Morrissey Technology



Get to Know StudyX, an AI Program for Learning that is Currently Popular on Social Media

Morrissey Technology – On social media (social media), recently there has been a lot of discussion about StudyX. Several netizens said StudyX could be used to work on study questions. Because it is widely discussed, some users may be interested in finding out more about StudyX. So, what is StudyX that is being widely discussed on social media because it can work on various subject questions?

What is StudyX? As many netizens on social media have said, StudyX can indeed be used to help with study questions. StudyX is a generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) program in the form of a chatbot that is quite similar to ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, and others. StudyX is available in application or website versions. Just like other generative AI, StudyX generally also has the main ability to answer various user commands or questions.

Even though the capabilities are similar, StudyX specializes in responding to user commands. As an AI chatbot, StudyX is designed to be a tool or assistant for students to study various subjects. Thus, this AI program has a number of features that make it easier for users to learn. So, what features are available on StudyX? For more details, here are StudyX features that make studying easier.

StudyX Features In general, there are four main features in StudyX that users can use as learning assistants. The four features consist of Homework Help, Chat with AI, Research Paper, and Writing Assistant. The Homework Help feature on StudyX allows users to get help in working on subject questions. In this feature, users can upload photos or write study questions.

Then, StudyX will work on the problem and present the answer or solution, as well as the step by step process. Users can use this feature to help with various subject questions, including mathematics.

For mathematics, StudyX claims to be able to answer questions, such as algebraic equations and inequalities, geometric figures, trigonometry, statistics and probability. StudyX math solutions are supported by ChatGPT, GPT-4o, and Claude 3.5 models. In the Homework Help feature, if StudyX’s AI answer is not convincing, users can also directly ask a real human expert via the “Ask Expert” button. It is claimed that answers from experts will be sent within 12 hours.

Then, for the Chat with AI feature, users can interact with the chatbot such as asking questions or giving orders. Interestingly, at StudyX, users can choose to interact with other chatbot models, such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude. Furthermore, the Research Paper feature allows users to ask questions about various things and get answers equipped with sources or references. This feature can be used to help compile scientific articles.

The next feature available in Study X is Writing Assistant. This feature can help users write for various purposes, such as composing text, correcting grammar, answering messages, and paraphrasing.

In this feature, users can order StudyX to organize writing using certain settings, such as writing length (short, medium, long), writing format (for essays, e-mails, etc.), and writing tone (casual, formal, and others).

Users can access StudyX via the website or via applications available on Android phones and iPhones. All StudyX learning assistant features can be accessed for free. However, for a free account, users can only interact with StudyX in 12 sessions per day. Then, the features on the free account are also limited. For access to many features, users can subscribe to StudyX for 12.99 US dollars (around Rp. 210,000) per month. That is an explanation of the AI ​​StudyX program which is currently being widely discussed on social media because of its ability to present, hopefully it is useful.


OpenAI Was Hacked Last Year, Data Was Stolen But the FBI Didn’t Report it

Morrissey Technology – The artificial intelligence (AI) company behind ChatGPT, OpenAI, was reportedly the victim of a hack last year. Hackers at the time reportedly stole details about the company’s AI technology design. The news of this hack was revealed by The New York Times without mentioning the source of this news, and claimed “two people familiar with the incident” leaked this.

However, they claim the hackers only broke into the forum, not the core system, which drives OpenAI’s algorithms and AI framework. OpenAI reportedly disclosed the hacking incident to employees at an employee meeting in April last year. They also inform the board of directors.

However, OpenAI executives decided not to share the news with the public. They also did not report this incident to the FBI or other law enforcement. According to The New York Times, OpenAI did not disclose the hack to the public because information about customers was not stolen.

“Executives did not consider the incident a threat to national security because they believed the hacker was an individual with no ties to the foreign government,” the newspaper said.

The New York Times source said some OpenAI employees worry China-based adversaries could steal the company’s AI secrets and pose a threat to US national security.

Leopold Aschenbrenner, the leader of OpenAI’s supersignment team at the time, reportedly shared similar sentiments about weak security and being an easy target for foreign adversaries.

Aschenbrenner said he was fired earlier this year for sharing internal documents with three external researchers to get “feedback.” He insinuated his dismissal was unfair; he scanned the document for any sensitive information, adding that it was normal for OpenAI employees to contact other experts for a second opinion.

However, The New York Times points out that studies conducted by Anthropic and OpenAI reveal that AI is “not significantly more dangerous” than search engines like Google.

However, AI companies must ensure that their security is tight. Lawmakers are pushing for regulations that impose huge fines on companies whose AI technology causes social harm.

Artificial Intelligence

A Glance at the Trends in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Morrissey Technology – Recently, Netflix released a new, futuristic film based on the story of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, entitled “Atlas”. This film shows the dark side of AI and also the possibility of collaboration and harmonization between humans and AI, through a technology called “neurolink”.

Atlas, a fictional character in the film, represents the current skepticism of much of humanity towards the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on real life and the future of humanity. Even though the technology in the film is actually all around us now, be it AI or neurolink, whose name and working principle are similar to the neuralink technology developed by Elon Musk.

Full name Elon Revee Musk, a well-known businessman and investor in the digital sector, born in 1971, recently received strong criticism from one of the expert scientists known as the GodFather AI, Yann Andree LeCun. According to Yann, as written on his X / Twitter account, Elon is too based on conspiracy theories and “exaggerates” when talking about AI development. According to Yann, the development of AI technology is (should) be based on research and scientific studies FOR4D.

Elon, via his X/Twitter account, has thrown back criticism by asking what contribution scientists like Yann have made to the development of AI today. Moreover, according to Elon, Yann is “just” an employee of a large corporation who must be ready to take orders. In fact, Yann, who is the Chief AI Scientist at Meta, is also a well-known Professor of Mathematics with dozens of scientific papers/technical papers that he has published, including about the development of AI technology which is now widely carried out in the world.

This debate is interesting, valid and relevant, illustrating how the point of view of a businessman and investor like Elon collides with that of a scientist and researcher like Yann. AI technology must be fully implemented by various parties, from both positive and negative sides in its development and use. Even today’s AI technology itself, because it is developing quickly and almost independently, is projected to one day be able to surpass human intelligence and control. How far have we prepared FOR4D.

AI and the Digital Divide

In the AI ​​for Good Global Summit Forum which was held in Geneva at the end of May 2024, it was stated that humanity today will not be able to avoid (the development of) AI technology. However, behind the discourse about all the goodness brought by this technology, all of us, also globally, continue to be haunted by risks and negative impacts that cannot yet be clearly measured.

Negotiations and debates are still hotly underway in countries in the Global North and Global South. One of the points is about how to develop AI ethically, of course by understanding the different conditions and ecosystems in each country.

Within the country itself, for example, amidst the big discourse on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and the ethics of its use, Indonesia is still faced with conditions of digital infrastructure/access gaps, unequal digital literacy skills in each region and the shadow of worry about job losses due to replacement. by AI technology.

This can also be seen in the reality of urban and rural disparities. Urban areas are considered to have more opportunities to be able to keep up with AI developments better than rural areas in Indonesia.

Of course, one of the reasons is because the forums available to discuss AI issues take place more in urban areas than rural areas, as well as the intensive use of AI in various health, financial and educational services in a number of big cities.

AI and Cybercrime

AI is indeed able to present a new style of learning and working that is more effective and productive with superior results for its users in creative and positive ways. But on the other hand, AI can also “facilitate” similar things for criminals.

Returning to the film “Atlas” which was mentioned at the beginning of this article, there is a figure called “Harlan”, an AI technology with terrorist abilities and attitudes that threaten human security. It may still seem futuristic, but crimes based on AI technology are already widespread around us.

In mid-2023, for example, WormGPT, an AI-based malware, will be able to generate and spread malicious code automatically. This certainly shocked the cybersecurity world and served as a reminder that AI technology has the potential to be misused. At least, here are some crimes that use AI technology, as quoted from Technology Review.

1. Spread of Phishing

Phishing is the biggest cyber crime that is “assisted” by AI. Phishing criminals are now using AI technology to further perfect their criminal tricks. Spam generating services, such as GoMail Pro, for example, have integrated ChatGPT into their services to make it easier for criminals to interpret their fraud and send it to victims.

2. Deepfake Fraud

AI technology now allows cybercriminals to fabricate sounds, images and videos so that they appear very similar to the real thing. In an MIT Technology review of AI-based cybercrime, it was found that many platforms openly sell deepfake services at a relatively cheap price of around 160,000 per image. In Hong Kong, a finance worker at a multinational company was tricked into paying US$25 million (Rp. 392.97 billion) to a fraudster who used deepfake technology by posing as the company’s chief financial officer.

3. Jailbreak Service

This service allows criminals to manipulate AI systems. For example, writing code to create ransomware. Some AI companies, such as OpenAI and Google, have routinely installed security systems to prevent this from happening.

4. Doxxing and Spying (without rights)

AI is not only used for phishing, but is also a tool that is widely used for doxxing, for example to identify someone’s personal information online. This is because the AI ​​system is trained to retrieve data quickly from the internet, including personal data. Several researchers found that some AI technologies are capable of analyzing sensitive information such as ethnicity, a person’s location and a person’s occupation.

5. Hoax / Disinformation

AI can be used to produce highly realistic and convincing propaganda and disinformation content. This content can then be shared on social media and other online platforms to manipulate public opinion, spread hatred, or disrupt the democratic process.

6. Harassment Behavior

AI can be used to harass individuals online. AI can be used to analyze social media and other online activity to gather information about victims, and then use that information to send harassing or threatening messages. AI is also used to manipulate photos and videos of victims.

AI and Human Kindness

Not only is it a source of fear, AI is also being developed for the good of humanity. In the film “Atlas”, it is told that ultimately AI technology was used for good for the good of humanity. Apart from AI in the film Atlas, the development of AI-based technology for good is currently also being carried out in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, health, education and AI-based security.

For example, the development of AI to detect breast cancer by Google Health in collaboration with several hospitals in the UK. In Indonesia, BRIN is also developing innovative AI-based technology, including: SADEWA for weather prediction, SEMAR for fisheries and extreme weather at sea, SRIKANDI for air quality related to the health and environmental sectors, SANTANU for rain monitoring, JATAYU for aviation weather, SRIRAMA for climate change, KAMAJAYA FOR4D for the start of the season related to agriculture, INDRA for water resources and GATOTKACA for monitoring humidity or water vapor over Indonesian territory.

So, if we return to the excerpt from the debate between Elon and Yann above, it can be said that AI technology is not something that can or should be seen from just one point of view. There is a need to involve multiple stakeholders, namely government, academics, civil society, the private sector and the technical community, to ensure that the development and use of AI technology can be carried out ethically, safely and responsibly.

Each stakeholder will have varying points of view and may differ in negotiating the positives vs. negatives of AI technology. However, if we believe that differences in negotiations are a blessing, then AI will certainly be able to bring full benefits.

Facing AI, the World of Work Needs Digital Skills and Collective Bargaining

Facing AI, the World of Work Needs Digital Skills and Collective Bargaining

Morrissey Technology – The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has various impacts on humans. Especially in the employment context. So that AI can continue to provide benefits to the world of work, there needs to be collective bargaining between workers, corporations and AI technology providers.

“To ensure that AI can bring prosperity to humanity, there needs to be a serious policy regarding employment carried out through collective bargaining,” emphasized Celeste Drake, Deputy Director General of the International Labor Organization (ILO) – UN, at the Artificial Intelligence and Implications on the Indonesian Labor Market Forum.

The ILO, the UN organization that focuses on employment issues, also provides a number of additional pre-conditions, to ensure that AI does not necessarily “threaten” existing jobs.

“Efforts need to be made to ensure digital skills and lifelong learning for the workforce, so that they can then utilize AI technology,” said Celeste at the event which was also attended by ICT Watch at the invitation of ILO FOR4D – Jakarta.

He also added that adequate governance regarding the use of AI in the world of work also needs to be in place. “Which AI can be used and which should not be used, there needs to be governance,” he stressed.

According to him, with adequate AI governance, anticipatory steps can be taken to minimize discrimination against workers related to the use of AI technology or the recommendations produced by it.

The ILO is currently studying in depth and continuously whether and how AI technology can disrupt the employment sector. This is for example how algorithmic management practices are often associated with work efficiency and effectiveness, such as ranking systems, supervision and control through tracking devices, online recording of working hours, the use of various forms of work, and so on.

In a study included in ILO Working Paper 96 as of August 2023, it was shown that most jobs and industries are exposed to AI only in automation and are more likely to “supplement” rather than “replace” with the latest Generative AI technologies, such as chatGPT. Therefore, according to the ILO, the biggest impact of AI technology is likely not to be the loss of jobs, but rather the potential changes to the quality of work, especially work intensity and autonomy.

Artificial Intelligence

Using AI During University Entrance Exams, Turkish Students Arrested

Morrissey Technology – A student in Turkey was arrested after being caught trying to cheat on a university entrance exam using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This incident occurred during the Basic Ability Test (TYT) on June 8 2024, which shows how many people are willing to do various things to get university entrance tickets.

Students identified as MEE. This man had carefully planned the fraud attempt, he was known to have embedded a camera in the button of his shirt and hidden the electronic device in the lining of his shoe. MEE also managed to get past police surveillance at the entrance to the exam room, and then took the device in the restroom.

While in the exam room, MEE started taking photos of the exam questions and sent them to his friend with the initials AB. AB uses the ChatGPT platform to provide answers, which are then relayed back to the MEE headset via the router FOR4D.

Despite the elaborate scheme, the police became suspicious of MEE’s suspicious behavior and intervened. They confiscated a router disguised as a credit card, three cameras disguised as buttons, and MEE’s personal phone. Both MEE and AB were detained, and MEE faces charges that could result in prison time.

“ChatGPT not only detects written questions but also any image and if it is a question, then it can be used in any process such as solving the question. In this case, all the necessary technological mechanisms have been prepared for the system to work properly,” said IT expert Osman Demircan FOR4D.

Demircan further emphasized the dual potential of artificial intelligence and stated that artificial intelligence systems can be used for evil acts as well as for good. Extra steps should be taken to prevent this and similar cheating attempts on future exams.

Police are considering increased use of metal detectors and more thorough candidate searches to prevent such incidents.

Demircan suggested that law enforcement also monitor individuals using computers or phones near test centers and be alert to vehicles parked nearby, as they could be involved in cheating attempts.


Microsoft Threatened with Billions of Dollars in Fines Due to Bing AI

Morrissey Technology – Microsoft faces a fine of up to 1% of its annual revenue if it does not immediately respond to the European Union’s request by May 27 2024. The threat stems from requests made under the European Union’s Digital Services Act regarding the company’s Bing search engine and related generative artificial intelligence (AI) services.

In a post onMicrosoft faces a fine of up to 1% of its annual revenue if it does not immediately respond to the European Union’s request by May 27 2024. The threat stems from requests made under the European Union’s Digital Services Act regarding the company’s Bing search engine and related generative artificial intelligence (AI) services.

The European Union explained that the initial request sent on May 14 related to specific risks stemming from Bing’s generative AI features, particularly Copilot in Bing and image creation by Designer. Microsoft has until May 27, 2024 to provide the requested information to the European Union.

This warning was accompanied by a notice that the EU FOR4D may impose fines of up to 1% of the provider’s total annual revenue, as well as periodic fines of up to 5% of the provider’s average daily revenue if the EU’s requests are not met before the deadline. While a 1% revenue fine may not sound like a major blow, in Microsoft’s case, it could amount to more than USD 2 billion.

Self-reported revenue for 2023 is USD 211 billion, and if current market trends remain stable, it is conceivable that Microsoft could surpass that figure in 2024. With these figures, if fined, it would be around USD 2.1 billion.

However, Microsoft has not been found guilty of violating European Union law, at least not specifically in relation to this notification. Rather, this appears to be more of a polite notice to the public that Microsoft has effectively been asked to provide further details, which have consequences if ignored.

ARM Chip

ARM Wants to Make AI Chips, Will it Disrupt Nvidia’s Dominance?

Morrisseyn TechnologyARM, a processor core designer, plans to enter a new segment that will develop artificial intelligence (AI) chips. The company owned by SoftBank Group wants to launch its first AI chip product in 2025. To realize this plan, the British company will create an AI chip division which is targeted to make its first AI chip prototype in the spring of 2025.

Then, to mass produce these AI chips, ARM will collaborate with other companies in the fall of 2025. Currently, SoftBank is negotiating with TSMC and a number of other chip manufacturing companies to secure production capacity for these AI chips FOR4D.

The cost of developing this AI chip is said to be hundreds of billions of yen, one of which comes from SoftBank. However, when these chips are mass produced, the AI ​​chip business will be separated from ARM and will be directly under SoftBank FOR4D.

For your information, ARM is the manufacturer and design of processor cores whose licenses are used in almost all cellphone chips in the world. From there they get royalty income, which is then used to expand the data center business, where many companies want to make their own chips to run AI models and reduce their dependence on Nvidia.

ARM’s entry into the AI FOR4D ​​space comes at the right time, because demand for AI chips is increasing and so far it has almost doubled the value of Arm’s shares since its initial public offering last September 2023. ARM’s capitalization with this increase has now reached more than USD 100 billion.

artificial intelligence

OpenAI Powered Robot Shows Off, Chats and Serves Apples

Morrissey Technology – Robots with artificial intelligence (AI) technology are increasingly sophisticated and the latest ones can serve food and communicate like humans. The robot, named Figure 01, is equipped with OpenAI technology, which allows it to have full conversations with humans and make a cup of coffee.

Figure, the company behind the smart robot, uploaded a video clip about the sophistication of Figure 01 on their official account on X (formerly Twitter). In the video, you can see a series of simple tests. Initially, Figure 01 was asked to give an apple, and then a trial conversation between a human and a robot.

Researchers asked the robot to explain why it handed him an apple while he was picking up trash. As a result, the robot can answer all these questions in a friendly voice. In its statement, the Figure company explained that the conversations that the robot can carry out are supported by integration with technology created by OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT FOR4D.

“With OpenAI, Figure 01 can now have a full conversation with a human. OpenAI models provide high-level visual and language intelligence. Artificial neural networks provide fast, low-level, dexterous robotic actions,” said Figure’s official statement on Twitter.

Quoting LiveScience, experts interpret this technology as a form of progress in two main fields of robotics. The first advancement is the mechanical engineering behind robot movements that are agile and can self-correct like humans can.

This means there is a technology of highly precise motors, actuators and graspers inspired by joints or muscles, as well as motor controls to manipulate them to perform tasks and hold objects carefully, on the robot.

Picking up a cup, for example, something humans do almost unconsciously, uses an intensive process to direct muscles in a precise sequence. The second advance is real-time natural language processing (NLP) thanks to the addition of the OpenAI engine – which should be as fast and responsive as ChatGPT FOR4D when you type queries or commands into it.

It also requires software to translate this data into audio, or speech. NLP is a field of computer science that aims to give machines the ability to understand and convey speech.

Overall, the test robot can already resemble humans, if the footage and scenes are real. Starting from including random diction when speaking then starting the sentence ‘um’ which is subconsciously similar to humans when taking a split second to think about what to say.

Drone AI

AI Drones Capable of Killing People Can Be Made in a Matter of Hours

Morrissey Technology – It only takes a few hours to configure a small, commercially available drone to hunt a target, a scientist warns. Luis Wenus, an entrepreneur and engineer, incorporated an artificial intelligence (AI) system into a small drone to chase people like in a game. He shared the results of this ‘fad’ activity in a post on March 2 on X/Twitter. But he soon realized that the device could easily be configured to hold an explosive charge.

Collaborating with Robert Lukoszko, another engineer, he configured the drone to use an object detection model to find people and fly toward them at full speed. Both also incorporate a facial recognition system into the drone that can work at a distance of up to 10 meters. This means that armed versions of drones can be used to attack specific people or targets.

“It only took a few hours to make, and made me realize how scary it is. You can easily tie a small amount of explosives to it and let 100 explosives fly,” wrote Wenus as quoted by Science Alert.

Wenus describes himself as an ‘open source absolutist’, meaning he believes in always sharing code and software through open source channels. He also identifies himself as ‘e/acc’ which is a school of thought among AI researchers that refers to the desire to accelerate AI research regardless of the downsides. This flow arises from the belief that the profits will always be greater than the profits. But he said that he would not publish any code related to this experiment.

“Terror attacks could be planned in the near future using this kind of technology. Although people need technical knowledge to engineer such systems, writing software will become easier as time goes by, partly because of advances in AI as an assistant in writing code,” he said.

Anti-drone System

Wenus said his experiments show that society needs to immediately build anti-drone systems for civic spaces where large numbers of people can gather. According to Robin Radar, there are several countermeasures that the community can build, including cameras, acoustic sensors and radar to detect drones.

However, to disrupt them, technology is needed such as radio frequency jammers, GPS spoofers, net guns, and high-energy lasers. Although these weapons have not yet been used in a civilian environment, such equipment has previously been conceptualized and used in the context of warfare. Ukraine, for example, has developed explosive drones in response to the Russian invasion.

The US military is also looking for ways to build and control swarms of small drones that could attack targets. The move follows efforts by the US Navy after first showing it could control 30 drones with explosives in 2017, according to MIT Technology FOR4D Review.