Morrissey Technology


Study Reveals Hackers Can Steal Data Via HDMI Cables

Study Reveals Hackers Can Steal Data Via HDMI Cables

Morrissey Technology – A recent study by a research team at the Universidad de la Republica Montevideo, Uruguay, revealed that hackers can use artificial intelligence (AI) and HDMI cables to steal data on their victims’ computers. Read the explanation. The research, entitled ‘Deep-TEMPEST: Using Deep Learning to Eavesdrop on HDMI from its Unintended Electromagnetic Emanations’, was published on the arXiv preprint server. The research was conducted by Santiago Fernandez Emilio Martinez, Gabriel Vareal, and Pablo Muse Federico Larroca.

HDMI cables are usually used to transfer the screen display from a laptop or PC to a projector to have a larger display. This cable apparently produces electromagnetic radiation that can be captured by hackers. In this study, researchers found that hackers also used AI technology in hacking practices via HDMI cables.

The study involved capturing electromagnetic radiation emitted from a computer’s HDMI cable. They then trained the AI ​​system by providing screen samples associated with radiation signals traveling through the computer’s HDMI cable. As time went by, these systems gradually became better at interpreting text displayed on computer screens.

Test results show this system is able to reconstruct text from a computer screen randomly with 70 percent accuracy. They also note these systems may be good enough to steal passwords, sensitive data, or in some cases, encrypted communications. The researchers found that they could improve their results by using text recognition software on the text after it had been parsed.

Researchers say hackers may have conducted similar research. This means such screen hacks may have targeted a number of victims. According to them, all that is needed is hardware capable of capturing the electromagnetic radiation emitted by HDMI cables placed close to buildings, such as in the back seat of a car. The team further suggests that most people are not at risk of such an attack, due to the expertise required by this technique. Instead, they suggest that it is more likely that governments or corporate entities will be targeted.

Rim Jong Hyok

Wanted! North Korean Hackers Attack America Using Ransomware

Morrissey Technology – A court in Kansas City, United States found guilty Rim Jong Hyok, a North Korean intelligence agent who used ransomware to attack health care providers in America. According to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rim is part of a syndicate called Andariel, which is managed by the North Korean intelligence agency, or Reconnaissance General Bureau. Even though he has been found guilty, Rim has not been arrested by the American government. In fact, they are offering a reward of USD 10 million for people who can provide location information from Rim, a foreign intelligence agency that carried out cyber attacks on critical American infrastructure.

The victim of the ransomware spread by Andariel was a hospital in Kansas. In their report to the FBI, they said there was a cyber attack in 2021 that blocked access to patient data and lab results. This attack also made the hospital’s computer network unusable. Andariel’s modus operandi has often been used. Namely infiltrating Maui ransomware into the victim’s computer system. Then they demanded a ransom with the threat of releasing confidential information if the ransom was not paid.

In the case of this Kansas hospital, the ransom requested was USD 100 thousand in bitcoin, which had to be paid within 48 hours. The ransom money was allegedly used to buy computers and servers which were later used to carry out other cyber attacks. The ransom was eventually paid, but the flow of the money could be traced until they discovered that someone had transferred the bitcoins to an address belonging to two Hong Kong citizens.

Court documents state that the money was then transferred to a bank in China and withdrawn using an ATM located on the Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge, which connects China with North Korea. Andariel and Rim were found guilty of infiltrating networks belonging to 17 entities spread across 11 states. Four of them are defense contractors, two are American Air Force bases, and NASA.

Andariel is even said to have hidden in NASA’s computer network for three months and managed to steal 17GB of confidential data. Meanwhile, from an American defense contractor, they succeeded in stealing 30GB of confidential data. The FBI, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the US Treasury have issued warnings regarding Andariel’s cyber attacks on health institutions in 2022.

“North Korean cybercriminals may assume that organizations providing health services will be willing to pay ransoms,” the three agencies wrote in a statement.

Hackers Break into Pentagon's IT Service Provider

Hackers Break into Pentagon’s IT Service Provider, Sensitive Data Leaked?

Morrissey Technology – Hacking groups or hackers broke into and leaked information technology (IT) service providers from a number of government agencies in the United States, including the Pentagon to NASA. The hackers leaked stolen internal documents from Leidos Holdings Inc, one of the largest providers of IT services to the US government.

The company recently became aware of the issue and believes the documents were taken during a previously reported Diligent Corp systems leak. Leidos is currently investigating the data leak incident.

The Bloomberg report, citing archives from June 2023, said that the Virginia-based company used the Diligent system to store information collected in internal investigations. Leidos confirmed this issue stems from a previous incident affecting a third-party vendor. They have also announced this in 2023.

“This incident did not impact our network or sensitive customer data,” the company said.

A Diligent spokesperson said that this issue is likely related to an incident from 2022, which affected its subsidiary, Steele Compliance Solutions. The company has notified affected customers and has taken corrective action to address the incident in November 2022.

Previously, not long ago, around 1.4 GB of data belonging to the National Security Agency (NSA) was also reportedly leaked and posted on a dark forum. The leaked data included a number of sensitive and confidential information.

This NSA data leak was first revealed by Cyber ​​Press researchers. The leaked data reportedly contained sensitive information, including internal communications, classified documents, and personal data of NSA employees.

“The threat actor claims the data was allegedly obtained from a data breach of Acuity Inc, a company that collaborates with the United States government and its allies,”.

This leak raises serious national security concerns and highlights vulnerabilities in government contractors’ cybersecurity measures.


Malicious Spyware Threatens iPhone Users in 98 Countries

Morrissey Technology – iPhone users are once again the target of a terrifying spyware attack. Apple has issued a warning to iPhone users in 98 countries. In its latest alert, Apple did not reveal the bad actors involved in this latest attack or the list of countries where users received the alert. Since 2021, Apple has sent similar warnings to iPhone users in more than 150 countries.

“Apple detected that you were the target of a paid spyware attack that attempted to remotely compromise the iPhone associated with your Apple ID -xxx-,” Apple said in a warning received by affected users, as quoted by TechCrunch.

“This attack may target you specifically based on who you are or what you do for a living,” he continued.

Apple says it’s difficult to get complete certainty about detections like this. However, they are very confident about the warnings issued and ask users to take them seriously. iPhone users in India were among the group that received the warning. Last October, a number of journalists and politicians in India also received the same warning.

Not long after, they reported the discovery of Pegasus spyware on an iPhone belonging to a well-known journalist in India. This spyware made by the Israeli company NSO Group is considered vicious because it can infect and access all personal data on an iPhone via a zero-click attack. Just by receiving a special SMS, without even opening or clicking any link, this spyware infiltrates the iPhone without the user’s knowledge.

In its warning, Apple emphasized the highly sensitive nature of its threat detection methods. Therefore they cannot provide too detailed information for fear that it will be exploited by cybercriminals to avoid detection in the future.

Apple will of course immediately try to patch the security gaps that have been found. To avoid further attacks, iPhone users who have sensitive jobs such as journalists and politicians are asked to activate Lockdown mode.

Cellphones Hackers

Beware of the Various Ways Hackers Hack Cell Phones, Check Out the List

Morrissey TechnologyCybercriminals are starting to become adept at using various methods to hack the cellphones of their potential victims. They can even hack phones remotely. Hacking a cellphone requires a combination of sophisticated techniques and exploiting vulnerabilities in the device’s operating system (OS) or applications.

Even now, many hackers have created spyware applications to secretly steal users’ personal data. Usually hackers exploit security vulnerabilities in the user’s OS or device applications, with the aim of harming the user. According to cyber security company AVG Technology, the following are common techniques usually used by hackers to hack smartphone security.

1. Phishing

This technique involves the use of social engineering tactics to deceive users with the aim of getting users to reveal their personal information. Phishing can look simple, like just an e-mail saying “FREE” which then redirects the user to a malicious site if clicked. Or it could be a more complex scheme, such as an online quiz format where the answers tell the hacker information about the date of birth, birth mother’s maiden name, or even the name of the user’s first pet. Phishing also usually has its own victims, such as spear phishing which is a type of phishing attack that focuses on tricking one particular individual into revealing their personal information.

2. Spy apps

One way to infect a cell phone with malicious software (malware) is to convince users to download applications that have hidden tracking features. Apps like these can masquerade as games, productivity apps, or even promising security apps. In fact, the application is a spyware application that tracks online activities and personal data from users. Some spyware on Android can even spy on smartphones that are turned off. Another type of dangerous software for users is stalkerware, which can track a user’s movements, browsing, messages and calls. This stalkerware is usually installed by someone close to the user.

3. SIM swap

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), which confirms login with a text message sent to the cellphone, is a technique used by hackers to hack telephone numbers by swapping them to another SIM card (owned by the hacker).

4. Unauthorized access

Hackers can use phishing or other techniques to access users’ iCloud or Google accounts. This is apparently caused by the large number of users who link their accounts to social media, so that hackers can easily exploit accounts with unauthorized (illegal) access. With unauthorized access to a user’s account, hackers can see personal information such as the user’s location, email, messages, and passwords.

5. Bluetooth

Apart from being able to easily connect a user’s device to other devices, Bluetooth connections can also make cellphones more vulnerable to hacking. Hackers can use software to intercept Bluetooth signals and gain access to users’ phones. Therefore, do not pair your cellphone with an unfamiliar, untrusted device or in an unsafe location.

These SIM swapping scams typically start with phishing attempts designed to provide hackers with information to impersonate users at the service provider. Once there is enough information, the hacker can use the phone number to initiate a SIM swap.

6. Wi-Fi

Similar to Bluetooth, hackers can also use Wi-Fi connections to gain access to iPhone and Android devices belonging to potential victims. Using a public Wi-Fi network is very risky, as there is a possibility that the network has been previously set up to connect. Apart from that, users can also set up a mobile VPN on iPhone or Android. VPN or virtual private network encrypts user connections to prevent hackers from accessing the phone.

7. Charging station

This fraud is called juice jacking, the technique is carried out by infecting stations using malware. The target is users whose batteries are running low, which will not only provide a power boost, but malware connected to the cellphone will be able to monitor what the user does, collect and transmit personal data, and even make withdrawals from the user’s bank account.

8. Trojans

Trojans are malware that disguise themselves as harmless applications or files to trick users into opening them. Hackers can spy on users, use users’ cellphones in botnets (Robot Network), or even send malicious SMS messages.

9. Crypto piracy

Cryptopjacking FOR4D is the unauthorized use of a device to mine cryptocurrency without the knowledge or consent of the user. Hackers infect users’ phones and secretly install crypto mining malware that is used to mine cryptocurrency and send it directly to the hacker’s digital crypto wallet.