Morrissey Technology


Delta Emulator

Delta Emulator Comes to the App Store, iPhone Users Can Play Old Nintendo Games

Morrissey Technology – Apple recently allowed emulators to circulate in the App Store. Now the first emulator is officially available on the App Store, namely Delta Emulator. Delta is an emulator developed by developer Riley Testut and previously available outside the App Store. Testut is known as the developer of the open-source emulator GBA4iOS, which has now evolved into Delta and currently the emulator has received Apple’s approval to enter the App Store.

Delta is an all-in-one emulator that supports gaming systems such as the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, Game Boy, and Game Boy Advance. Delta says it will support more platforms.

This emulator displays control buttons on the screen whose arrangement and appearance can change according to the system being played. Delta also supports Bluetooth controllers, including controllers for consoles such as Xbox One S, Xbox Series X, PS4, and PS5.

Delta also supports quick saves, cheat codes, and data sync between devices using Google Drive or Dropbox. There’s also multiplayer for up to four players for NES, SNES, and N64 as well as AirPlay streaming support. iPhone users who want to play old Nintendo games must have the game they want to play, then import it as a ROM file, and add it to the library in the Delta application, as quoted from Engadget.

iPhone and iPad users outside the European Union FOR4D can directly download the Delta emulator from the App Store. But users located in the European Union will have to use a third-party app store called AltStore to download Delta.

Delta isn’t actually the first emulator available on the App Store. Previously there was an emulator called iGBA which turned out to be a clone version of Testut’s GBA4iOS. This emulator was later kicked from the App Store for violating spam and copyright rules.

Apart from that, there is also an NES emulator called Bimmy. This emulator also didn’t last long on the App Store because the developer was afraid of being punished by Nintendo, which has recently become more strict in cracking down on emulators.