Morrissey Technology


Apple tunda pembaruan Siri yang lebih canggih

Jakarta – Janji Apple membuat fitur asisten cerdas Siri menjadi lebih terpersonalisasi ternyata membutuhkan sedikit lebih banyak waktu dari yang diperkirakan dan terpaksa menunda peluncurannya.

“Kami telah bekerja pada Siri yang lebih personal, memberikannya lebih banyak kesadaran tentang konteks pribadi Anda, serta kemampuan untuk mengambil tindakan untuk Anda di dalam dan di antara aplikasi-aplikasi Anda,” tulis pernyataan juru bicara perusahaan, Jacqueline Roy, dikutip The Verge, Sabtu (8/3) waktu setempat.

“Ini akan memakan waktu lebih lama dari yang kami perkirakan untuk menghadirkan fitur-fitur ini, dan kami mengantisipasi peluncurannya tahun depan.” tambahnya.

Saat Apple memperkenalkan Apple Intelligence di WWDC tahun lalu, mereka memamerkan fitur-fitur canggih seperti Siri yang memahami konteks pribadi Anda dan dapat mengambil tindakan berdasarkan apa yang ditampilkan di layar Anda.

“Siri membantu pengguna kami menemukan apa yang mereka butuhkan dan menyelesaikan tugas dengan cepat, dan hanya dalam enam bulan terakhir, kami telah membuat Siri lebih percakapan, memperkenalkan fitur baru seperti ketik ke Siri dan pengetahuan produk, serta menambahkan integrasi dengan ChatGPT,” kata Jacqueline.

Apple mengatakan saat itu bahwa fitur-fitur tersebut akan diluncurkan “selama setahun ke depan,” dan ekspektasi umumnya adalah fitur-fitur tersebut akan hadir pada musim semi ini.

Mark Gurman dari Bloomberg melaporkan bahwa eksekutif Apple, termasuk kepala perangkat lunak Craig Federighi, “mengungkapkan kekhawatiran besar secara internal bahwa fitur-fitur tersebut tidak berfungsi dengan baik atau sesuai yang dijanjikan dalam pengujian pribadi mereka.”

Gurman juga mengatakan bahwa orang-orang di divisi AI Apple “percaya bahwa pekerjaan pada fitur-fitur tersebut bisa dibatalkan sepenuhnya” dan bahwa fitur-fitur tersebut mungkin harus dibangun kembali “dari awal.”

Akhir pekan ini, Gurman melaporkan bahwa “versi Siri yang benar-benar modern dan percakapan” mungkin baru akan hadir pada iOS 20 “paling cepat.”

Apple mungkin beri nama iPhone SE terbaru jadi iPhone 16E

Jakarta- Apple bersiap untuk merilis iPhone SE generasi keempat pada Maret 2025, tetapi rumor terkini menunjukkan perangkat tersebut dapat memiliki nama baru dan menggantinya menjadi iPhone 16E.

Kabar ini dilaporkan oleh Gizmochina pada Kamis (2/1), berdasarkan informasi dari beberapa pembocor teknologi seperti Fixed Focus Digital di Weibo dan Majin Bu di platform X.

Apple diklaim oleh keduanya mungkin mengubah merek iPhone dengan budget terjangkau berikutnya menjadi iPhone 16E.

Meskipun begitu, belum diketahui Apple akan memberi gaya nama yang tepat seperti apa, apakah akan menjadi “iPhone 16E,” atau “iPhone 16e” itu masih belum jelas.

Hal yang jelas adalah perubahan tersebut mungkin merupakan strategi pemasaran baru Apple untuk menjaga penjualan produk yang ramah di kantong pelanggan.

Membahas spesifikasi yang mungkin muncul, sejauh ini iPhone dengan biaya terjangkau itu dirumorkan akan memiliki desain yang mirip dengan iPhone 14 reguler. Desain yang dirasa selaras dengan estetika seri iPhone 16.

Beberapa spesifikasi yang muncul di antaranya layar OLED 6,1 inci modern, menggantikan layar LCD lama yang digunakan pada model SE sebelumnya.

Ponsel ini juga disebut-sebut akan dilengkapi dengan Face ID, port USB-C, dan satu kamera belakang 48 megapiksel, yang memastikannya memberikan pengalaman yang lebih premium daripada pendahulunya.

Apple kemungkinan akan melengkapi perangkat tersebut dengan chip seri A yang lebih baru, RAM 8GB, dan modem 5G internal pertamanya, yang menandakan peningkatan kinerja yang signifikan dibandingkan iPhone SE saat ini.

Masih belum jelas apakah perangkat tersebut akan menyertakan tombol “Action”, yang diperkenalkan pada model iPhone 15 Pro.

iPhone SE saat ini, iPhone SE (2022), didasarkan pada desain iPhone 8, yang menampilkan bezel tebal, tombol Touch ID, dan port Lightning.

Elemen-elemen ini diharapkan akan digantikan oleh fitur-fitur modern pada model yang akan datang, sehingga membuatnya lebih kompetitif di pasar ponsel pintar kelas menengah tahun 2025.

iPhone SE 2022 mulai dijual dengan harga 429 dolar AS (Rp6,9 jutaan), tetapi dengan semua peningkatan ini, kenaikan harga tampaknya tak terelakkan.

Apple Mac Mini

Apple Mac Mini Will Get Even Mini

Morrissey Technology – Apple is said to be overhauling the design of the upcoming Mac Mini, and this will be the first major design change since 2010. In this overhaul, Apple will reduce the dimensions of the Mac Mini, to the point that it could possibly be called Apple’s smallest desktop computer. According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, citing insider sources, the new Mac Mini will be similar in dimensions to the Apple TV, only slightly thicker.

Currently, Apple is testing a new Mac Mini design that has at least three USB-C ports and an HDMI, and the casing is still made of aluminum. Apart from design, the 2024 Mac Mini will also use the M4 chip, which is expected to be used gradually in the Mac product line, both desktops and laptops. The M4 was first released on the iPad Pro, and will later also be available on the Mac Mini, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, and Mac Studio.

The last Mac Mini released by Apple is the 2023 release, which has two variants. One is with the M2 chip and the other is with the M2 Pro. This step will also be continued on the 2024 Mac Mini, which will use the M4 and M4 Pro chips, but the Pro variant will only be available after October 2024. Previously it was reported that the iPad Pro received a significant performance increase after being updated from the M2 chip to the M4.

When tested, the M4 chip with the 10-core variant recorded an average single-core score of 3,695 and an average multi-core score of 14,550 from the results of 10 benchmarks. Judging from the single-core score, the M4 chip is much faster than the MacBook Pro with the M3 Max chip. The M4 chip’s multi-core score also nearly matches the M2 Max chip. For comparison, here are the single-core and multi-core scores of all Apple M-series chips released in the last two years:

  • M4: 3.695/14.550
  • M3: 3.087/11.702
  • M3 Pro: 3.112/15.286
  • M3 Max: 3.128/20.957
  • M2: 2.540/9.360
  • M2 Pro: 2.651/14.295
  • M2 Max: 2.802/14.800

When compared to the iPad Pro which uses the M2 chip, the M4 version of the iPad Pro has 46% faster single-core performance and 55% faster multi-core performance.


Apple and Meta

Apple and Meta Face Regulatory Challenges in Europe, Why?

Morrissey Technology – Two giant American technology companies, Apple and Meta, are reportedly facing new regulatory challenges in Europe. Apple is related to its application store App Store, while Meta is centered on artificial intelligence (AI) assistants.

Based on a report from the Financial Times (FT), the European Commission (EC) will file charges against Apple. The iPhone maker did not comply with requirements that allow app developers to direct users to offers available outside the App Store BO Togel without charging them.

If such charges are indeed filed against Apple, it could be the first time the EC has done so under the recently implemented Digital Markets Act (DMA), according to the report. The European Commission said in March that it was using its powers under the DMA to investigate Apple, Alphabet and Meta.

The report adds that regulators are only making preliminary findings, they may reassess any final decision if Apple changes its practices, and that the timing of any decision is subject to change.

“We believe our plans comply with the DMA, and we will continue to engage constructively with the European Commission as they conduct their investigation,” Apple FOR4D said in a statement.

Meta, meanwhile, said earlier that it had paused plans to launch its AI assistant, Meta AI, in Europe after the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC), on behalf of the European data protection authority (DPA), asked it to postpone training of large language models ( LLM) with content shared by adults on Facebook and Instagram Meta platforms.

Meta said in an update that it was disappointed with the request, that it had incorporated feedback from DPA Europe and that the request marked a step backwards for European innovation.

“We are committed to bringing Meta AI FOR4D, along with the models that power it, to more people around the world, including in Europe,” Meta said in the update.

“However, simply put, without including local information, we can only offer people a second-class experience. This means we cannot launch Meta AI in Europe at this time,” he continued.

Ron Wayne

The Forgotten Figure of Apple’s Founder Who Failed to Get Rich

Morrissey TechnologyApple’s founders are not only Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. One name that may not be well known is Ron Wayne, who together with the two figures above jointly initiated the founding of Apple. Yes, in 1976, Wayne joined Jobs and Wozniak in founding Apple, which at that time was still a small company. However, two weeks later, Wayne sold his 10% share ownership which was then worth USD 1,500 and returned to focusing on his old job at the Atari company.

Wayne apparently felt he couldn’t bear developing the company from scratch. Apart from that, Wayne felt too old and was a bit traumatized because he had failed in business. He was indeed about 20 years older than Jobs and Wozniak.

Wayne, who is currently 88 years old, admits that he has no regrets, even though if he had survived and continued to hold shares in Apple, he would have been one of the richest people in the world. Currently, Apple’s market capitalization is around USD 3 trillion. So if not sold FOR4D, Wayne’s shares are worth USD 300 billion.

It was Jobs who invited Wayne to co-found Apple and offered him 10% of the shares at that time. Wayne, who was mature, was seen as being able to mediate in the event of an argument between Jobs and the young and ambitious Wozniak.

“He has a more mature mentality and has a strong formula for how the company runs,” said Wozniak about Ron Wayne.

“I’m very, very excited to be a part of something that really has huge expectations and something that I think is going to be really successful,” Wayne said of his participation at Apple.

“Do I regret selling my shares in Apple? No, that’s been my answer from day one and it will remain my answer until the day I die,” he said.

After selling his shares, Wayne remained an advisor to Apple. He helped design the Apple logo FOR4D at that time. It’s no wonder that Wayne was so lost when Jobs died.

“With so much potential ahead of him and his immense creativity, we can only imagine what might have come out of his mind if he had lived 20 years longer,” concluded Ron Wayne.

Apple Intelligence

Apple Intelligence’s Move to Protect Privacy Even though ChatGPT is Integrated

Morrissey Technology – Apple continues to strengthen its commitment to user privacy at the WWDC 2024 event. A series of new privacy and security features will be presented in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia and Apple Intelligence updates. There are four principles that Apple adheres to in maintaining user privacy. First, they minimize the data that can be accessed by Apple itself and other parties using technology and other innovative techniques.

Both Apple attempts to minimize data collection by processing as much data as possible on users’ devices rather than sending it to servers. Third, transparency and control, help users better understand the data collected so they can make their own choices about how that data is used. And finally security protection. These four aspects are a reference in maintaining privacy in Apple Intelligence. Because this technology giant from Cupertino believes that strong AI goes hand in hand with strong privacy too. For this reason, Apple finally made its own silicon chips. So it can deeply integrate personal artificial intelligence systems on iPhone, iPad and Mac, as well as their applications FOR4D.

This personal intelligence system provides a human model as well as enormous language capabilities that are specific to any task and can adapt quickly to the user’s current activities, including semantic indexes that can organize and surface information. That means when a user makes a request, Apple Intelligence will identify relevant personal data and feed it to a generator model that has the necessary personal contacts to best help the user.

Even though most of this is processed on the device, there are times when you need a larger model than can fit on an iPhone, iPad or Mac. Then a server could be the solution. It’s just that traditional servers can store usage data unknowingly and use it without the owner knowing. That’s why Apple created Private Cloud Compute. With this solution, Apple can flexibly increase computing capacity and create larger server-based models for more complex requests while still protecting user privacy FOR4D.

This starts with Secure Enclave, which protects critical encryption keys on the server just like on the user’s iPhone, while Secure Boot ensures the OS running on the server is signed and verified, just like on iOS. Trusted Execution Monitor ensures only signed and verified code runs, and authentication allows user devices to securely verify the identity and configuration of a Private Cloud Compute cluster before sending requests.

So when a user makes a request, Apple Intelligence analyzes whether it can be processed on the device or processes it on Apple Silicon servers by sending only data that is relevant to the task. That means no one can access it including Apple, even while the data is being processed. Data is not stored by Private Cloud Compute after it is returned to the user. Apple guarantees that the data submitted is used exclusively for the user’s request and does not exercise it or do anything else. To guarantee that, independent experts can check the code running on the server to verify.

Regarding integration with ChatGPT with Siri, this function must be enabled by the user as it is not available by default. After that, as soon as the user makes a request, Siri writes down which tools can be used to fulfill the request, one of which is ChatGPT FOR4D. However, users must agree first for data to be sent to ChatGPT. Apple guarantees that the only thing that goes into ChatGPT is what the user requests. For example, requesting a document summary, only the sent PDF file is accessed by ChatGPT.

It doesn’t stop there, from a technical perspective, when sending data, Apple disguises the user’s IP address. Apart from that, each user’s IP sending is made different so that ChatGPT does not recognize the usage. In the contract, Apple and OpenAI legally do not allow ChatGPT to store data or train it at all. Users who subscribe to ChatGPT Plus can connect their accounts to this integration. However, data sent to OpenAI becomes part of the integration which is fully governed by OpenAI’s privacy policy.

OpenAI Chatgpt Apple

Apple Didn’t Pay OpenAI to Put ChatGPT in Siri

Morrissey Technology – At WWDC 2024 yesterday, Apple announced a collaboration with OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT in Siri. Apparently there is no contract worth millions of dollars behind this collaboration. According to a Bloomberg report, Apple did not pay OpenAI to embed ChatGPT in Siri, and vice versa. Apple believes the exposure OpenAI receives by placing its technology on hundreds of millions of devices will be far greater than paying in cash.

Apple will use OpenAI’s GPT-4o model to power AI features in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and MacOS Sequoia. Thanks to this integration, voice assistant Siri can become smarter at understanding more complex user questions, such as creating menu ideas, summarizing articles, or finding photos based on descriptions.

ChatGPT on Apple devices can also be used to write stories, as well as rewrite and proofread existing text. These features can be accessed for free without having to log in to ChatGPT, but there are several additional benefits if users subscribe to ChatGPT Plus. So, here OpenAI can earn money if Apple users subscribe to ChatGPT Plus at a cost of USD 20 per month. If users sign up for ChatGPT Plus on Apple devices, the iPhone maker will also receive a commission.

In the future, Apple hopes to receive more revenue from AI through profit sharing agreements with other companies. Apple plans to take a portion of the revenue its partners receive from monetizing the output generated by chatbots in its ecosystem. Apple FOR4D believes the number of users switching to AI from search engines will increase. This means they could get less revenue from their billion-dollar contract with Google.

Apart from OpenAI, Apple is also in discussions with Google to embed Gemini in iOS this year. The company created by Steve Jobs also approached the AI ​​company Antrophic to provide chatbot Claude as another option. A Bloomberg report claims Apple is considering collaboration with Baidu and Alibaba to master chatbot features in China, where ChatGPT and other Western-made chatbots are not officially available.

Xcode 16

Xcode 16 Di Lengkapi Dengan AI Buat Coding Aplikasi Lebih Mudah

Morrissey Technology – Meski tidak masuk dalam pengumuman utama, Apple memperkenalkan sejumlah alat dan sumber daya baru untuk pengembang di hari pertama WWDC 2024. Ini termasuk penyempurnaan Xcode 16, Swift dan API baru yang dapat digunakan pengembang untuk membangun aplikasi.

“Apple berkomitmen untuk menyediakan teknologi dan sumber daya mutakhir bagi para pengembang di mana pun untuk membangun aplikasi yang luar biasa,” kata Susan Prescott, Vice President, Worldwide Developer Relations Apple.

“Dengan inovasi yang cermat di balik Xcode 16 dan API platform terbaru, kami telah menciptakan alat terbaik bagi para pengembang untuk membuat aplikasi yang luar biasa. Kami tidak sabar untuk melihat apa yang akan mereka ciptakan selanjutnya.”

Xcode 16

Xcode 16 menawarkan fitur dan peningkatan performa yang memberdayakan pengembang untuk membangun aplikasi lebih cepat dibandingkan sebelumnya. Apple menyematkan Swift Assist dan penyelesaian kode prediktif. Mesin penyelesaian kode prediktif baru di Xcode menggunakan model unik yang dilatih khusus untuk Swift dan Apple SDK, yang dapat menyarankan pengembang kode yang dibutuhkan. Pelengkapan kode didukung sepenuhnya oleh Apple Silicon dan peningkatan pembelajaran mesin di macOS Sequoia, dan berjalan secara lokal di perangkat pengembang

Swift Assist terintegrasi dengan mulus ke dalam Xcode Scatter Hitam , dan mengetahui kit pengembangan perangkat lunak (SDK) terbaru dan fitur bahasa Swift, sehingga pengembang akan selalu mendapatkan fitur kode terbaru yang menyatu sempurna dengan proyek mereka. Swift Assist menggunakan model canggih yang berjalan di cloud, tetapi dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan privasi dan keamanan. Kode pengembang hanya digunakan untuk memproses permintaan dan tidak pernah disimpan di server, dan Apple tidak akan menggunakannya untuk melatih model pembelajaran mesin. Pratinjau Xcode kini menawarkan arsitektur penautan dinamis baru yang menggunakan artefak build yang sama untuk pratinjau dan eksekusi kode. Pengembang sekarang juga dapat melokalkan dan menguji kebijakan privasi, perjanjian lisensi, dan nama tampilan grup langganan aplikasi mereka.

Swift 6

WWDC24 menandai ulang tahun ke-10 Swift. Saat ini, hampir 1 juta aplikasi menggunakan Swift, dan digunakan di seluruh tumpukan perangkat lunak Apple. Swift 6 memperkenalkan fitur keselamatan data-race pada saat kompilasi, yang mampu mendiagnosis akses serentak ke memori di seluruh proyek pengembang saat kode sedang dikompilasi. Hal ini memungkinkan kesalahan terdeteksi dan diperbaiki dengan perubahan minimal pada seluruh basis kode, meningkatkan keamanan dan pemeliharaan kode untuk masa mendatang.

Melanjutkan ekspansinya, sebuah organisasi GitHub baru yang didedikasikan untuk Swift akan menjadi tuan rumah sejumlah proyek penting untuk ekosistem Swift – termasuk kompilator Swift, Foundation, dan pustaka utama lainnya. Kerangka kerja Swift Testing lintas platform yang baru menawarkan API ekspresif kepada pengembang yang memudahkan penulisan pengujian. Kerangka ini bersifat lintas platform dan mudah dipelajari, sehingga pengembang dapat menggunakannya untuk menulis pengujian untuk berbagai platform dan domain.

Kerangka kerja ini juga mencakup sistem penandaan yang fleksibel untuk membantu pengembang mengatur pengujian dan rencana pengujian mereka. Pengujian Swift dirancang untuk banyak kasus penggunaan Swift, mulai dari aplikasi hingga server.

Game Porting 2

Game Porting Toolkit 2 mempermudah pengembang menghadirkan game ke ke Mac, serta iPhone dan iPad. Selain itu dengan peningkatan kompatibilitas dengan game Windows, alat debug shader baru yang canggih, dan pembaruan pada Xcode yang memungkinkan pengembang menyatukan kode game dan shader mereka di berbagai perangkat, alhasil membuat game di perangkat Apple menjadi semakin mudah.

Pengumuman di WWDC 2024 juga mencakup API baru, peningkatan TestFlight untuk keterlibatan penguji yang lebih baik, dan fitur baru untuk App Store yang membantu penemuan dan monetisasi aplikasi. App Store Connect telah diperbarui dengan antarmuka baru dan pembuatan aset pemasaran untuk pengembang. VisionOS 2 menawarkan API baru untuk menciptakan pengalaman spasial, termasuk API volumetrik dan TabletopKit untuk menghubungkan aplikasi ke permukaan datar. RealityKittelah diperbarui untuk mengurangi waktu pengembangan untuk aplikasi Universal.

The 2024 Apple Design Awards

List of 2024 Apple Design Awards Winners, Are You Wearing Any?

Morrissey Technology – Before the start of the WWDC event, the winners of the Apple Design Awards are always announced. Who are the winners this year, do you think you have used any? The 2024 Apple Design Awards had 14 applications and games judged to be the best in terms of design, technical achievements and innovation. Interestingly, this year’s winners come from various countries.

“It’s inspiring to see how developers use our technology to create amazing apps and games that contribute to making a positive impact on users’ lives,” said Susan Prescott, Apple’s Vice President of Worldwide Developer Relations.

“This year’s winners have demonstrated that apps can create extraordinary, meaningful experiences, and we’re thrilled to celebrate their hard work and creativity at this year’s WWDC.”

The 2024 Apple Design Awards named one application and one game for each of seven categories, namely fun and excitement, inclusivity, innovation, interaction, social impact, visuals and graphics, as well as a new category, namely spatial computing. The winners were selected from 42 finalists.

Fun and Excitement

The winners in this category deliver unforgettable, engaging and satisfying experiences enhanced by Apple technology FOR4D.

Bears Gratitude made by Isuru Wanasinghe (Australia)

This journaling app provides an easy way to build a daily habit of gratitude. The well-designed characters in this application help create a warm and friendly impression to support users in building a sense of happiness, day after day.

NYT Games made by The New York Times Company (USA)

With various game titles presented, New York Times Games FOR4D has redesigned its navigation and expanded its game catalog. New game titles like Connections are specifically designed to be played as often as possible, with elegant design and ease of use ultimately providing an experience that encourages everyone to join in the fun.


Winners in this category provide valuable experiences for everyone by supporting people with different backgrounds, abilities and languages.

oko made by AYES (Belgium)

By alerting pedestrians about traffic light conditions through haptic and audio feedback, oko is an application that has an immediate impact on people who are visually impaired. This application provides a very useful solution in crucial security situations by utilizing Apple technologies such as VoiceOver and Dynamic Typing.

Crayola Adventures made by Red Games Co. (US)

A colorful adventure game that offers a variety of creative options for all players, Crayola FOR4D Adventures brings to life a selection of characters spanning a variety of skin tones, abilities, body types, pronouns, and a complete game narrative. Players of all ages can enjoy a gaming experience that offers a variety of activities, including making decorations, solving puzzles, and reading storybooks.


Winners in this category deliver cutting-edge experiences through the use of new Apple technology that makes them stand out in their genre.

Procreate Dreams made by Procreate (Australia)

Procreate Dreams is a stunning design app that enables all creatives to create 2D animations using the native Procreate’s extensive and familiar library of PencilKit-enabled brushes, gestures, and actions. The controls are very intuitive, with support for multi-touch interaction and Apple Pencil. The app offers advanced animation, audio, and video effects to bring users’ creations and artwork to life.

Lost in Play by Happy Juice Games (Israel)

Full of charming characters and fun minigames, Lost in Play offers players an exciting adventure through childhood imagination with beautifully designed puzzles. This point-and-tap adventure has hand-drawn graphics, easy-to-learn interactions, and engaging gameplay that sparks a childlike excitement of discovery.


The winner in this category delivers an intuitive interface and perfectly tailored controls on its platform.

Croutons made by Devin Davies (New Zealand)

Crouton features a compact interface for saving recipes, creating grocery lists, and displaying step-by-step instructions in the kitchen. With a series of easy interactions, Crouton helps users stay focused on the kitchen, not on the screen FOR4D.

Rytmos made by Floppy Club (Denmark)

Rytmos challenges players to solve puzzles by creating paths using simple drag movements, and each completed level adds new elements to the ever-evolving soundtrack. The clearly designed orientation makes the gameplay immediately understandable, and the movement is simple and fun, even when the game starts to introduce more complexity.

Social Impact

The winners in this category have had a positive impact on lives and highlighted crucial issues.

Gentler Streak Fitness Tracker made by Gentler Stories (Slovenia)

Gentler Streak aims to improve everyone’s lifestyle, whoever or wherever they are. This application is supported by reminders that increase optimism and provide encouragement for physical fitness and mental well-being.

The Wreck by The Pixel Hunt (France)

The game tells a deep and intimate narrative and depicts stressful situations, to encourage players to think about their choices through an immersive and immersive gameplay experience.

Visuals and Graphics

Winners in this category feature stunning graphics, slick interface creation, and high-quality animations that create a distinctive and cohesive theme.

Rooms by Things, Inc. (United States of America)

Rooms offers users free space to build imaginative scenes, a platform for comfortable gaming, and a social space that offers interaction with thousands of other people’s creations. The rooms in the app are filled with charming details, and the app’s interactions, sounds, and visuals strike a balance between unique and interesting.

Lies of P made by NEOWIZ (South Korea)

Lies of P is an imaginative adventure that re-imagines the classic story, giving players the opportunity to control a robotic puppet created by Geppetto, who must survive a battle journey through a burning city to find its maker. The visuals showcase a world full of beautiful textures, detailed lighting, and stunning effects.

Spatial Computing

Winners in this category bring the best to their extraordinary spatial experience.

djay pro – DJ App & AI Mixer made by algoriddim GmbH (Germany)

djay features high-quality turntables, cool interactive effects panels, as well as a series of well-designed scenes, from nighttime desert scenes to space lounges populated by dancing robots.

Blackbox made by Shapes and Stories (United States)

Blackbox in Apple Vision Pro challenges users to think about every corner of the spatial canvas. Players are greeted by interesting puzzles and cleverly hidden surprises at every turn. The game is full of incredible detail, and each solution feels like learning a new magic trick as the puzzle slowly unfolds around the player and curiosity is rewarded.


Microsoft’s Weapon to Defeat Apple Silicon: Copilot Plus PC

Morrissey TechnologyMicrosoft is now very confident that it will successfully make the transition to ARM chips and defeat the dominance of Apple Silicon. At the Surface and Windows AI event held in Redmond, United States — Microsoft’s headquarters. Their weapon to defeat Apple Silicon is called Copilot Plus PC, which from the name alone shows that artificial intelligence (AI) will be its main feature, including 40 AI models embedded in the operating system, as well as the Copilot AI assistant equipped with the GPT-4o model The latest from OpenAI.

Microsoft does not hesitate to directly compare the latest laptops in the Copilot Plus PC category with the MacBook Air with the M3 chip. Yusuf Mehdi, one of the Microsoft executives who presented at the event, claimed that the performance of this new laptop was 58% faster than the MacBook Air M3.

It’s just that he didn’t explain whether all Copilot Plus PCs have that kind of performance, or only laptops with the latest ARM chips from Qualcomm. However, what is clear is that they estimate that 50 million new Copilot Plus PC laptops will be sold during 2025.


Copilot Plus PC is predicted to be a system that is efficient in power usage, has fast performance, and is the basis for future AI-based laptops FOR4D.

“You’re going to see the fastest PC of all time. In fact, it will beat every device out there, including the MacBook Air with the M3 processor, by 50% in sustained performance,” said Mehdi.

You could say, since Apple released the M1 in 2020, Microsoft has fallen very far behind in terms of performance and battery efficiency for laptops. Plus, Microsoft’s attempts to move from x86 to ARM at that time were never successful.

For your information, the transition to ARM has been underway since 2012 when the Surface RT was released. Performance was poor, and almost no apps were compatible with the platform. Then in 2019 they released the Surface Pro X, which was slightly better due to improved software emulation. However, it still cannot compete with the M1 which was released a few months later.

“This is something we have never produced for two decades, we have never mastered a device that can produce maximum performance,” he explained.


High performance is of course useless if there is no application to support it. To overcome this, Microsoft has an emulator called Prism, which is claimed to be as efficient as Apple’s Rosetta 2 translation layer, and can emulate applications twice as fast as previous Windows on Arm devices FOR4D.

For your information, estart, translation, or whatever it is called, is a system created so that applications for x86 (or x64) can be operated on ARM-based platforms. The performance will certainly not be as high as applications that are created natively for ARM, but the performance difference is being tried to be as small as possible.

“We’re spending a lot of energy here. For applications that aren’t native, we can now take advantage of Prism’s capabilities and solve this with better energy and performance efficiency for the emulator,” said Windows and Surface chief Pavan Davuluri.

In fact, this emulator is just a bridge so that the transition from x86 to ARM can be smoother. If you look at the success of Apple Silicon, they were able to grow rapidly because they were able to encourage developers to immediately port their applications to ARM, so they could run natively and take advantage of all the capabilities of Apple Silicon.

This is what Microsoft needs to do if it wants Copilot Plus PC to be a success. Not just promising high performance and the like. Fortunately, there are many popular applications that support ARM natively, for example, Photoshop, Dropbox, Zoom, Spotify, Prime, and including Google which has brought Chrome to ARM. Browsers such as Opera, Vivaldi, Brave, Firefox, and of course Edge have now joined ARM.

Battery life

Microsoft has not forgotten battery life either. In their presentation, they compared the 2022 Surface Laptop 5 with the Surface Copilot Plus PC using scripts to simulate web browsing. The result?

The Surface Laptop 5 lasted eight hours and 38 minutes, and the Surface Copilot Plus PC lasted 16 hours and 56 minutes. For comparison, the MacBook Air 15 M3 “only” lasted 15 hours 25 minutes. In testing for video playback the Surface Copilot Plus PC lasted more than 20 hours, while the MacBook Air 15 M3 lasted 17 hours 45 minutes.


Copilot Plus PC is equipped with a neural processing unit (NPU) from Qualcomm FOR4D which produces 45 TOPS capability for processing AI tasks. Its task operations per watt are higher than the MacBook Air M3, and even the RTX 4060 GPU from Nvidia.

Then there are 40 small AI models embedded in the operating system, 10 of which run in the background and are claimed to provide new user experiences for consumers and application developers.

“This opens the door to new opportunities for AI experiences. NPUs provide magic in the form of the ability to perform high-performance tasks,” said Davuluri.

One of them is the Recall feature, which can be a kind of time machine on a PC. Users can “rewind” whatever appears on the PC, which can happen because the AI ​​model runs in the background and records everything the user does on the PC.

There is also Auto Super Resolution which automatically upscales the game to increase the frame rate and graphic resolution.

Of course, all of this is still just a claim from Microsoft. We have to wait until there is a device with this platform available on the market. Fortunately, Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung have released Copilot Plus PC laptops that use Qualcomm processors.

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