vertebrae to dislocate, leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. Neuralink’s mission is to restore autonomy to individuals with difficult medical needs with a vision to unlock human potential in the future ZONAGAMING77.

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Apple CEO

Apple Boss Praises China Amid Sluggish iPhone Sales

Morrissey TechnologyApple CEO Tim Cook is on a short tour of China on the occasion of the opening of the new Apple Store in Shanghai. During this trip, Cook met and praised a number of Apple suppliers

According to Chinese media reports, Cook held an information sharing session with three Apple suppliers BYD, Lens Technology and Everwin Precision Technology — at Apple’s office located in Shanghai.

“There is no supply chain in the world more important to Apple than China,” Cook told reporters in China.

Cook also met with Wang Chuanfu, founder and chairman of Chinese electric car giant BYD, during the session, according to a video posted on Cook’s Weibo account. The bespectacled man enthusiastically praised suppliers in China for having the most advanced manufacturing in the world.

According to his Weibo post, Cook also visited a film production studio, discussed with mobile game developers, and took photos with visitors and staff at Apple’s new store in Shanghai’s Jing’an district.

Cook has visited China three times this year. This visit was carried out amidst sluggish iPhone sales in the Bamboo Curtain country since early 2024. According to a Counterpoint Research report, throughout the first six weeks of 2024 iPhone sales fell 24% compared to the previous year. On the other hand, Huawei cellphone sales skyrocketed by 64%.

Apple and Cook continue to emphasize China’s important role for their companies. Not long ago, Apple announced that it would expand its research center in Shanghai to support all of its product lines, and revealed plans to open a new research laboratory in Shenzhen.

If you look at the opening of the Apple Store in Jing’an a few days ago, it seems that Apple’s charm in China has not faded. According to reports by a number of Chinese media, there were hundreds of Apple fanboys who queued overnight to be the first to visit the store or look for the opportunity to take a photo with Cook.

The Apple Store in Jing’an is the largest Apple store in China. This new store worth USD 11.6 million is the second largest store after Apple’s flagship store on Fifth Avenue FOR4D, New York. Now Apple has eight stores in Shanghai, China’s financial center. Currently there are 47 Apple Stores, the largest of which are in 24 cities in mainland China.

Space Rocket China

China to Start Using SpaceX-style Space Shuttle Rockets Next Year

Morrissey Technology – China plans to use a space shuttle rocket starting next year for its space mission and to send humans to the Moon. The upcoming space mission is part of the latest Moon missions introduced by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp (CASC), the main contractor for China’s space program.

This mission is said to be key to China’s goal of sending astronauts to the Moon by 2030. Unlike the rockets that China has used before, the two rockets that will be used in 2025 and 2026 are fully reusable. This means these rockets are not only more sustainable but also more cost-effective, as they do not need to be built from scratch for future missions. This kind of rocket technology has been adopted by the space company SpaceX, one of which is the Falcon 9 rocket.

“Falcon 9 is the world’s first reusable orbital class rocket. Reuse allows SpaceX to reuse the most expensive parts of the rocket, which in turn will lower the cost of access to space,” wrote SpaceX on its official website.

Meanwhile, China’s newest rockets are a 4 meter diameter rocket and a 5 meter diameter rocket. According to Space News, the larger rocket may be a variant of the planned Long March 10, a 92 meter long launch vehicle that has the capacity to send 27 tonnes into translunar orbit.

The Long March 10 rocket itself will be responsible for sending the crew of the Mengzhou spacecraft to the Moon in 2030. A test launch of the Long March 10 could take the crew capsule into Earth orbit as early as 2025, according to the space shuttle rocket’s recently announced schedule.

Meanwhile, details about the second space shuttle which will launch in 2026 have not been announced. Furthermore, several Chinese companies are currently also developing reusable rockets. In the future, space vehicles from CASC will greatly increase China’s options for launches and access to space, while competing with various commercial rocket companies in the country.

Ahead of next year’s launch, CASC is said to have successfully completed vertical takeoff and landing trials and achieved a major technological breakthrough in reusable rockets in 2023, citing Live Science. Representatives from CASC FOR4D said that the overall progress of the rocket project was very smooth.

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