Morrissey Technology


Using AI During University Entrance Exams, Turkish Students Arrested

Artificial Intelligence

Using AI During University Entrance Exams, Turkish Students Arrested

Morrissey Technology – A student in Turkey was arrested after being caught trying to cheat on a university entrance exam using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This incident occurred during the Basic Ability Test (TYT) on June 8 2024, which shows how many people are willing to do various things to get university entrance tickets.

Students identified as MEE. This man had carefully planned the fraud attempt, he was known to have embedded a camera in the button of his shirt and hidden the electronic device in the lining of his shoe. MEE also managed to get past police surveillance at the entrance to the exam room, and then took the device in the restroom.

While in the exam room, MEE started taking photos of the exam questions and sent them to his friend with the initials AB. AB uses the ChatGPT platform to provide answers, which are then relayed back to the MEE headset via the router FOR4D.

Despite the elaborate scheme, the police became suspicious of MEE’s suspicious behavior and intervened. They confiscated a router disguised as a credit card, three cameras disguised as buttons, and MEE’s personal phone. Both MEE and AB were detained, and MEE faces charges that could result in prison time.

“ChatGPT not only detects written questions but also any image and if it is a question, then it can be used in any process such as solving the question. In this case, all the necessary technological mechanisms have been prepared for the system to work properly,” said IT expert Osman Demircan FOR4D.

Demircan further emphasized the dual potential of artificial intelligence and stated that artificial intelligence systems can be used for evil acts as well as for good. Extra steps should be taken to prevent this and similar cheating attempts on future exams.

Police are considering increased use of metal detectors and more thorough candidate searches to prevent such incidents.

Demircan suggested that law enforcement also monitor individuals using computers or phones near test centers and be alert to vehicles parked nearby, as they could be involved in cheating attempts.

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