Morrissey Technology


Will AI Make People Lose Their Jobs?

Artifical Inteligence

Will AI Make People Lose Their Jobs?

Morrissey Technology – Amid rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI), many workers are anxious about the future of their careers. AI, which is increasingly sophisticated and capable of performing a variety of human tasks, has raised questions about the relevance of human skills in the future. Director of the Digital Economy and Economist at the Center of Economic and Law Studies (Celios) Nailul Huda revealed that there are many jobs that can be replaced by AI. Even so, human existence is still needed.

“We can’t close our eyes. AI will replace human jobs. But we still need it. AI’s development must also come from humans who ordered it to create artificial intelligence,” said Nailul in Jakarta.

He added that the presence of AI creates new jobs. It’s just that at the same time new challenges emerge. “Don’t let new job opportunities emerge but instead foreign workers will come in,” said Nailul. Therefore, he reminded us to improve our abilities. So that it is not eroded by AI and foreign workers. “We have to be prepared to become qualified human resources. When jobs are lost because of AI, new jobs appear but they are filled by foreign workers,” said Nailul.

Expert Prompt

In a world increasingly influenced by AI, the ability to communicate with machines is becoming increasingly important. Therefore, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information (Wamenkominfo) Nezar Patria needs expertise in creating prompts. Prompts really determine the effectiveness of generative AI. Well-designed prompts can lead AI to produce relevant, accurate and innovative responses.

“Generative AI will read the prompts created, adapting to the impulses given,” said Nezar FOR4D.

To make a good prompt, according to the Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, it’s not just anything. There is knowledge in everything and fortunately nowadays it is easy to learn through online courses. “Who is good at making prompts will be more advanced in utilizing AI,” concluded Nezar.

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