Morrissey Technology


Kemkomdigi kembali menutup 41.026 konten terafiliasi judol

Jakarta – Direktorat Pengendalian Aplikasi Informatika, Direktorat Jenderal Aplikasi Informatika (Aptika), Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital (Kemkomdigi), kembali menurunkan 41.026 konten yang terkait dengan perjudian online (judol).

“Kami tegaskan kembali pemerintah akan terus berkomitmen memperkuat upaya pemberantasan judol ini tanpa pandang bulu,” kata Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Direktur Jenderal Komunikasi Publik dan Media ( Dirjen KPM) Kemkomdigi, Molly Prabawati di Jakarta, Jumat.

Molly mengatakan, jumlah tersebut terhitung sejak Senin (25/11/2024) hingga Jumat (29/11/2024), di mana tiga akun media sosial dengan ratusan ribu pengikut termasuk di dalamnya akun Instagram @anteuticc dengan 153 ribu pengikut, akun instagram @girlschathetic dengan 135 ribu pengikut, dan @netizen_jepng dengan 159 ribu pengikut.

Sejak 2017 hingga Jumat (29/11/2024), Kementerian Komdigi secara berkesinambungan telah memblokir lebih dari 5,2 juta konten yang berhubungan dan terafiliasi dengan judol.

Rinciannya meliputi 382.649 konten pada situs web dan alamat IP, 17.823 konten atau akun di platform Meta, 8.881 file pada layanan berbagi file, 3.567 konten di Google/YouTube, 2.002 konten di platform X, 191 konten di Telegram, dan 75 konten di TikTok.

“Angka ini mencerminkan komitmen jangka panjang kami untuk melindungi masyarakat dari dampak buruk perjudian daring,” ujar Molly.

Ia pun mengingatkan masyarakat untuk terus waspada dan menghindari bahkan melaporkan konten atau akun yang terindikasi berhubungan dengan judol.

Konten dan akun-akun tersebut sering kali menggoda dengan janji palsu untuk cepat kaya, namun kenyataannya sangat berbeda.

Judi online bukanlah solusi, melainkan perangkap yang dirancang agar pemain terus-menerus kalah.

“Keberhasilan sejati datang dari usaha yang tekun dan berkelanjutan, bukan dari ilusi yang ditawarkan oleh perjudian,” tegasnya.

Kemkomdigi pun telah menyediakan berbagai kanal untuk masyarakat melaporkan konten negatif, termasuk judol.

Di antaranya adalah, yang juga menyediakan layanan WhatsApp di0811-9224-545 dan WA chatbot Stop Judi Online di 0811-1001-5080.

Selain itu, portal bisa digunakan untuk melaporkan penyalahgunaan nomor seluler untuk penipuan, dan untuk melaporkan rekening bank atau e-wallet yang diduga terlibat tindak pidana.

“Bersama, kita bisa melindungi keluarga dan komunitas kita dari bahaya judol. Mari kita bangun masyarakat yang lebih sehat, produktif, dan sejahtera. Judi online adalah penipuan,” tutup Molly Prabawaty.

Menkomdigi tunjuk Plt Dirjen Ekosistem Digital & Infrastruktur Digital

Jakarta – Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital (Menkomdigi) Meutya Hafid telah menunjuk pejabat untuk menjadi Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Direktur Jenderal Ekosistem Digital dan Plt. Direktur Jenderal Infrastruktur Digital.

Wayan Toni Supriyanto, yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur Jenderal Penyelenggaraan Pos dan Informatika Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, ditunjuk menjadi Plt. Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Ekosistem Digital Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital.

“Iya betul Mbak, saya sebagai Plt. Dirjen Ekosistem Digital,” kata Wayan melalui pesan singkat kepada ANTARA saat dimintai konfirmasi pada Selasa.

Wayan diangkat menjadi Plt. Dirjen Ekosistem Digital mulai 25 November 2024 menurut Surat Perintah Pelaksana Tugas yang ditetapkan oleh Menkomdigi Meutya Hafid.

Pengangkatan Plt. Dirjen Ekosistem Digital mengacu pada Peraturan Presiden Nomor 174 tahun 2024 tentang Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital.

Direktorat Jenderal Ekosistem Digital Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital antara lain menjalankan fungsi dalam perumusan kebijakan di bidang ekosistem digital dan pelaksanaan kebijakan di bidang ekosistem digital.

Fungsi direktorat ini juga mencakup pelaksanaan pemantauan, analisis, evaluasi, dan pelaporan di bidang ekosistem digital; pelaksanaan administrasi direktorat; dan pelaksanaan fungsi lain yang ditetapkan oleh menteri.

Sementara itu, Ismail yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur Jenderal Sumber Daya Perangkat dan Pos Informatika Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika ditunjuk menjadi Plt. Direktur Jenderal Infrastruktur Digital.

Menurut Surat Perintah Pelaksana Tugas yang ditetapkan oleh Menkomdigi Meutya Hafid, Ismail ditugasi menjadi Plt. Dirjen Infrastruktur Digital mulai 25 November 2024.

Direktorat Jenderal Infrastruktur Digital antara lain menyelenggarakan fungsi dalam perumusan kebijakan di bidang infrastruktur digital dan pelaksanaan kebijakan di bidang infrastruktur digital.

Fungsi direktorat ini juga mencakup pelaksanaan pemantauan, analisis, evaluasi, dan pelaporan di bidang infrastruktur digital; pelaksanaan administrasi direktorat; dan pelaksanaan fungsi lain yang diberikan oleh menteri.

Menkomdigi pada Senin (25/11) juga mengumumkan penunjukan Brigjen Pol. Alexander Sabar sebagai Plt. Dirjen Pengawasan Ruang Digital Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital.


Mayoritas percakapan soal pilkada di ruang digital bersentimen netral

Jakarta  – Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital menyampaikan bahwa menurut hasil pemantauan mayoritas percakapan tentang pemilihan umum kepala daerah atau pilkada tahun 2024 di ruang digital bersentimen netral.

Menurut data Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital (Kemkomdigi) pada 25 Oktober 2024, sebanyak 75 persen percakapan mengenai pilkada di ruang digital menunjukkan sentimen netral dan 19 persen percakapan memiliki sentimen positif.

“Kami bersyukur bahwa sejauh ini potensi isu hoaks terkait pilkada tetap terkendali. Hal ini menunjukkan keberhasilan kita bersama dalam menjaga ekosistem digital yang sehat dan bertanggung jawab,” kata Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital Meutya Hafid dalam keterangan resminya di Jakarta, Rabu.

Guna mendukung pelaksanaan pemilihan kepala daerah serentak tahun 2024, Kemkomdigi memantau peredaran hoaks di ruang digital, menggaungkan pesan Pilkada Damai, dan mendorong masyarakat untuk menggunakan hak pilih.

Kemkomdigi mengintensifkan pemutaran iklan layanan masyarakat dengan narasi utama “Pilkada Damai, Simbol Persatuan Bangsa” di berbagai saluran televisi, radio, dan media massa daerah.

Kementerian juga menggunakan platform digital seperti TikTok dan Snack Video guna menyebarluaskan konten-konten yang ditujukan untuk mengedukasi pemilih, khususnya pemilih pemula.

Penyebaran konten edukasi pemilih melalui platform-platform digital dilakukan dengan tagar kata kunci #PilkadaDamai, #AyoMemilihSerentak, dan #PilkadaSerentak2024.


Tagar-tagar kata kunci tersebut dalam pemantauan Kemkomdigi telah menjangkau lebih dari lima juta pengguna internet, terutama kelompok muda dari Generasi Milenial dan Gen Z.

Penyebaran narasi positif terkait Pilkada 2024 juga dilakukan melalui media daring dan media luar ruang seperti videotron dan baliho.

“Kami memastikan masyarakat mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dan mendorong terciptanya suasana Pilkada yang damai serta kondusif,” kata Meutya Hafid.


Negosiasi TKDN iPhone 16 : Apple Berani Sodorkan Rp 1,5 Triliun ke RI

Logo Apple – Apple dikabarkan berniat menginvestasikan dana senilai 100 juta dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 1,58 triliun di Indonesia untuk dua tahun ke depan.

Proposal investasi ini masih dalam rangka membujuk pemerintah Indonesia untuk mencabut pencekalan iPhone 16 series di Tanah Air. Setidaknya begitulah menurut sumber yang mengetahui masalah ini sebagaimana dilansir Bloomberg.

Lantas, dengan proposal investasi yang baru ini, apakah iPhone 16 bakal otomatis lolos sertifikasi Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) yang saat ini tengah menjegalnya?

Hal ini mengingat iPhone 16 series tengah dilarang diperjualbelikan di Indonesia karena Apple belum menuntaskan komitmen investasi senilai Rp 1,7 triliun sebagai syarat sertifikasi Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN). Dari total investasi yang dijanjikan, baru Rp 1,48 triliun yang terealisasi. Artinya, masih ada kekurangan Rp 240 miliar dalam investasi Apple di Tanah Air untuk memuluskan kehadiran iPhone 16 di Tanah Air.

Nah, kini, Apple disebut menjanjikan investasi 100 juta dollar AS (sekitar Rp 1,58 triliun) untuk Indonesia. Secara teori, tambahan investasi Rp 1,58 triliun itu memang bisa menutup kekurangan Rp 240 miliar dari komitmen investasi Apple sebelumnya yang senilai Rp 1,7 triliun.

Jika direstui oleh pemerintah, investasi 100 juta dollar AS ini bisa saja memuluskan jalan masuk iPhone 16 di Tanah Air. Dengan begitu, iPhone 16 bisa masuk secara resmi dan diperjualbelikan di Indonesia.

Namun, menurut sumber anonim yang dilansir Bloomberg, Kementerian Perindustrian belum membuat keputusan akhir tentang proposal investasi 100 juta dollar dari Apple tersebut.

Jadi, status iPhone 16 series, setidaknya hingga saat berita ini ditulis pada Kamis (21/11/2024), masih ilegal untuk diperjualbelikan di dalam negeri.

iPhone 16

Namun, warga Indonesia masih diizinkan membeli iPhone 16 series dari luar negeri, asal tidak lebih dari dua unit per penumpang.

Perlu dicatat juga, iPhone 16 yang dibeli di luar negeri ini juga harus didaftarkan IMEI-nya, dibayarkan pajaknya, dan hanya terbatas untuk pemakaian pribadi saja.

Kemenperin memperkirakan, pada periode Agustus-Oktober 2024 sebanyak kurang lebih 9.000 unit seri iPhone 16 telah masuk ke Indonesia melalui jalur bawaan penumpang dan telah membayar pajak.

Ponsel-ponsel tersebut masuk secara legal, tetapi akan menjadi ilegal jika diperjual-belikan di Indonesia.

Tawaran pabrik Rp 157 miliar Apple tak digubris

CEO Apple Tim Cook bertemu dengan Presiden Joko Widodo di Istana Merdeka

Sebelum ada kabar proposal investasi 100 juta dollar AS, Apple lebih dulu menawarkan investasi tambahan senilai 10 juta dollar AS (sekitar Rp 157 miliar).

Rencananya, dana 10 juta dollar itu akan diinvestasikan untuk pabrik yang memproduksi aksesori dan komponen di kota Bandung. Namun, tawaran ini belum digubris oleh pemerintah Indonesia.

Tak menyerah, kini, Apple diyakini meningkatkan tawarannya dengan janji investasi 100 juta dollar AS. Jumlah ini 10 kali lipat lebih tinggi dari tawaran investasi sebelumnya yang senilai 10 juta dollar AS.

Di sisi lain, setelah Apple mengajukan tawaran yang lebih tinggi, Kementerian Perindustrian dikabarkan menuntut raksasa teknologi itu untuk mengubah rencana investasinya agar lebih fokus pada penelitian dan pengembangan ponsel pintarnya di negara ini, kata sumber tersebut.

Nvidia, the semiconductor company renowned for producing Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for computers, launched the Nvidia 1.0 app for Windows PCs and laptops on Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Nvidia Releases App for Windows PCs and Laptops: Here’s What It Does

Nvidia, the semiconductor company renowned for producing Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for computers, launched the Nvidia 1.0 app for Windows PCs and laptops on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. The app had been in beta testing for approximately nine months before its official release. The primary goal of the Nvidia 1.0 app is to simplify GPU management for users, consolidating settings that were previously managed separately through two software applications: GeForce Experience and Nvidia Control Panel.

“GeForce Experience can still be used, but we won’t be adding new features or fixing bugs. The Nvidia 1.0 app will include Game Ready Drivers, not GFE,” Nvidia said, as reported by KompasTekno from Toms Hardware on November 13, 2024. Nvidia claims the new app is more intuitive, user-friendly, and faster compared to GeForce Experience. With the Nvidia app, users can more easily update their GPUs when new versions become available and manage settings for game optimization.

Key Features of the Nvidia App

The app allows users to manage GPU settings for the entire system or per game title through a dedicated “Graphics” tab. Some of the settings available in the app include Vertical Sync, Max Frame Rate (for visual content), and Low Latency Mode (for latency adjustments).

Additionally, users can access the System tab to view information about their display, video, and GPU performance. There’s also a My Rig menu that provides details about the computer being used.

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Redesigned Nvidia Overlay Panel

The Nvidia app also features a redesigned Nvidia Overlay panel. From this panel, users can access options for screen recording, screenshots, and more. Nvidia has added a new feature for short-duration screen recording, as well as an automatic Highlights option that captures key moments in a video.

The overlay panel can be accessed from the top right of the app, next to the profile menu. Users can also open the overlay by pressing Alt+Z.

Additional Features and Future Updates

Through the app, users can access a variety of Nvidia services, including GeForce Now for game streaming, Nvidia Broadcast for streaming and broadcasting, and FrameView for performance tracking. The app also allows users to redeem Nvidia codes or rewards.

Looking ahead, Nvidia plans to introduce additional options such as Surround and customizable resolution settings, which were previously available in Nvidia Control Panel. These features will be added in future updates to the Nvidia app.












Microsoft Outlook now has dynamic AI-powered themes

Microsoft is adding AI-powered themes to Outlook today. Dubbed “Themes by Copilot,” this AI-powered feature will require a Copilot Pro or business license to add a more personalized look to Microsoft’s email client.

The themes will appear across Outlook for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and on the web, and they’re designed to make “Outlook more beautiful and approachable,” according to Microsoft.

You’ll be able to create a theme based on the weather or locations, and they can dynamically update every few hours, each day, weekly, or monthly. “If you’ve enabled location permissions in Outlook, the My Location theme will bring you imagery uniquely inspired by your locale, dynamically updating for you as you head out the door on a trip or vacation,” says Microsoft.

Every AI-generated theme has a wallpaper for the background on the desktop version of Outlook or the top section of the iOS and Android apps. There’s also an accent color that themes the rest of the Outlook client.

Microsoft is also releasing a collection of non-AI-powered themes for everyone without a Copilot license. The collection includes green, red, and purple themes that are available across the web, PC, Mac, and mobile versions of Outlook.

















Apple debuted AI on the iPhone today. Here’s what to look out for

Apple debuted AI on the iPhone today. Here’s what to look out for

Apple Intelligence launched on Monday, but the rollout is just a glimpse of how Apple hopes to transform its products with artificial intelligence.

The tech giant unveiled initial features of Apple Intelligence — its suite of AI tools — on select devices with its latest software update for iPhones, iPads and Macs.

Apple’s AI features for iPhones will be available for free to users with any iPhone 16, iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max, who update to iOS 18.1. Apple Intelligence is also available for iPad and Mac models that support iPadOS 18.1 and macOS Sequoia 15.

With Apple Intelligence, the company is implementing its first set of generative AI tools that aim to change how people use their iPhones and cement Apple’s stake in the AI race against competitors like Microsoft and Google. Generative AI is the technology that produces unique text and images in response to user-prompts — from obscure images to relentlessly catchy music.

The release of Apple Intelligence comes on the heels of the iPhone 16 release in September, which is equipped with chip hardware designed to support Apple’s AI-powered features.

A pivot to AI has been a focus for Apple since it first unveiled the suite of Apple Intelligence features at the annual Worldwide Developers Conference in June. Implementing new generative AI is at the forefront of Big Tech ambitions to maintain exponential growth, and after years of sluggish sales, Apple is betting on AI to boost its performance and reinvigorate its consumer base.

The AI features rolling out with iOS 18.1

The Apple Intelligence features rolling out Monday include improvements to writing and editing, Siri and the Photo app.

Apple Intelligence’s Writing Tools bring users improved proofreading, summarizing and editing features. Another focus of the release is Siri, which is supposed to become “more natural and conversational” with Apple Intelligence, and will appear as a glowing light when activated.

With the software update, Apple says the Photos app is “more intelligent,” with the ability to search for photos and videos by typing visual descriptions, like what someone was wearing. Users will also be able to edit photos and remove unwanted visual elements with another new feature called Clean Up.

Additionally, users will be able to record and transcribe calls, with Apple Intelligence providing a summary.

Apple Intelligence’s features most likely fit into the “nice to have” category rather than necessary features most new phone buyers actively seek, however.

Angelo Zino, a technology analyst at CFRA Research,  that “you need to wait for word of mouth to trickle through the consumer base over the next couple of quarters” before consumers will see the value of the new technology.

And Apple’s loyal customers or AI-curious consumers who were intrigued by images of Apple’s new AI-generated “Genmoji” may feel underwhelmed by this launch, as many new features, like Image Wand — which lets users turn sketches into AI-generated images — won’t be available until at least December, when iOS 18.2 debuts.

While the first set of Apple Intelligence features might leave some iPhone users wondering if that’s all there is to it, some analysts are bullish on Apple’s plan to implement AI across its products, largely thanks to the company’s large position in the market.

Dan Ives, a managing director and senior equity analyst at Wedbush Securities, said in a note Sunday that the rollout is the start of what will be an evolving process. “Consumer AI will go through Apple’s ecosystem with over 20% of the world’s population ultimately interacting with AI on an Apple device the next few years,” Ives said.

Apple is betting big on AI to boost its sales, and the rollout follows the iPhone 16 release, which didn’t initially sell as well as Apple may have hoped. Apple sold just an estimated 37 million units in the first weekend of iPhone 16 pre-sales, down more than 12% compared to the same period last year, according to a blog post from Ming-Chi Kuo, an Apple analyst with TF International Securities.

Additionally, Apple recently cut orders for iPhone 16s by about 10 million units through the end of 2024 and into 2025, according to another blog post by Kuo. That cut will result in less production of iPhones, he noted. According to Kuo, iPhone production for the fourth quarter of 2024 is now forecast at around 80 million, down year-over-year from 84 million.

Kuo noted that he did not think Apple Intelligence would immediately boost Apple’s prospects for better sales.

“Some market participants are optimistic that Apple Intelligence could dramatically boost iPhone shipments soon,” Kuo said in the blog post. “However, Apple’s recent order cuts suggest this optimistic expectation may not materialize in the short term.”

The first rollout of Apple Intelligence features are available on devices with language settings set to American English. The ability to use Apple Intelligence in other languages like French or Japanese will roll out in 2025.

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Gemini Live

Google Launches Gemini Live, AI That Can Be Chatted With

Morrissey Technology – Google officially launched Gemini Live, an AI assistant that can be chatted with at the Made by Google event on Thursday (14/8). Gemini Live was previously introduced at I/O 2024 last May. Now, this feature has been officially launched to become a chat friend for users. Unfortunately, not everyone can use this AI assistant. Google launched Gemini Live on Gemini Advanced, Google’s paid version of AI.

“Gemini Live will start rolling out tomorrow, it will be available to all Gemini Advanced users on all devices. So, the rollout may take a week or two to fully complete, but it will be available on all Android phones on Gemini Advanced,” said Amar Subramanya, VP of Engineering at Google in an exclusive Virtual Roundtable session on Gemini News, Wednesday (13/8).

“We’ll start with English on Gemini Advanced, with more languages ​​on the way,” he added.

Kunjungi Juga: Situs Toto

Gemini Live represents a giant leap forward in AI assistants. The reason is, users can now chat with AI, instead of just asking questions. Previously, AI assistants could only interact in a question and answer format. In this session, Amar demonstrated Gemini Live by asking this AI to speak to those of us present at the virtual session.

“Hello to everyone there. I am very happy to be able to meet you all, even if only through my voice. I hope I can meet your expectations and you will enjoy learning about me,” said Gemini.

Amar interrupted Gemini’s words several times, and Gemini responded by stopping talking while listening to Amar’s words.

“This interaction is much more fluid, compared to taking turns talking. In my experience, I use it more as a trainer or as a brainstorming partner,” said Amar, recounting his experience of using Gemini Live for several weeks.

Amar said that currently Gemini Live can only input and output sound. However, other modalities such as visuals are being worked on by Google to provide this AI assistant. Google itself provides the option of 8 sound options in this initial version of Gemini Live. Furthermore, currently Android cellphone users can access Gemini for free. However, users who want to use Gemini Advanced must subscribe at a cost of IDR 309 thousand per month.
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Cisco Lays Off Thousands of Employees

Cisco Lays Off Thousands of Employees

Morrissey TechnologyCisco will lay off thousands of employees as part of its shift in business direction to more promising sectors, such as cybersecurity and AI. This is the second wave of layoffs carried out by Cisco, and it is estimated that the number of employees laid off will be almost the same, or perhaps even higher than before, namely when Cisco laid off 4,000 employees last February.

Reported by Reuters, citing an anonymous source, these layoffs will be officially announced at the same time as Cisco’s Q4 2024 financial report. Cisco shares immediately fell 1% after news of these layoffs was first announced, and Cisco shares have fallen 9% since the beginning of 2024. As of July 2023, Cisco had 84,900 employees, but this number has not been reduced by employees who were laid off in February 2024.

Cisco, a manufacturer of high-end routers and switches, said its business was struggling due to slumping demand and problems in the supply chain. This means they are diversifying their business, one of which is by acquiring the cybersecurity company Splunk for USD 28 billion in March 2024. This acquisition is expected to reduce Cisco’s dependence on network equipment sales revenue and increase their subscription business. Then Cisco is also trying to expand its AI business by incorporating AI into its products. They also target to get revenue of USD 1 billion from AI products by 2025.

Last June they injected funds into various AI startups amounting to USD 1 billion, for example Cohere, Mistral AI, and Scale AI. They also said they had made 20 AI-related acquisitions and investments over the past few years. Based on the monitoring site, 126 thousand people have been laid off from 393 technology companies during 2024. The latest news comes from Intel, which laid off 15% of its employees in early August, or around 17,500 employees.

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Apple Mac Mini

Apple Mac Mini Will Get Even Mini

Morrissey Technology – Apple is said to be overhauling the design of the upcoming Mac Mini, and this will be the first major design change since 2010. In this overhaul, Apple will reduce the dimensions of the Mac Mini, to the point that it could possibly be called Apple’s smallest desktop computer. According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, citing insider sources, the new Mac Mini will be similar in dimensions to the Apple TV, only slightly thicker.

Currently, Apple is testing a new Mac Mini design that has at least three USB-C ports and an HDMI, and the casing is still made of aluminum. Apart from design, the 2024 Mac Mini will also use the M4 chip, which is expected to be used gradually in the Mac product line, both desktops and laptops. The M4 was first released on the iPad Pro, and will later also be available on the Mac Mini, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, and Mac Studio.

The last Mac Mini released by Apple is the 2023 release, which has two variants. One is with the M2 chip and the other is with the M2 Pro. This step will also be continued on the 2024 Mac Mini, which will use the M4 and M4 Pro chips, but the Pro variant will only be available after October 2024. Previously it was reported that the iPad Pro received a significant performance increase after being updated from the M2 chip to the M4.

When tested, the M4 chip with the 10-core variant recorded an average single-core score of 3,695 and an average multi-core score of 14,550 from the results of 10 benchmarks. Judging from the single-core score, the M4 chip is much faster than the MacBook Pro with the M3 Max chip. The M4 chip’s multi-core score also nearly matches the M2 Max chip. For comparison, here are the single-core and multi-core scores of all Apple M-series chips released in the last two years:

  • M4: 3.695/14.550
  • M3: 3.087/11.702
  • M3 Pro: 3.112/15.286
  • M3 Max: 3.128/20.957
  • M2: 2.540/9.360
  • M2 Pro: 2.651/14.295
  • M2 Max: 2.802/14.800

When compared to the iPad Pro which uses the M2 chip, the M4 version of the iPad Pro has 46% faster single-core performance and 55% faster multi-core performance.